Supposedly it's the only gun in the game that can fire through cockpit glass.some_random_panda wrote:
I hate the M95. It's inaccurate because of the wide sights, it's not ideal for moving target headshots and it's gotta be one of the loudest guns in the game (short of the tank and artillery). Really, you get one shot and then you have to run because it's easy to track down an M95 user.
On the other hand, It's a good excuse for me to miss with it (damn sights are so ******* massive, grrr), and sometimes it comes in handy.
By the way, is it the only sniper that can go through windshields? I remember headshotting a driver heading towards me with a M24.
Although...I've killed pilots with AKs before. SRAWs and GLs can also kill pilots but I think that's because of the seams in the glass and the splash damage caused by the weapon.
Anyway yeah, I can distinctly remember killing three pilots with the AK playing on Ghost Town after they tried to take off in the chopper.