Where is the bf2 movie where the Spets and S.A.S. guy are having a mexican stand off? I cant find it on youtube and google shows nothing relevant.
Haven't seen that one. If you find it post it up.
I'm looking i've been through 20 google pages and found nothin.
I dont know that one, if you dont mind, may i ask a question on this thread too, Thanks
Ok there was a forum here a few months ago about a movie and they said they had some professionals working on the themes, and effects, and they were really proud of what they did. I remember responces like, that was the best bf2 video ever and stuff. Am i crazy or does it really exist? If anybody knows what im talking about will you please post the link or name of the video.
Ok there was a forum here a few months ago about a movie and they said they had some professionals working on the themes, and effects, and they were really proud of what they did. I remember responces like, that was the best bf2 video ever and stuff. Am i crazy or does it really exist? If anybody knows what im talking about will you please post the link or name of the video.