Yesterday as I was being driven to the pub I saw 3 fellas huddled in a doorway, I immediately thought 2 things;
1. Friend or Foe? Why didn't they have names and colours over their heads?
2. Where are my nades?
Sadly this is very true.
Along the same lines I smashed a cup the other day and the first thing I thought was "Shit! Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+Z!"
Is there a rehab centre for people coming to terms with geekness?
1. Friend or Foe? Why didn't they have names and colours over their heads?
2. Where are my nades?
Sadly this is very true.
Along the same lines I smashed a cup the other day and the first thing I thought was "Shit! Ctrl+Z, Ctrl+Z!"
Is there a rehab centre for people coming to terms with geekness?