What is the blast radius of a TV?
I dont know the actually numbers but its pretty small I think. I remember only 'just' missing a tank and it didnt seem to do any significant damage. Super when you hit though! TV FTW!
like 1 meter i think, i once was like 1 meter away froma guy and he started smoking.
Somewhere around ~5m I believe. If one hits the ground next to you farther than that you just get shellshock. Of course the closer the blast the more damage done. I've seen choppers set a flame from full health by a TV missle going off extremely close.
Last edited by TechGuy (2007-03-28 21:05:05)
It's very small. If you miss a tank by inches you just kinda damage it, even if. I'm not sure if it even damages it. And that's not meters you can see it barely miss.
Last edited by JaggedPanther (2007-03-28 21:39:06)
Very small. You pretty much have to direct hit, or get it really close to inf, to kill them
About the same size as a grenade.
dunno. i have only had direct hits which result in killing all i meant to kill. ever.
Seriously, it's really short. I hit the ground right next to someone on foot and he lived. If it were a grenade he would've been dead for sure.
I might even hazard a guess that it has to hit or nothing. Don't know for sure but again a Nade would've killed the guy.
I might even hazard a guess that it has to hit or nothing. Don't know for sure but again a Nade would've killed the guy.
Surley TV missiles are supposed to be shaped charge AT rounds not high explosive? - the FFAR are HE I think therefore have a bigger (although less powerful) blast radius
Last edited by Katash (2007-03-29 14:33:17)