Oh dear. This could be the spark that starts a "my country is better than your country" war. In all honesty, having the best snipers means nothing without an army for them to support. You could just roll up in a tank and smush 'em. And also, saying that you have "to best sniper in the world" is really, REALLY subjective. Just because one of them made a really long-ass shot using a sniper rifle and killed a man, doesn't mean that they are the best.Psych0 wrote:
Canadian soldier are better than USA soldier on 1vs1. Canadian also have to best sniper in the world. Their army is just way smaller than the USA army or other country, and the guns, tanks, etc is old and is in ruin. Even if I'm Canadian, I don't think there should be Canadian forces in Bf2, the army, and war in Canada aren't very important. We already have USMC vs MEC maps, it would be the same, CF(Canadian forces) vs MEC...
A mod could be nice to play but not that interesting.
Freedom fries = French fries. We (i.e. not New York, but the rest of our great, ignorant nation) "changed" the name to freedom fries because the French wouldn't back us up in our invading of Iraq.ShellShock.PwN wrote:
we drive like assholes, or you just suck at driving? and i have never heard of freedom fries.
But let's not turn this into a D&ST debate, m'kay?