Step one: Find a dead teammate (as shown by the guy laying on the ground, and empty health bar above his head - also marked by the icon in your mini-map).
Step two: Press "6", or scroll down to the defibrillator's.
Step three: Walk over to downed teammate.
Step four: Place crosshair over downed teammate, and left-click your mouse to revive them.
Nothing makes me more angry than idiots who don't know how to play medic. You die next to five medics, scream "MEDIC!!!" numerous times, yet they just stand there or run away. WTF?!
Whenever I'm medic and someone dies, I do whatever I can to revive them. Number 1, I want the points, and number 2, it helps the team.
You'd think these tards would at least want the points from it, but NOOOOO! Let's just run away instead...
Step two: Press "6", or scroll down to the defibrillator's.
Step three: Walk over to downed teammate.
Step four: Place crosshair over downed teammate, and left-click your mouse to revive them.
Nothing makes me more angry than idiots who don't know how to play medic. You die next to five medics, scream "MEDIC!!!" numerous times, yet they just stand there or run away. WTF?!
Whenever I'm medic and someone dies, I do whatever I can to revive them. Number 1, I want the points, and number 2, it helps the team.
You'd think these tards would at least want the points from it, but NOOOOO! Let's just run away instead...