+119|6581|Floodsville, TN, (UK really)
The Art of War is a Chinese military treatise written during the 6th century BC by Sun Tzu. Composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare, it has long been praised as the definitive work on military strategies and tactics of its time.

Having studied the book myself I have found that many of the chapters, sayings, phrases and rules apply to more than just warfare. I've read through the book and selected some quotes which may apply to BF2. Bear in mind that these rules will tell you how to win battles, not how to get your next badge, or the most points.

Chapter 1: Initial Estimations

"Thus when making a comparative evaluation, ask:
Which ruler has the Tao (Way or Path)?
Which general has the greater ability?
Who has gained the advantages of Heaven (the seasons) and Earth (distance and terrain)?
Whose laws and orders are more thoroughly implemented?
Whose Forces are stronger?
Whose officers and troops are better trained?
Who rewards and punishments are clearer?
From these I will know victory and defeat!"

* * *

"Warfare is the Tao of deception.
Although you are capable, display incapability.
When committed to employing your forces, feign inactivity.
When your objective is nearby, make it appear distant, when distant, create the illusion of being nearby.
Display profits to entice them.
Create disorder in their forces and take them.
If they are substantial, prepare for them.
If they are strong, avoid them.
If they are angry, perturb them.
Be deferential to foster their arrogance.
If they are rested, force them to exert themselves.
If they are united, cause them to be separated.
Attack where they are unprepared.
Go forth where they will not expect it.
These are the ways military strategists are victorious. They cannot be spoken of in advance."

Chapter 2: Waging War

"What motivates men to slay the enemy is anger"

Chapter 3: Planning Offensives

"In general, the method for employing the military is this: Preserving the enemy's state capital is best, destroying their state capital second-best. Preserving their army is best, destroying their army second-best. Preserving their battalions best, destroying their battalions second-best. Preserving their squads is best, destroying their squads second-best.
For this reason attaining one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the pinacle of excellence.
Subjugating the enemy's army without fighting is the true pinnacle of excellence."

* * *

"In general, the strategy for employing the military is this: If your strength is ten times theirs, surround them; if five, then attack them; if double, then divide your force. If you are equal in strength to the enemy, you can engage him. If fewer, you can circumvent him. If outmatched, you can avoid him.
Thus a small enemy that acts inflexibly will become the captives of a large enemy"

* * *

"The general is the supporting pillar of state. If his talents are all-encompassing, the state will invariably be strong. If the supporting pillar is marked with fissures, the state will invariably grow weak."

* * *

"There are five factor from which victory can be known:
One who knows when he can fight and when he cannot fight will be victorious.
One who recognises how to employ large and small numbers will be victorious.
One whose upper and lower ranks have the same desires will be victorious.
One who, fully prepared, awaits the unprepared will be victorious.
One whose general is capable and not interfered with by the ruler will be victorious.
These five are the Tao to know victory."

* * *

"Thus it is said that one who knows the enemy and knows himself will not be endangered in a hundred engagements. One who does not know the enemy but knows himself will sometimes be victorious, sometimes meet with defeat. One who knows neither the enemy nor himself will invariably be defeated in every engagement."

Chapter 4: Military Disposition

"Those that the ancients referred to as excelling at warfare conquered those who were easy to conquer. Their victories were not marked by fame for wisdom or courageous achievement, but were free from errors. One who is free from errors directs his measures towards certain victory, conquering those who are already defeated."

* * *

"One who excels at warfare first establishes himself in a position where he cannot be defeated while not losing any opportunity to defeat the enemy.
For this reason, the victorious army first realises the conditions for victory, and then seeks to engage in battle. The vanquished army fights first and then seeks victory."

Chapter 5: Strategic Military Power

"Commanding a large number is like commanding a few. It is a question of dividing up the numbers.
Fighting with a large number is like fighting with a few. It is a question of configuration and designation."

* * *

"One who excels at moving the enemy deploys in a configuration to which the enemy must respond. He offers something that the enemy must seize. With profit he moves them, with foundations he awaits them."

Chapter 6: Vacuity and Substance

"In order to cause the enemy to come of their own volition, extend some apparent profit. In order to prevent the enemy from coming forth, show them potential harm."

* * *

"To ensure taking the objective in an attack, strike positions that are undefended. To be certain of an impregnable defence, secure positions that the enemy will not attack.
Thus when someone excels in attacking, the enemy does not know where to mount his defense; when someone excels at defence, the enemy does not know where to attack."

* * *

"The locations where we will engage the enemy must not become known to them. If it is not known, then the positions they must prepare to defend will be numerous. If the positions the enemy prepares to defend are numerous, then the forces we will engage will be few. If no positions are left undefended, there will not be any places with more than a few."

Chapter 7: Military Combat

"When faced with order, await the disordered; in tranquillity, await clamorous. This is the way to control the mind."

* * *

"When faced with distant, await the near; with the rested await the fatigued. This is the way to control strength."

Chapter 8: Nine Changes

"Do not rely on their attacking, but depend on having an unassailable position."

Chapter 9: Manoeuvering the Army

Do not approach deadly configurations of terrain. When we keep them at distance, the enemy is forced to approach them."

* * *

"If while far off they challenge you to battle, they want you to advance because they occupy easy terrain to their advantage."

Chapter 10: Configuration of Terrain

"In accessible terrain, first occupy the heights. In a stalemated situation, do not be enticed into going forth. As for constricted configurations, if we occupy them first we must fully deploy throughout them. As for precipitous configurations, we must hold the heights and await the enemy. In open terrain, if our strategic power is equal, it will be difficult to provoke them into combat.
All generals must investigate these."

Chapter 11: Nine Terrains

"Where if one fights with intensity he will survive, but if he does not fight with intensity he will perish, it is "Fatal Terrain". Cast them into positions from which there is nowhere to go and they will die without retreating."

* * *

"Only after the masses have penetrated dangerous terrain will they be able to craft victory out of defeat."

* * *

"If the enemy opens the door, you must race in."

Chapter 12: Incendiary Attacks

"Now if someone is victorious in battle and succeeds in attack, but does not exploit the achievement, it is disastrous."

* * *

"If it is not advantageous, do not move."

Chapter 13: Employing Spies

"If before the mission has begun it has already been exposed, the spy and those he informed should all be put to death."

Hope you all enjoy this, many of these passages can be enployed way beyond BF2. Please feel free to reply with your own quotes, particularly if you know who originally said them.

Thanks - Ninja_Kid

Last edited by Ninja_Kid2002 (2007-03-30 14:34:55)

Yes it is a very wise book, that can also be applied to Business depending on the type of business.
Great book!
16 more years
+877|6838|South Florida
.44 Magnum - The art of pwnage
15 more years! 15 more years!
+1,452|6707|The Gem Saloon
+119|6581|Floodsville, TN, (UK really)
Wot's with putting this in "Junk Draw"?
It should be in Techniques, Strategies and Guides!

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