Mechanized infantry – a study of transport vehicles

Looking at the guides list I’ve seen guides for pretty much any situation, except transports. Why? A properly used humvee is a killing MACHINE. This guide is intended to remedy that, there will probably be a link to my battlefield stats somewhere so if you think I’m a noob or haven’t played enough to comment feel free not to read. In fact feel free to constructively criticise.

for those that wish to skim the underlined text forms the theory of the tactics, the normal text is the tactics section.

A vehicle, any vehicle in battlefield two, to an infantry man is basically a tank, or if you prefer an armoured fighting vehicle. Don’t believe me? Ok, let’s discuss the basic features of the tank. It must be armoured, right? To the point where it is superior to the protection afforded to infantry. It has to have firepower, superior to that available to the infantry. Finally it must have mobility so that it can leverage its advantages against superior numbers of infantry without having to engage them as a cohesive unit.

Ok so they are vulnerable to lots of things, especially the FAV and the pickup truck, but even they can give a decent level of protection against small arms fire if dismounted and cowered behind, so fight smart and fight dismounted. The Hummvee and the Vodnik meanwhile offer effective protection for both the driver and the gunner against small arms fire except for a well aimed shoot from the head. Fortunately the vehicle comes equipped with a tactical distraction device explained below. Artillery can still kill vehicles, but it has to get much closer than it does to an infantry man, of course you’re a bigger more open target, but then again your best defence in any vehicle is to clear the target zone fast, easier in a car than on foot.

What’s the best weapon in the game? The M95? The PKM? Nope it’s the 50 cal mount, found on humvees, vodniks, tank turrets, transport choppers. It has obscene accuracy once you get used to its aiming peculiarities, long effective range, stopping power and armour piercing bullets that work on jeeps and choppers. Though I have no idea about whether it will go through cockpit glass or not. The smaller mounts are more of a toss up, lots of bullets, however your individual weapon could well have an advantage in range, power or both. I’ll be reasonable; it does have a major weakness, unless you’re static whilst firing your not going to hit much except other vehicles. Not much different from the support’s machine gun which needs to be fired from prone to be used to full effect. The difference is the transports have 50 cal bullets and an inch thick plate steel shield welded to them.

Fast, faster than a tank and smaller than a tank, meaning it allows you to fit through gaps a tank could struggle with. Also gives the player the ability to move in and out of the battlefield confines without being punished for a tactically useful distance. The speed also makes them a harder target generally. Finally the transport offers one more crucial advantage; whereas only a fool would abandon a tank nobody is going to throw a fit over you walking away from your shiny never-been-scratched hummer. So if you need to get over a wall to cap a flag and there’s a stack of crates, you don’t need to steer through a minefield instead, sometimes its more important to know when to use a weapon than how.

The point of this little lecture? Transports are not just taxis or battering rams. with adequate tactics they are a valuable enhancement to the BF2 infantryman’s fighting capabilities by improving his armour firepower and mobility.

AA role

The transport vehicle, when equipped with the 50 cal machine gun makes in my opinion the perfect AA platform. Why? Three reasons. Its stealthy, no missile warning locks, no ruff-puff anti aircraft rounds, the pilot can just see his health bar steadily dropping and if he’s lucky, the occasional tracer round. Movement, the Hummer or the Vodnik is more mobile than armoured AA and even more so than static mounts. A moving target is a hard target, especially if the helicopter turns round for a second pass, instead of sitting on one spot and getting wasted relocate, especially if you can position yourself in cover so the chopper can’t hit you but you can hit him as he flies by. Firepower, the 50 cal mount is not only effective against the choppers (UNLIKE the smaller mounted guns) but its extreme accuracy at long ranges (against a big target like a chopper) means that its still effective beyond visual range, if a chopper flies out of sight on a predictable flight path, predict and keep firing, just be ready for if he comes back your way with murder in mind.

Hull down

Tired of being blown apart by RPGs time and time again? Simple solution: go hull down. Position your vehicle so that a wall or fence or any cover protects the vehicle, leaving only the turret ring above the feature. Unless the AT is a fantastic shot, they will miss and let’s face it ATs usually aren’t good shots because they are used to big targets (though there are some fine shots on-line), same goes for tank rounds. This is maximising your firepower and armour, since you are static and impervious to all weaponry unless employed with a higher level of accuracy than most people possess whilst being shot at with 50 cal. If they get accurate, duck inside the turret ring until they stop. The draw back comes with your loss of mobility. Not only are your flanks vulnerable but people will know where you are and will be actively seeking to sneak up on you, this tactic is best employed when you are guaranteed support either from a dedicated squad or a nearby spawn point to cover your back. It does have the advantage of being suited for a more urban environment where cover is plentiful and people will die to quickly to shoot back.

Finally there is one final enemy you must look out for. That team-mate who needs some wheels so that he can sweep for mines. Or collect machine gun bullets. Or go scuba diving.


Take an engineer class and mount up. Get behind a tank and follow it. Rack up points and kills as required. Please note this is a tactic for the more open maps. It is death in an urban environment. Combat occurs at too a short range and you will get AT’d. At longer range however the tank will draw the heat also acting as a meat shield for your transport and you will get a decent chance to repair it or enough time to use your wheels to sidestep any AT fire. Added to which you can pop rounds off at targets of opportunity or cover the tanks flanks/rear. Tactic requires either impromptu teamwork or coordination with the tank. As an aside watch the tank carefully, in an encounter with a TOW or enemy armour they will want to back up, either park to one side when behind the tank or keep an eye out to avoid being run over. Your there to help not to hinder.


A role in which the lighter transports are more suited than the big wheels, for either delivering a squad quickly to a weak point in the enemy formation, taking spec ops to their targets and capturing flags behind the main point of conflict that are thus unguarded. Here the crucial element is not armour or firepower but mobility. as such here is the key point to bear in mind. PLAN AHEAD. Hop in your vehicle. CHECK YOUR MAP. What route are you going to take? Bear in mind that this being a raiding force it is unlikely to be able to fight through any heavy opposition, even a manned static machine gun mount or a TOW could ruin your whole day, plan a route to avoid them. Use back routes, routes unsuitable for armour. Best case use a route that looks impassable to vehicles, even better use a route that for all intents and purposes IS IMPASSABLE. Better to walk, than to bleed. Also bear in mind the likely position of enemy counter mobility assets. This is a polite way of saying DON’T DRIVE OVER THE MINES (could also include a vehicle roadblock). Anticipate the position of likely minefields; keep your eyes on the road, let the passengers worry about infantry ambushes. If necessary and you have to cross long grass where you suspect or have already encountered mines, dismount and check on foot. Finally know when to dismount; if a stealthy approach makes more sense, the vehicle is a big fat noisy encumbrance. Ditch it, blow it out of ear shot, enjoy a nice stroll and crawl to your objective. Always consider destroying your vehicle if the time comes to dismount. On warlord for example, you can always tell when the SAS have launched a raid on the palace because there’s a taxi rank of abandoned vehicles on the mini map, or the taxi rank outside the suburbs in Karkand if you want a vanilla example. This tactic is equally suited to urban or open terrain if planned properly, though open terrain makes it easier to spot, especially from the air.

Other ideas – things I’ve seen/thought of that I haven’t enough experience with to comment on, or one off tactics.

Roadblocks, park a jeep on a road used regularly for raids, as they slow down/dismount to clear it. Shoot them from a concealed position, rinse repeat. Alternatively use the vehicles gun to shoot them. Alternatively use the vehicle to force them off road into a concealed minefield.

Check your mini map, so you can spot any vehicles that are abandoned in suspicious places (like your uncap).

Jihad Jeeps, covered elsewhere jihad jeeping and by and large not what this guide is about which is getting away from such tactics but as a tactic its out there and makes sense at times.

Dancing to the death, also covered elsewhere in Medic Vs Tank but with an interesting variation, if you encounter armour in your vehicle jump out and stand up close, so it can’t shoot you if the terrain is enclosed, like on one of those sharp corners in karkand the armour won’t be able to manoeuvre to get a shot. Because as it twists and turns to try and aim you stay at its side the effect is akin to dancing, they’ll either have to drive off or panic and bail out, hop in their vehicle and shoot them. Or if you’re packing AT firepower, ignore this and just shoot them.

Taxi, most people treat them like this, a convenient way to avoid a long walk after respawning away from the action, probably after someone’s grabbed the last tank.

Bumper cars, no gunner? just plain in a hurry? a Squad blocked the road? don't worry, their on foot, your in a truck, i think i see a way out of this. STEP ON IT. on the flip side on your own turf slow down, obey the pedestrian right of way law. hit that horn so your enemies are splattered on your bumpers not your teamates.

the followin hints from general breetai

- When being in a vodnic or humvee, apart from AT, your main infantry opponent is the sniper, which can headshot you even if you are in your turret. BUT, being a sniper myself, I can tell this is very, very difficult to do unless in close range or from the side. When I shot vodnic gunners, about 90% of my headshots result from a shot to the side of his head (Side shots hit more often than not at a distance of 300+). So when placing your vodnic, think where enemy infantry could be. Even if at long distance, when they could at your side, choose another place.
- When you drive and have infantry in front of you (especially snipers with M95) which you want to roadkill, never drive a straight line. Always jiggle. I hit most straight line drivers very easy. I also hit jiggling drivers, but less often, since it IS more difficult.
- Last but not least: When you run over the enemy, use your horn and play some funny rhythm, tactically this is quite stupid, but as far as I feel, real fun. Driving over 5 guys in a row and pressing the horn after everyone can really be annoying.

the following from magicandy

-The larger transports can make effective mine layers. You just need to engineers in the back seats and a resupply driving. Simply drive through an enemy's base and drop as many mines as possible, and then drive away. Works great on the flags that spawn loads of vehicles and uncaps.

Last edited by Vernedead (2007-04-07 03:45:56)

Use the bumper, that's what its for!
+103|6906|Lexington, Kentucky
Hm. One I have had fun with recently, when on a server populated mostly by noobs, is to go out making bumpermeat. You would not believe the hilarity of having 2 aircraft, two helos, a tank, and a guy on a stinger mount all trying to hit me and failing. I'll post some screens when I get time.
Missing, Presumed Dead

Well, Ive also noticed we dont have a transport guide, and here it is Nice one!
+630|6957|The Netherlands
nice! first transport guide! +1 for you mister
I Hate Claymores
I got rammed in a tank by a blackhawk on ghost town yesterday. I got the kill though. Sort of a hybrid jihad transport.
nice one +1 4 u

ShadowFoX wrote:

I got rammed in a tank by a blackhawk on ghost town yesterday. I got the kill though. Sort of a hybrid jihad transport.
some of these do work just as well with a blackhawk as a transport, if i ever get bored with the claymores and snipers on ghost town i like to climb in a blackhawk and just fly around taking back undefended cps or hovering over tanks for repair points.
General Breetai
Great guide. At least some guys specialize in more challenging tasks than raping a base with an attack chopper. I would like to add so small additions:
- When being in a vodnic or humvee, apart from AT, your main infantry opponent is the sniper, which can headshot you even if you are in your turret. BUT, being a sniper myself, I can tell this is very, very difficult to do unless in close range or from the side. When I shot vodnic gunners, about 90% of my headshots result from a shot to the side of his head (Side shots hit more often than not at a distance of 300+). So when placing your vodnic, think where enemy infantry could be. Even if at long distance, when they could at your side, choose another place.
- When you drive and have infantry in front of you (especially snipers with M95) which you want to roadkill, never drive a straight line. Always jiggle. I hit most straight line drivers very easy. I also hit jiggling drivers, but less often, since it IS more difficult.
- Last but not least: When you run over the enemy, use your horn and play some funny rhythm, tactically this is quite stupid, but as far as I feel, real fun. Driving over 5 guys in a row and pressing the horn after everyone can really be annoying.
comments added.
+405|6776|A W S M F O X
People who use 50. cals on jeeps are like free candy for snipers, we cant get enough of them.

Last edited by JET_G raidensen (2007-04-06 04:49:05)

thats what the bumpers are for

Last edited by Vernedead (2007-04-06 04:59:33)

The Mas
+311|7002|NYC, a place to live
It's good to see a guide on an atypical topic, but transport vehicles have major weaknesses that I think outweigh their benefits on most maps.

- Transport vehicles are vulnerable to anti-tank missiles. A pair of anti-tank soldiers can take out a transport vehicle very quickly. Anti-tanks can move while they shoot so it can be difficult for the transport gunner to shoot them before they get their missiles off.

- The gunner in a stationary vehicle is extremely vulnerable to snipers, even from the front (as has been noted in other posts). The vehicle is a harder target to hit when it is moving, but then the vehicle is no longer a very effective offensive weapon.

- Gunners in transport vehicles are vulnerable to infantry that get close to the vehicle. If anyone, not just anti-tank, sneaks up from behind, the transport gunner is dead. The smaller transport vehicles can be destroyed with one or two hand grenades, and that makes them deathtraps.

- Transport vehicles are highly vulnerable to jets. Every jet can kill any transport vehicle in a single pass with machine guns and/or bombs.

- Transport vehicles are highly vulnerable to helicopters. Any decent heli crew will quickly notice when they are taking damage and take out the transport vehicle with the TV missile or a small number of Hellfire missiles. Transports can damage helis, but only a very poor heli crew (e.g., one that includes me) will be shot down by a transport.

- Transport vehicles are highly vulnerable to armor. A single shot from a tank or an APC missile will destroy them. Even mobile AA can kill a transport vehicle.

The conclusion I draw is that transport vehicles are only useful as an offensive weapon on maps without aircraft, snipers or anti-tank soldiers. I think that just leaves Karkand, and you're right, they can be pretty useful against all the medics on Karkand.

san4 wrote:

It's good to see a guide on an atypical topic, but transport vehicles have major weaknesses that I think outweigh their benefits on most maps.

your entitled to your opinion, however i think your wrong.

- Transport vehicles are vulnerable to anti-tank missiles. A pair of anti-tank soldiers can take out a transport vehicle very quickly. Anti-tanks can move while they shoot so it can be difficult for the transport gunner to shoot them before they get their missiles off.

as is every vehicle, at longer ranges the transport have sufficent mobility to dodge the missile, or use your gun to kill the shooter. no vehicle is a match for an AT team close in

- The gunner in a stationary vehicle is extremely vulnerable to snipers, even from the front (as has been noted in other posts). The vehicle is a harder target to hit when it is moving, but then the vehicle is no longer a very effective offensive weapon.

don't be stationary when under sniper fire, you have wheels, drive to the snipers hide an lob a grenade up there, your still much less vulnerable than stationary infantry.

- Gunners in transport vehicles are vulnerable to infantry that get close to the vehicle. If anyone, not just anti-tank, sneaks up from behind, the transport gunner is dead. The smaller transport vehicles can be destroyed with one or two hand grenades, and that makes them deathtraps.

everyone is vulnerable when attacked from behind

- Transport vehicles are highly vulnerable to jets. Every jet can kill any transport vehicle in a single pass with machine guns and/or bombs.

every jet can destroy every vehicle in a single pass, however its fast speed makes the transport a harder target, if your worried about fast air find some overhead cover and go hull down there

- Transport vehicles are highly vulnerable to helicopters. Any decent heli crew will quickly notice when they are taking damage and take out the transport vehicle with the TV missile or a small number of Hellfire missiles. Transports can damage helis, but only a very poor heli crew (e.g., one that includes me) will be shot down by a transport.

not in my experience, what tends to happen is you spot the chopper before it spots you, get a nice long burst into it and it'll do one of two things, bug out and head for the helipad, or come round looking for you, if your sitting out in the open like a chump then your dead but if you've moved, he won't get a decent shot and he will have to go around again, riddle him again. if you sit still and give him a clean straight pass of course he'll hit you

- Transport vehicles are highly vulnerable to armor. A single shot from a tank or an APC missile will destroy them. Even mobile AA can kill a transport vehicle.

correct, don't take on armour with transports, don't drive a transport down a very long and wide armour friendly road.

The conclusion I draw is that transport vehicles are only useful as an offensive weapon on maps without aircraft, snipers or anti-tank soldiers. I think that just leaves Karkand, and you're right, they can be pretty useful against all the medics on Karkand.
why not take the conclusion a step further? every unit is only useful if it has no vulnerabilities, therefore unless you have a god mode hack on don't bother playing, otherwise someone might kill you.
The Mas
+311|7002|NYC, a place to live

Vernedead wrote:

why not take the conclusion a step further? every unit is only useful if it has no vulnerabilities, therefore unless you have a god mode hack on don't bother playing, otherwise someone might kill you.
Every unit has vulnerabilities, but they also have strengths they can use despite the vulnerabilities. In many situations, transport won't be able to use its powerful and accurate gun because it is fleeing or getting destroyed. Players are more effective and less vulnerable when they are on foot than when they are in a transport vehicle.

Examples: Anti-tank soldiers are easier to deal with on foot. Assault rifle vs. SRAW is better than stationary Vodnik vs. SRAW.

Attacked from behind? I'm always moving around when I'm on foot (sometimes even when shooting), so an enemy won't have an easy time shooting me from behind. The transport gunner can't move around constantly so it's an easier target for a surprise attack.

Same goes for enemy snipers--I'm a moving target when on foot (and I can shoot while moving) but in a transport I'm either a stationary gunner who gets killed with a single shot or I'm driving away to go after the sniper. True, transport gets you to the sniper more safely, but that's just using it as a taxi. A foot soldier can just ignore the sniper and go on with his business.

A J-10 and the other fighter jets can't take out a tank with a single pass but they can take out any transport with a single pass. Foot soldiers can be killed easily by jets but they don't show up on jets' bombing scanners like transports do.  True, it's harder for the jet if the transport it moving, but it's not very hard and, even so, the transport isn't killing enemies when it's moving. I'd rather be on foot against jets, or in a tank against fighter jets.

That is a good strategy for taking out choppers--shoot, move, shoot, move. But it will take some time to kill the chopper and the transport vehicle is vulnerable to armor, anti-tanks, jets, etc. during that time.

In all these situations (except maybe against choppers), a player is more deadly and less vulnerable when on foot than in a transport vehicle.
I was once #143 in transports (down to 200+ no some stat sites guage that too but not this one). I agree with the OP which is why I always claim AA static sites should not lock on to choppers but have more effect on jets. 

This is why Wake is my favorite map, I do not get the most kills with transports on the map but when I do run ppl over OMG do they ever go flying (especially over cliffs and hills).
foot soldiers aren't mobile when shooting either, a sniper has to stop to shoot, a support has to stop to shoot. except for the anti tank anyone else who wants to destroy you needs find either a mount or a transport of their own (assuming you don't just sit back at let them grenade you) so they can't move and shoot.

and the 50 cal is superior to the AT rocket at long range and superior to the sniper rifle at shorter ranges, you need to use your wheels to place your self in the right position.

and the J-10 bombs can destroy a tank in one pass.

Last edited by Vernedead (2007-04-06 11:32:46)


san4 wrote:

Vernedead wrote:

why not take the conclusion a step further? every unit is only useful if it has no vulnerabilities, therefore unless you have a god mode hack on don't bother playing, otherwise someone might kill you.
Every unit has vulnerabilities, but they also have strengths they can use despite the vulnerabilities. In many situations, transport won't be able to use its powerful and accurate gun because it is fleeing or getting destroyed. Players are more effective and less vulnerable when they are on foot than when they are in a transport vehicle.

Examples: Anti-tank soldiers are easier to deal with on foot. Assault rifle vs. SRAW is better than stationary Vodnik vs. SRAW.

Attacked from behind? I'm always moving around when I'm on foot (sometimes even when shooting), so an enemy won't have an easy time shooting me from behind. The transport gunner can't move around constantly so it's an easier target for a surprise attack.

Same goes for enemy snipers--I'm a moving target when on foot (and I can shoot while moving) but in a transport I'm either a stationary gunner who gets killed with a single shot or I'm driving away to go after the sniper. True, transport gets you to the sniper more safely, but that's just using it as a taxi. A foot soldier can just ignore the sniper and go on with his business.

A J-10 and the other fighter jets can't take out a tank with a single pass but they can take out any transport with a single pass. Foot soldiers can be killed easily by jets but they don't show up on jets' bombing scanners like transports do.  True, it's harder for the jet if the transport it moving, but it's not very hard and, even so, the transport isn't killing enemies when it's moving. I'd rather be on foot against jets, or in a tank against fighter jets.

That is a good strategy for taking out choppers--shoot, move, shoot, move. But it will take some time to kill the chopper and the transport vehicle is vulnerable to armor, anti-tanks, jets, etc. during that time.

In all these situations (except maybe against choppers), a player is more deadly and less vulnerable when on foot than in a transport vehicle.
All those points can be swayed by the fact you are very mobile in a tranport.

Need to get to the action: transport
Need to get away to heal or repair: tranport
Need to keep up to and drive a way a chopper that is mowing down your troops: transport
Need to repair commanders assets: tranport (tank or APC will take way your forces effecitvness at the front
Need to lay mines sporadically: transport
Need to catch up to a tank/APC as AT: transport
Need to kill tank/APC with C4: tranport
Need to supply teammates who are spread out over the map: transport
Need to run over ppl: transport
Need to kill that chopper\plane about to be stolen by enemy: transport

It is a mobile highly effective attack gun!

Just don't shoot at choppers when their cone of vision is faced in your direction; They can easily see your tracers and locate you. If you see them coming in your direction hard, jump out and get under some cover.

The only point you do have is Jets (Once again the overpowered God-Like Jets) while tranports have many counters (including pistols lol), jets do not and can kill you without even trying hard. Which is why BF2:SF is so superior to vanilla BF2. Everything has a counter in BF2:SF.

I really have to say I'm not really in favor of this guide as it reveals my most favorite mode of play

Last edited by JaggedPanther (2007-04-06 11:46:28)

The larger transports can make effective mine layers. You just need to engineers in the back seats and a resupply driving. Simply drive through an enemy's base and drop as many mines as possible, and then drive away. Works great on the flags that spawn loads of vehicles and uncaps.

MagiCandy wrote:

The larger transports can make effective mine layers. You just need to engineers in the back seats and a resupply driving. Simply drive through an enemy's base and drop as many mines as possible, and then drive away. Works great on the flags that spawn loads of vehicles and uncaps.
That is optimal especially with vodniks and Humvee's as the engineer can repair while on the inside if getting shot at.

You can actually get a lot of repair points if an AT guy is shooting at you, the reload of AT and repair of engy on buggies is about the same.

Last edited by JaggedPanther (2007-04-06 12:05:00)

minelayer tips added.
conservative hatemonger
last i remember you can only drop 5 mines at any one time?

or did EA change this

Blehm98 wrote:

last i remember you can only drop 5 mines at any one time?

or did EA change this
That is true. Have you read somewhere that you can lay more than 5 in this post? (maybe I skimmed too fast)

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