what should i put my anti aliasing setting on and what does it do as far as in game exactly?

AMD Athlon XP 1.84gHz
ATi Radeon X800XL
2GB PC3200 DDR

the only complaint i have is sometimes vehicles in the distance will flicker or disappear.  i experience 0 video lag etc after the first 5 seconds of the game where it always hiccups.  i am running 1024x768 and high on every setting (except AA is turned off i think) and distance is all the way up to 100%...
The Forum Alien
+89|7125|The planet Tophet
what is anti alising ive seen it but i dont know what to put it at so i leave it alone
The Mushroom Man
it makes the quality better smoother the more u use the better it is but its a real killer if u dont have a really good card

as for cars flickering in the distance i think thats got more to do with view distance than anything else
so will that card handle what AA setting?
The Mushroom Man
u should turn shadows off tho people and enemy mines/c4 are harder to see in shadows
+0|7155 what should i set AA at?
The Mushroom Man
yeah i reckon it could handle everything up full
i recently made a system for a freind with a geforce 7800 gtx and we run everything at full at 1024x768
Faith +1

SGTJones97E wrote: what should i set AA at?
Guess his answer is on, but highest setting you can set it to.
I'm back, baby... ( sort of )
+664|7160|Cologne, Germany

Athlon 3200

AA is at 2x ( BF2 had it turned off completely though, but that sucked ingame )
The Saw is Family

SGTJones97E wrote: what should i set AA at?
I have a similar system (processor is Intel), same card and same amount of RAM
The high settings don't do much for you so here is how I run
Everything at medium
distance at 95
and AA at 4
runs very smooth - keep for getting to check my fps but well over the minimum for a gret in game exp.

AA just smooths out the jagged edges - you can really see the diff. on things like wires or the arm of the crane

forgot - I am running at 1920x1200 so res is high on my system - so you should be fine (FOV is fuk'd up on mine as BF2 does not support widescreen)

Last edited by Leatherface-TCM (2005-09-12 09:14:30)

The Disconnected
If you are owner of an ATI Card turn on the Temporal Anti-Aliasing. That multiplies the Samples by the chosen multiplier. It brings you a lot of performance and it looks better than standard AA
The Catalyst AI is also useful. IT brings a lot of performance back, but it doesn't look as good as without it.
i turned it to 6x or whatever but didnt notice a difference yet, im not sure what im looking for lol.
I'm running a;

Pentium 2.8 E
128mb Geforce 6600GT
1GB 400mhz RAM
120gb SATA HD

I run this mostly on high, but was a bit dissapointed when I found that its a little bit funny when I try and run it on full for everything! What does everyone else think? Should I be able to run it on full?
The Mushroom Man
lol does it really matter its all a matter of personal oppinion.. AA does make it look better if u cant notice the difference then dont use it? its really up to u and ur personal preference.. find a setting that gives you a good frame rate thats all i care about nothin worse than having laggy video even if it doesnt look the best after all high quality video doesnt make u play any better proberly make u play worse lol lookin at all the pretty things

but laggy video will make u play worse...
how do i find in-game fps? does anyone know?

...ok, nevermind, I have found out about fraps

Last edited by CZE_M4CH0 (2005-10-11 15:46:23)

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