PR > BF2!
I don't rave about it in servers, I have better things to do, like pop your head off on my Private ranked account. PRs intense action, gunfighting, little bird piloting (damn tkers!) and style of play I love, much better than BF2s in my opinion.
It is called PROJECT REALITY for a reason:
- You don't get a crosshair in real life, so you don't get one in PR.
- When you die in real life, you are read. In PR, there is a long wait ahead of you.
etc etc. PR is all teamwork based, full 6/6 squads w/ voip gives it immense action.
I went back to BF2 to try it out and I was TK'd several times for jets, run over by teammates etc. Apart from Little Birds, I rarely get TK'd in PR unless there is a newbie on the server who can't distinguish enemies from friendlies (GBH, I did it too!) - I mainly just pilot all round now, transporting my team to key positions.
I don't rave about it in servers, I have better things to do, like pop your head off on my Private ranked account. PRs intense action, gunfighting, little bird piloting (damn tkers!) and style of play I love, much better than BF2s in my opinion.
It is called PROJECT REALITY for a reason:
- You don't get a crosshair in real life, so you don't get one in PR.
- When you die in real life, you are read. In PR, there is a long wait ahead of you.
etc etc. PR is all teamwork based, full 6/6 squads w/ voip gives it immense action.
I went back to BF2 to try it out and I was TK'd several times for jets, run over by teammates etc. Apart from Little Birds, I rarely get TK'd in PR unless there is a newbie on the server who can't distinguish enemies from friendlies (GBH, I did it too!) - I mainly just pilot all round now, transporting my team to key positions.