Hi all! First post


Just started playin BF2 a week ago, I have BF2, Spec Forces and the Collection which has Armored Fury and Euro Forces. Why can't I access any of the new maps in singleplayer, or find them online at all? I'd really like to see the USA maps and try out the new vehicals, specifically the A-10!

Rank: I didnt get ranked until I hit 300, then again at 600... when every internet site says 150 is first and 300 is second. ummm... anyone have an updated list if they changed it?

What on EARTH is with the sniper rifles in this game??? After a weeks play I got the hang of the M24, can get a 1 shot kill pretty often with it at decent range, the semiauto (forget the name? think its supposed to be a druganov) is just a inantry wrecker, you can go through whole squads with it! But before I got used to it, I couldnt hit shit with either of em! What REALLY pissed me off was this 2 shot arcade shooter BS. Granted body armour can stop a .308 winchester from penetrating, it sure as hell wont allow for the victem to be mobile! If they arent wearing body armour, it should be an instant kill for torso AND head shots, not just the latter.

That brings me to me the next phase... I just unlocked the 2 otehr sniper rifles when I ranked up. what is different about the euro rifle?? in real life, shouldnt it be a .338 lapua magnum? that penetrates body armour at 1500 yards, it seems to be EXACTLY the same as the M24?? and why the hell arent any of the scopes higher then 5x???

And the .50... what.... on.... earth. the bmg round is a KILLER.... it seems to be a wimp in BF2! body armour or not, even a lvl4 vest with ceramic plates isnt taking a 50bmg under a 1000 yards, and this SHOULD be accurate enough to hit a man sized target at 2000 yards, yet it seems LESS accurate then the shitty M24, which seems to be spot on in BF2 when you get the aim zone down! my biggest issue other then it not taking down people in a single shot, is where oh WHERE do you aim with this rifle?? ive literally emptied mags at people dead center mass at 100 yards or less without killing them, and i cant seem to hit ANYTHING other then blind luck, when i do get a hit, a repeat shot using the same aim point doesnt hit! aim high, low, nodda. it seems like it shoots random numbers at a hit calculator algorithm sometimes!!! i let off 3 yes THREE mags at some dude shooting at me from a technical, head shots, body shots, glass shots, weapon shots, none of them hit and he wasnt goin down. i ended up dying after he had a good 30 seconds of full auto at my PRONE POSITION and i took several hits before i died... LOL... id like to see that happen in real life, my helmet must have been made from 6" of steel plating.

well thats all my gripes, any help would def be appreciated. if someone could post a screen capture of the reticles and the actual aim points for different ranges that would be HOT HOT HOT!
Hey, welcome to Bf2. The sniper rifles are woefully underpowered, but if they were one shot kills, everyone and their mother would be sniper. Its not a superrealistic game, but once you play enough youll learn what works well and what doesnt.

Some others know more about getting the Euro Forces and Armored Fury working than I; there seems to be a rather complicated process of registering and whatnot.

Its nice to see a genuine first post, next to all the other jaded BF2s posters.
+1,106|6603|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Oy vey.

First, welcome to BF2s. I am cowami, you'll find me lurking around, putting in my "helpful" comments here and there.

Now, on to the good stuff.

The rankings have changed, use the BF2s UBAR to find the new point levels.
Click here:

If realism bothers you that much, download Project Reality. Remember, the game of BF2 was made to entertain, not be (uber) realistic. The M95 (your .50 cal sniper rifle) had to be balanced. If it was as dead-on as the M24, people would be using that (and only that) in the game. Ejecting people from planes is fun, but there's supposed to be a fighting chance involved. Besides, the only thing really is bullet drop, which is greater for the M95 (logical since the .50 cal is bigger and heavier than a 7.62, or whatever ammo the M24 uses). Some users know how to counter it, and as such, they can use the M95 as effectively as the M24 or L96.

Also, that stuff about going against a technical? NEVER EVER go full auto. Fire in controlled bursts (in this case, I'd recommend going on single shot and aiming for the head). Also, use your grenades. Technicals are open air vehicles. If you're lucky, 2-3 grenades should finish him. And also, move around with a squad, this way you have a fighting chance. Besides, no one likes a lone wolf.

And I'll dig up that link for the centering on weapons sights. What I do remember is that with the SVD (the Dragunov), out the person's head a little to the right of what appears to be the center of the crosshair.

Hope this helps, and again, welcome to BF2s.

Last edited by cowami (2007-04-09 19:29:25)
nonono HE was shooting at ME full auto, I had the 50 snipe, not a single f'in hit! i had ALL day on a NONmoving target and NOTHING. my m24 or drug would have been a half second headshot, the 50 went through 3 mags without a single shot landing.

ubar site still lists 150/300 ect.? unless there is an updated section i'm not seein?

my bud just turned me on to the project reality, downloadin it now, but i'm still pissed i cant use or figure out how to access the software i purchased!

as for bullet drop and accuracy, the 50bmg is MUCH flatter shooting then then 308! weight doesnt have to do with anything, all bullets fall at the same rate velocity and shape have the biggest factor on trajectory, and the extra weight of the bmg makes it next to wind proof lol compared to a tiny 223 or 308 its the m24 that should be ballistic in nature in this game... most levels fade out in 300 yards, this def isnt a snipers game.

as for the 1 shot kills, anyone here play joint operations? it was bf2 without ranks and much better, and much bigger levels. still my number 1 sniper game of all time. havent played it in awhile, but bullet drop was on every weapon, and you had to manually set your scope and there was definate lead times for different speed targers, awesome game, sadly it never cought on and there arent alot of players on it anymore.
Le fuck?

grandkodiak wrote:

nonono HE was shooting at ME full auto, I had the 50 snipe, not a single f'in hit! i had ALL day on a NONmoving target and NOTHING. my m24 or drug would have been a half second headshot, the 50 went through 3 mags without a single shot landing.

ubar site still lists 150/300 ect.? unless there is an updated section i'm not seein?

my bud just turned me on to the project reality, downloadin it now, but i'm still pissed i cant use or figure out how to access the software i purchased!

as for bullet drop and accuracy, the 50bmg is MUCH flatter shooting then then 308! weight doesnt have to do with anything, all bullets fall at the same rate velocity and shape have the biggest factor on trajectory, and the extra weight of the bmg makes it next to wind proof lol compared to a tiny 223 or 308 its the m24 that should be ballistic in nature in this game... most levels fade out in 300 yards, this def isnt a snipers game.

as for the 1 shot kills, anyone here play joint operations? it was bf2 without ranks and much better, and much bigger levels. still my number 1 sniper game of all time. havent played it in awhile, but bullet drop was on every weapon, and you had to manually set your scope and there was definate lead times for different speed targers, awesome game, sadly it never cought on and there arent alot of players on it anymore.
Welcome to BF2s, you will find me raping threads. Anyway, yeah, the M95 sux. If you're 200+ meters away from a target, don't expect a hit.
+271|7069|United States of America
Also, use the MP7 at 200+ meters, it always hits, people just don't know that.
+1,106|6603|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Miller wrote:

Also, use the MP7 at 200+ meters, it always hits, people just don't know that.

I killed a guy with the MP7 at long range with what seemed like one shot. Seriously.

grandkodiak wrote:

What REALLY pissed me off was this 2 shot arcade shooter BS. Granted body armour can stop a .308 winchester from penetrating, it sure as hell wont allow for the victem to be mobile!
Okay, first off this isn't a realistic game. That aside, what you just said is rubbish. The energy of a shot is absorbed by the vest, the momentum of the bullet is absorbed by the body behind it. And it's roughly equal to that which the shooter himself felt when he shot the gun. So people wearing body armour that stop bullets cold are not injured and they're not knocked off their feet. That's the movies dude.

Guys won't have a mark on them in the case of thicker material, even shot by 7.62mm NATO at point-blank range.

grandkodiak wrote:

....338 lapua magnum? that penetrates body armour at 1500 yards
Sorry, remind me: which factory manufactures all the body armour in the world (so that it's all the same)?

grandkodiak wrote:

well thats all my gripes, any help would def be appreciated. if someone could post a screen capture of the reticles and the actual aim points for different ranges that would be HOT HOT HOT!
Hmm, interesting. If you know about this then you should be able to do it yourself.

cowami wrote:

Besides, the only thing really is bullet drop, which is greater for the M95 (logical since the .50 cal is bigger and heavier than a 7.62, or whatever ammo the M24 uses). Some users know how to counter it, and as such, they can use the M95 as effectively as the M24 or L96.
Duuuuuuuuude! Bullet drop is the same for all rifles in the game.

And it's not logical based on the mass of the bullet. This is basic science... drop is based on gravity (a constant, remember?) acting equally irrespective of mass... a bowling ball and a golf ball accelerate downwards at the same rate. So bullet velocity is the major factor when it comes to drop over distance for shots fired roughly horizontally; so falling at the same rate a slower bullet hits the ground sooner because it had less time to move outward from the gun before the constant pull of gravity made it hit the ground.
+127|6700|Jesus Land aka Canada

Todd_Angelo wrote:

grandkodiak wrote:

What REALLY pissed me off was this 2 shot arcade shooter BS. Granted body armour can stop a .308 winchester from penetrating, it sure as hell wont allow for the victem to be mobile!
Okay, first off this isn't a realistic game. That aside, what you just said is rubbish. The energy of a shot is absorbed by the vest, the momentum of the bullet is absorbed by the body behind it. And it's roughly equal to that which the shooter himself felt when he shot the gun. So people wearing body armour that stop bullets cold are not injured and they're not knocked off their feet. That's the movies dude.

Guys won't have a mark on them in the case of thicker material, even shot by 7.62mm NATO at point-blank range.

grandkodiak wrote:

....338 lapua magnum? that penetrates body armour at 1500 yards
Sorry, remind me: which factory manufactures all the body armour in the world (so that it's all the same)?

grandkodiak wrote:

well thats all my gripes, any help would def be appreciated. if someone could post a screen capture of the reticles and the actual aim points for different ranges that would be HOT HOT HOT!
Hmm, interesting. If you know about this then you should be able to do it yourself.

cowami wrote:

Besides, the only thing really is bullet drop, which is greater for the M95 (logical since the .50 cal is bigger and heavier than a 7.62, or whatever ammo the M24 uses). Some users know how to counter it, and as such, they can use the M95 as effectively as the M24 or L96.
Duuuuuuuuude! Bullet drop is the same for all rifles in the game.

And it's not logical based on the mass of the bullet. This is basic science... drop is based on gravity (a constant, remember?) acting equally irrespective of mass... a bowling ball and a golf ball accelerate downwards at the same rate. So bullet velocity is the major factor when it comes to drop over distance for shots fired roughly horizontally; so falling at the same rate a slower bullet hits the ground sooner because it had less time to move outward from the gun before the constant pull of gravity made it hit the ground.
gravity always works 9.8 m/s squared for everything baby! YAR ! and btw grandkodiak, remeber this is a game and games can never replace Real life. the point of games is have fun, if you are going to argue that this "2 shot arcade shooter" has "non realistic" rifles then you might as well argue why the Chineses and Middle east are fighting the US of A or why my tank never runs out of gas.

About your ranks up question: I assume you got 300 points on the same server. (or at least from 140 to 300). If you play on the same server it can take a while to update your stats and to have the global requirements updated (for a rank). That's why it takes a little longer. However, if you have 150 points, switch servers (so join another) and then make 1 point again, you also would have had the ranks up. So the requirements are still correct. It just takes a while if you keep playing on the same server for the same day. So don't worry Hope that was a bit clear.
Rubbish? Where did I say it would knock a man over Hollywood style? I certainly can't find the statement. With a vest and full lvl4 kevlar armour with ceramic or steel plates even with impact gel pading behind it, a .308 round is going to break a rib, crack a plate or at the very least leave a nasty bruise... I was refering to the ability of a player ro be running full speed shooting full auto taking a hit and not being affected in any immediate way other then a point loss to health... i.e. they remain completly mobile. at the very least it should use the same effect as a close granade strike.

Body armour is all manufactured to the same standards, a level 1,2,3,4 and all a varients must be able to perform to certain and equal standards... sure that was a generlized statement about the .338, but in comparison to a .223 or .308 nonAP round, it would perform significantly better against ANY armour, whether it penetrates or not.

and if you paid attention, something you didnt seem to do to any of my post, i was explaining my personal difficulty in FINDING the correct aim points for the .50, and asked for help... hence the request for someone to post pics or describe it to me.

and there was seriously no need to duuuuuuuuuude and bold color face a message to cowami, thats a common misnomer...and what is with the additude in general? Dont post on my boards from now on please.
ps. de_jappe I was on the same server the entire time, I was in the grooove and they had some good teamplayers goin!
pics or it didn't happen
you need to download "project reality" asap. 
as if you need another set of maps, right...?
+1,106|6603|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Todd_Angelo wrote:

cowami wrote:

Besides, the only thing really is bullet drop, which is greater for the M95 (logical since the .50 cal is bigger and heavier than a 7.62, or whatever ammo the M24 uses). Some users know how to counter it, and as such, they can use the M95 as effectively as the M24 or L96.
Duuuuuuuuude! Bullet drop is the same for all rifles in the game.

And it's not logical based on the mass of the bullet. This is basic science... drop is based on gravity (a constant, remember?) acting equally irrespective of mass... a bowling ball and a golf ball accelerate downwards at the same rate. So bullet velocity is the major factor when it comes to drop over distance for shots fired roughly horizontally; so falling at the same rate a slower bullet hits the ground sooner because it had less time to move outward from the gun before the constant pull of gravity made it hit the ground.
Shush, it was 2 in the morning, and I didn't want to work on an essay.

grandkodiak wrote:

Rubbish? Where did I say it would knock a man over Hollywood style?
You said the victem [sic] won't "be mobile", which I took to mean immobilised. Which is not the case.

grandkodiak wrote:

With a vest and full lvl4 kevlar armour with ceramic or steel plates even with impact gel pading behind it, a .308 round is going to break a rib, crack a plate or at the very least leave a nasty bruise...
If the body armour has a rigid plate to protect a vital spot and that plate stops the bullet (halts its movement totally) the man won't be injured. Which is why I was specific about details.

grandkodiak wrote:

I was refering to the ability of a player ro be running full speed shooting full auto taking a hit and not being affected in any immediate way other then a point loss to health... i.e. they remain completly mobile.
This was covered by "this isn't a realistic game". If you want a realistic combat simulator you don't play BF2.

grandkodiak wrote:

...sure that was a generlized statement about the .338
You mentioned a range that something would occur, that seems pretty specific to me.

grandkodiak wrote:

...but in comparison to a .223 or .308 nonAP round, it would perform significantly better against ANY armour, whether it penetrates or not.
Sounds good, on paper... but if the protection stops the bullet cold as I said, even shot by 7.62mm NATO at point-blank range a guy won't have a mark on him. See that's just like what you said: mentioning a range where something will happen. Only difference I didn't just pull it out of the air.

grandkodiak wrote:

and there was seriously no need to duuuuuuuuuude and bold color face a message to cowami, thats a common misnomer...
Misnomer? ROFL

grandkodiak wrote:

and what is with the additude in general? Dont post on my boards from now on please.
Correcting misconceptions is "an additude[sic]" is it? Wow, I'd hate to go to your school.

I didn't slag cowami off, I didn't call him any names and I didn't say anything like "you moron, don't post about stuff you don't know about!" or "STFU noob", both of which have been, and will be, said by other members in just this kind of situation. If you're this sensitive then you need to take your own advice.

The fact that bullet drop is consistent for all guns with the same velocity, in BF2, is important to know (it's something that we {players in general} didn't know for sure for a long time). There are enough myths that are hard to combat in this game without the simple ones being perpetuated.

cowami wrote:

Shush, it was 2 in the morning, and I didn't want to work on an essay.
LOL Even at 04:00 you shouldn't 'forget' basic physics
+630|6957|The Netherlands
welcome to bf2s, have you installed the newest patch (1.41)?? that should explain that you aren't ranking up.

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