Does anyone know how to do this?

I'm trying to setup an unranked match server, but I need to run battle recorder.

I'm renting a dedicated box from Hypernia, and I'd like the demos to download from there.

Where I'm confused, is it gives me a "Demo Index URL" and a "Demo Download URL" in BF2CC. I'm not sure what to put here.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Bringer Of Cookies.
probably something like server ip/your server port

so example mine is

Last edited by Zero!. (2007-04-10 08:18:30)

I'm kind of confused here though..

Will it try to send the demos to the web address I put in?
I have my own server running BF Recorder so I may be able to help you through setting this up. I have game servers, file storage and file transfer all on the same machine, so I have complete control over the BF2 recorder. … p;game=bf2
You will need some knowledge of Microsoft IIS (assuming it is a windows box). My computer - right click - manage - services and apps - Internet Information Services.
I have read the guides on recorder - most tell you how to use the file but not much on how to setup the server
I have never seen a step by step idiots guide to setting this up.

Here's how it works.
1) Record the Game
The game starts and recorder opens a file - like a video recording. Once the game has finished then the file gets uploaded to an FTP site (you will need an ftp site - thats the IIS part). It is this location that is defined by the demo download url. That can be on your dedicated server.
It is the rotate demo.exe that does this, in conjunction with the rotate_demo.cfg file in the battlefield2 root directory. (My demo index URL is empty)

2) Post the Game
The game ends, the file gets uploaded to the FTP location and a bookmark gets passed back to the player. The bookmark is the location of the video file, somewhere on the web (your FTP site). The player must be present at the end of the game to get the URL passed to them. This bookmark is in your \My documents\Battlefield2\Profile\0001\demobookmarks.con file

3) Allow players to download the game
Once the player decides that he wants the file, he clicks on the bookmark to download it. Then a file transfer from the FTP sire to the players computer happens. The bookmark is an http://(you define it) location to the file as it sits on an FTP site. The file will end up in your My Documents\Battlefield 2\Profiles\Default\Demos\ directory. Once downloaded then the player watches the file as if it were a video recording - there is no rewind!

Can Hyperina help you in setting this up - they must have other server with this.

I hope this helps - good luck

This post is a start

This file was the most useful to me on setting up recorder.



The BattleRecorder allows a round to be recorded and distributed.
The system is very flexible, and the current implementation can be easily
changed. We recommend you have a good knowledge of Python before you
edit the scripts used here.

There are two components to BattleRecorder. First is the Dedicated Server

The Dedicated Server Launcher requires the following information:
- AutoRecord
  Set AutoRecord to on to enable the BattleRecorder. Every round played
  on the server will now be recorded to a file.

- DemoDownloadURL <>
  This is the URL that will be passed to all the connected clients at the
  end of the round. This is the URL that the Battlefield 2 front end will
  try and download the demo file from when the user selects 'download'.
  The demo file must be in the directory specified in the URL, or the
  demo download will fail.

- AutoDemoHook <adminutils/demo/Your_Script.exe>
  The server runs this script at the end of every round where AutoRecord
  is enabled.

- DemoQuality <value>
  You can control the quality of the recording made by the
  BattleRecorder. '1' is the default setting, and we recommend this is
  used for internet games. '10' is the highest setting, using this will
  increase the size of the file by around a factor of 8.
  Higher settings will also increase the load on the server.

<the above tools are in your BF2CC, you don't need to use the BF2 dedicated launcher>

The second component to BattleRecorder is the script that is run when a
round ends. This script can be rewritten or replaced as needed. The
Battlefield 2 server will simply attempt to execute the script specified
in AutoDemoHook at the end of each round.

The default script, called auto_rotate, was written in Python and then
built in to an executable.

The Python script can be found here \adminutils\demo\

The script will move a BattleRecorder file from the server to a new local
location, or to an FTP site. You can also specify the number of files to
keep archived.

The script is configured using a configuration file, called
'auto_rotate.cfg', found in the root of the Battlefield 2 installation
root directory.

In this file you can configure:

- file_limit = <value>
  Use this value to set the number of BattleRecorder files you would like
  to keep available. The default is 30. Once the limit is reached, a new
  file will replace the oldest one.

- target_root = <local directory path>
  If you intend to transfer to a local directory, enter the path here.

- use_ftp = <bool>
  Set this to 1 if you wish to FTP the DemoRecorder file to a new

- ftp_target_dir = <path to webroot demos>
  Enter the path on the FTP site where you want the DemoRecording
  transferred to.

- ftp_server = <server URL or IP>
  Enter the URL or IP of your FTP server.

- ftp_user = <FTP login username>
  Enter your FTP sites login username.

- ftp_password = <password>
  Enter the password for your login account.


- BattleRecorder will significantly increase your server's load.
  Therefore we do not support 64 player games with the BattleRecorder
  feature enabled.

- BattleRecorder files become larger as you increase the number of
  players and the ticket allocation. For a round with 64 players with
  250 tickets on each side, you should expect a file size of around
  10-12 Mb.

- When you download a BattleRecorder file, using the 'Community' function
  in the Battlefield 2 front end, it is saved in:

        \My Documents\Battlefield 2\Profiles\Default\Demos\

  Every profile on your computer will save BattleRecorder files to this

  It is possible to download BattleRecorder files from a friend or
  website and copy them into the BattleRecorder directory above. They
  will then appear on the 'Community' page for you to play.


As well as using the 'Q' and 'T' keys to control the playback of a
recording, you can also use a set of keyboard shortcuts:

- Keys 1 - 9
  Change the playback speed.

- Toggle Free Camera / Player Camera
  Alt Fire Key. By default this is the Right Mouse Button.

While in free camera mode:

- W, A, S, D
  Move forwards, backwards, strafe left and right.

- Double Tap W
  Move camera quickly. Alternatively you can hold the Sprint key.

- Crouch / Prone
  Move camera up and down.

- Mouse
  Rotate camera.

While in the player follow camera mode:

- Space bar
  Next / previous player.

- W and A or the mouse scroll wheel
  Zoom camera in and out.

- Crouch / Prone
  Tilt the camera up and down.

- Mouse
  Rotate camera around the player.
Yeah I asked Hypernia and they gave me a guide.

Everything works, except I can't download it. It says "can't find file on server" (or something like that).
Either the file is not being moved to the FTP site, the bookmark is not being passed correctly or the server is not allowing annonymous FTP access.

Once the game ends then the file should be places on the FTP site. You should be able to use Windows Explorer to see the file sitting in the FTP location. These are usually date stamped (auto_date_time.bf2demo)

If the files are present then check the demobookmarks.con file to see that it correctly defines the FTP location.
You can take the URL from this file, and use it to manually download the file, outside of BF2. This will prove if the annonymous access FTP is working or not.

The recorder only starts when the game starts. If you see the message "waiting for x players to join" then recorder is not running
The recorder only ends when the game ends. If you quit before the game ends then you don't get the bookmark.
Either tickets get to zero and 1 side winds or if a map vote rotates map, both cause the game to end and the file to get uploaded.

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