Mmmm... Scoring is pretty wicked....
For instance, I have 40.000 kills (roughly), 18K has been infantry style, 13K has been with vehicles. So you'd naturally assume that the LAST 9K would be arty, right ? Well, NO.... If I'm IN a transport while getting an arty kill, it counts towards kills in a transport.
While YOUR example, and the guy flying are the "rare" cases, the majority of players will have a higher "total kills" than their inf+vehicle kills combined, even the ones who have never commanded !
This is not unusual. If you add up your combat score + teamwork score, you do NOT get your total score... Confused ? You're supposed to be. The thing is that SOME stuff is NOT in the stats feed. What exactly is missing, I cannot say, but for certain, you still get points for example neutralize and strategic destruction. However, these points are not in the feed.
The same thing goes for your kills. Some kills are NOT in the feed. However, I cannot say for certain which ones aren't. However, my kill with a LADDER hasn't shown up anywhere... Identifying all of the types of kills that might not show up, would require extensive testing, and while I'm not one to shy away from a challenge, I just dont WANT to spend the time wondering or learning. I just accept that things are NOT perfect, and move on, play the game and have fun !
=Robin-Hood= wrote:
Seemed my first conclusion too... but...
Explain this:Total kills 13,634
Weapon kills 5,678
Vehicle kills + 8,484Road kills - 1,146_________________
Gives me: 13,016
Where is the missing 618 ?Sorry mate, there is no logic.
(I deliberately searched for someone with no commander time, so to not have to take that into account)
Why would you SUBTRACT his roadkills ? They count just as much as other kills. In reality, you do not have a problem with not enough kills, you have a problem with TOO MANY ! So if you do NOT subtract his road kills, he has 528 kills that are NOT made with kits (while dead ?) or in vehicles.
Last edited by Twist (2006-09-26 14:18:31)