
THe common bitching I run into ingame lately are one of three things.

Big Ol Numero Uno:

"Stop BunnyHopping!"

Kicking!! Mason4Assassin444 DOn't BunnyHop Bitch!

"WAAAAHH bunny rabbits everywhere on this server!"
OK. I have been shot in the back. THe big red arrow thingy says "hey there is someone shooting you from behind." THe same arrow told me "this fucker had the drop on you and hasn't killed you yet."

I pull the whole, hop, turn, prone and shoot killing him. THen I am kicked for bunnyhopping.

Basically, its in the game. That big ass button on your keyboard is the jump button. Get over it. And you didn't kill me in the 5 seconds it took to hop, turn and get the bead on your little noggin. You suck. End of story. Don't blame the spacebar.
Numero Dos:

"Stop using unlocks N00B!!"

"Gay people use unlocks!"

Kicking!! Mason4Assassin444 We don't use unlocks here! Follow the rules!
I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE this little gripe. My total time played is 888 hours. In those hours I aquired these things. THey are called UNLOCKS. THey are these cool extra weapons that are pretty fun to use and play with. They give you some sort of new selection of weapons after 2-3-4-500 hours played. A little break from the base weapons. Basically, I put in the hours, I got the awards, they are IN THE GAME, I will use them.

Your little M203 grenade missed because you suck. My G3 ripped through you because you suck. If you had aimed your bouncing pineapple of doom right, my G3 wouldn't of had a chance, and you wouldn't bitch to an admin that Im using unlockas on a ranked server. You know, the type of server where you can't really limit what people want to use as a weapon.

Stop crying, put n the hours and use what you like the best. Im not molding my game around the fact that you blow donkey balls at pointing and clicking.
Numero Tres'

"Nice baserape fag!"

"ADMIN! They are raping the uncaps!"

Kicking!!! Mason4Assassin444 DOn't baserape!
THis little gem isn't as faggish as the other two. I see merit in bitching on this one. I never baserape unless raped first. You stick it in me, I WILL stick it in you.

How many of you have spawne dinto Oman, Daliant, Wake and spawned right into a good ol fashioned Carrier rape? Me too. I don't bitch. I don't complain. Either log out and find a new server. Or I stick it out and wait for my turn to rape the carrier. Because I will. It seems to be accepted when I spawn in, when these sides switch, I don't want to hear any shit. but guess what? Yep, I get kicked.

DON"T BITCH ABOUT BASERAPING! Either leave or deal with it. If the rule is posted, its isn't just for pubs, you little 6-12 year old admins need to adhere to it too. DOn't kick when your getting reame don the carrier like I just did.

All three of the gripes and moans above are results of built in game functions that EA has seen no need to patch for.

Remember servers make rules. Rules are to be followed. Except for gay shit like no unlocks and no bunnyhopping. You cry to much. Play the game as much as you cry and you may get  good enough to not even notice these little things.

DOn't baserape if its posted. If the admin is raping, obviously its allowed and feel free to hump them hard.

That is ALL!

THis is in no way a response to the "admin chatter thread" "Libe/COn threads" "Atheists threads" "Lord of the Weed" threads. THis a response to the complaining bitches I played with over the weekend.

THAT is all.

Last edited by Mason4Assassin444 (2007-04-10 07:44:41)

AK Whore
+152|7109|Barrington, RI
yeah I hear ya. sucks doesn't it?
The Anti-Sniper
+12|6850|Las Vegas
Bunny Hop all you want, no problem for me, but if it's a server rule, stay out fo the server if you need to Bunnyhop. Personally, I consider it a glitch, and do not exploit it.

Snipingruven wrote:

Bunny Hop all you want, no problem for me, but if it's a server rule, stay out fo the server if you need to Bunnyhop. Personally, I consider it a glitch, and do not exploit it.
LOL! Are you for real?
+7|6625|Behind you with a large rifle
Amen to that.  The original poster that is.

Last edited by AlienWrath2121 (2007-04-10 13:19:08)

+2,187|6881|Mountains of NC

wow you get kicked for alot of different things


wow you get kicked for alot of different things
I've been kicked more in the past month than ever before in this game. Maybe thats why my attitude is getting a bit crappy.
Latter Alcoholic

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:


wow you get kicked for alot of different things
I've been kicked more in the past month than ever before in this game. Maybe thats why my attitude is getting a bit crappy.
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
1: BH is no longer a problem and hasn't been since 1.2 patch when fire while jumping was removed. Before it was plauisble to bitch about BHers, now it is stupid as it no longer gives you a large advantage.

2: I cannot stand these servers. I like the unlocks more than the stock guns for the most part. While the RPK totally pwnz0rs the support unlocks I prefer the unlock of pretty much any other kit to the stock. I had to work hard to get them and they shouldn't say I cannot use them. And plus by disallowing unlocks on a ranked server they violate the RoC and could get their rank privileges taken away.

3: Base rapping the uncaps is only a problem if the other team still has flags, because all it is is cheap kills when you could be doing much more useful stuff. However if the other team has all the flags don't whine, what do you expect them to do, let you have a flag? Not shoot at you until you are out of your uncap? No, your team didn't use teamwork and so you have no flags so the other team has ever right to rap your uncap.
+2,187|6881|Mountains of NC

Mason4Assassin444 wrote:


wow you get kicked for alot of different things
I've been kicked more in the past month than ever before in this game. Maybe thats why my attitude is getting a bit crappy.
well I'll try to help
I can haz titanium paancakez?
the most noobish combination=bunnyhopping+gkeymoring
i fucking hate that
while im trying to line up a shot on a noob sniper,he starts hopping around and throwing clays all over the place

I dont jump more than 1 time on a CQC,usually this happens when im taking fire from an unknown position,i jump ONCE to gain some time to spot the bastard who shoots me,then i blast his brainz off with my SVD.Thats normal,but still get kicked for that.

Baserape is bad only if its the last spawn point...i hate being raped all time

unlocks=PART OF THE GAME.Ppl usually cry because their noobish rank doesnt allow them to have unlocks,and they feel the game is not balanced.This is true,but go cry at ea,noones gonna tell me to use my G3 or not
end of.
The Anti-Sniper
+12|6850|Las Vegas

Doggehspike wrote:

Snipingruven wrote:

Bunny Hop all you want, no problem for me, but if it's a server rule, stay out fo the server if you need to Bunnyhop. Personally, I consider it a glitch, and do not exploit it.
LOL! Are you for real?
Quite so, Easter is ONE day a year, and it's over. Like I said, I don't care, keep hoppin friend, I like watchin the body flop out of the air.
Roger Lesboules
Ah ben tabarnak!
+316|6890|Abitibi-Temiscamingue. Québec!

Doggehspike wrote:

Snipingruven wrote:

Bunny Hop all you want, no problem for me, but if it's a server rule, stay out fo the server if you need to Bunnyhop. Personally, I consider it a glitch, and do not exploit it.
LOL! Are you for real?
Okay so bunny hopping is a glitch...go dude go and run to EA office and tell them that they need to nerf the space bar because "ITs Tehhh 1337 h4x!!!"

No seriously if you cant aim at some 1 jumping around you just suck.

end of story, all the other unlocks are fine, but the G36E anybody can use and get kills with, it just doesn't take a lot of skill.  Bunny hopping ftw.
+1 i feel your pain

edit: only noobs dont have the unlocks or the ability to utilize them

Last edited by wachtler83 (2007-04-11 22:31:51)

Kicking for unlocks / using any available weapon is against EA's ROE.  Report the admin (like it will help).

Bunnyhoppers aren't hard to kill unless they have a RDvolx-type macro to dolphin dive and shoot tacked on the end of the hop. 

A lot of admins will resort to raping (cheating by their own rules) when they are getting abused on their own server.  Just shows they have no skilz if they have to cheat to win.  Baseraping is really part of the game... there is no time-out in warfare, why should the game have one?
scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6870|Brisbane, Aus

''OMG Stop base camping us! it's unfair! GTFO!!''  <- said most commonly on deticated Karkand servers
Hooray Beer!
+94|6883|United States
Bottom line: If you can't shoot someone that is jumping around you... you suck. Jumping prevents you from shooting your weapon for a moment. Just knife them or shoot every time they hit the ground. I admit it's a bit harder to shoot at a bunny, but it's not that hard. I'm going to use anything I can in game to keep me alive and if that means jumping circles around your noob ass while I reload (Or just to piss you off) then I'm going to do it. Go ahead and cry me a jar full.

Bottom line: You can't blame your lack of skill on the weapon someone else chooses to use in game. How pathetic can you really be? Do you guys who complain about the use of weapon unlocks actually consider how stupid you sound when you bitch about it? Grow up kiddies. If you're getting killed a lot by one person then it means they're better than you, period.

Bottom line: Base raping is a sore and tender subject in general so I'll address it as such. I personally have absolutely no problem with base raping because I feel that war has no rules, and as such, a war game should be the same way. However, I am quite sympathetic and have no problem following "no base rape" rules when I'm in a server. I'll also be quite fast in admitting that, considering team balance, it's not always fair to abuse an uncap at the beginning of a game without giving the team a chance of capping one flag. Although, if a team gets some flags and loses them during the duration of the game then I believe in a solid, open season on the base rape. If your team is able to lose every single flag on the map then you probably deserve to be base raped. But having said this, I do not have any sympathy for the idiots who cry and whine about getting base raped 11 times in a row in an uncap while their team possesses 2-3 other flags. Ever try of spawning somewhere else? If your dumbass is unable to kill a base raper 4-5 times in a row then it should be very evident that you suck, and should spawn somewhere else.

Great original post. I feel your pain.
Vela Incident
+1,652|6881|NYC / Hamburg

i hear ya. The quality of admining has gone down considerably (or maybe just the whining increased, IDK). I got kicked from a DCon server yesterday, because I was "base raping" their arty which was laying waste to pretty much all of our team. Idiots
once upon a midnight dreary, while i pron surfed, weak and weary, over many a strange and spurious site of ' hot  xxx galore'. While i clicked my fav'rite bookmark, suddenly there came a warning, and my heart was filled with mourning, mourning for my dear amour, " 'Tis not possible!", i muttered, " give me back my free hardcore!"..... quoth the server, 404.

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