umm if you change your crouch key which is "control" or Ctrl to "X" key you can get up as soon as you prone, so your just pressing zx very quick and you can also do single dolphin dives. Great for reviving you just run to dead guy, prone, reviv,e x, ww and your gone in 1 second and great for having knife fights in the middle of the dolphin dive you swing knife, works everytime lolLionEyez wrote:
I also still can't come to understand the new mechanics introduced in one of the last patches for BF 2, namely the prone delay. You lie down and can't immediately shoot, and same with standing up. So you need to be careful bout dropping to the ground too fast, because even though it might improve your accuracy, it reduces your movement to zero and you're effectively an easy target (albeit smaller as opposed to standing)
I was the same as you BF2 was my first online FPS i ever played and i was terrible got mangled everytime i was on foot so i took to the skys. After the introduction of I/O i haven't been in a jet since just practiced on foot now i only use Single shot, a couple of well placed shots while prone will bring down most only use full auto when face to face then strafe circles round while shooting. lol its only taken me 600 hours to become half decent. Practice is the key
Your stats show that you play as Engineer, Spec ops, and Medic, the three kits that don't have body armor. That explains why you go down so quick. Try using some other kit and see if there's a difference.
well after playing for a couple hours i think the problem is called getting gayed... the burst idea doesn't make any difference to a certain point. basically if I'm not killing them in the first couple burst I'm not gonna kill them. the rets seem to bloom out after the first couple burst and even if i stop for a second or 2 they still don't seem to close back up after the first couple burst... and close combat seems to take almost a full clip most the time. 10 feet away just spray there body and follow them around until my clip is almost empty and they will dies within the last couple bullets. i kill one dude from across the map with one bullet while i gave him a burst and other guys just don't die, even if I'm hitting them in the head. so i guess its just the code of the game calling the shots one time Ive killed 4 people in less than 10 seconds with one clip and the next i cant kill one person with a full clip....
who wants some ?
thanks for everyones post
who wants some ?
thanks for everyones post
dont spray and pray, take accurate small bursts, pause for half a sec another small burst etc. etcSpider1980 wrote:
well after playing for a couple hours i think the problem is called getting gayed... the burst idea doesn't make any difference to a certain point. basically if I'm not killing them in the first couple burst I'm not gonna kill them. the rets seem to bloom out after the first couple burst and even if i stop for a second or 2 they still don't seem to close back up after the first couple burst... and close combat seems to take almost a full clip most the time. 10 feet away just spray there body and follow them around until my clip is almost empty and they will dies within the last couple bullets. i kill one dude from across the map with one bullet while i gave him a burst and other guys just don't die, even if I'm hitting them in the head. so i guess its just the code of the game calling the shots one time Ive killed 4 people in less than 10 seconds with one clip and the next i cant kill one person with a full clip....
who wants some ?
thanks for everyones post
sight picture, sight alignment.
I believe I posted my Karkand strategy on another post.
Don't be silly and use guns, use grenades! JUST grenades, nothing else. Guns and knifes and stuff take skill, grenade spamming doesn't, so you should be fine with that.
Don't be silly and use guns, use grenades! JUST grenades, nothing else. Guns and knifes and stuff take skill, grenade spamming doesn't, so you should be fine with that.
And don't forget your gernade doesn't have to blow up to kill someone if you throw it at there head it will kill them the nade doesn't even have to blow up.Inimicus_7 wrote:
I believe I posted my Karkand strategy on another post.
Don't be silly and use guns, use grenades! JUST grenades, nothing else. Guns and knifes and stuff take skill, grenade spamming doesn't, so you should be fine with that.
i know how to use the spray and pray method on a target within 5 to 10 feet, i get the same results on bursting and single shot
you need to change your resolution... and maybe lower your graphics because i was tryin some new settings out the other and i changed my res i couldn't hit a barn door, put it back to how i had it and was backing to killing, it worked for me anyways, i can see from ur stats u know how to use a gun so try change some settings.
not sure if anyones said that already,
not sure if anyones said that already,
Last edited by -Leeds-Lad- (2007-04-12 09:45:06)
My tips:
1. Be unpredictable! Circle the enemy. Don't run straight at them.
2. Only go auto when you are at point blank range. Burst works at short-medium range, and single for medium-long range. Generally the closer the enemy is the faster you can shoot at them, but still use some restraint.
3. Use the iron sights at medium and long ranges. Use the crosshair at short ranges.
4. If your enemy is still moving, but not close to you, prone is a good option. If they are close DO NOT flop prone! A smart adversary will circle you and pop a cap in your ass. Long range- go prone, Medium- crouch, Short/point blank- stand and move.
5. Relying on the g36e will not help you use anything else. It takes absolutely no skill to use that gun. Why do you think so many people use it? It's simple. They cant use anything else. Generally the basic weapons are superior to the unlocks, if you take the time to learn them. IMO the M16 is the best gun in the game. The only downfall is that you must have a fast trigger finger at point blank range versus a full auto weapon.
6. Since I have lost my train of thought, pay attention to what the best players in the server do. Copy them.
7. Even with every ounce of advise, you are still playing BF2. You can shoot someone with every bullet, find out they are made of sawdust or dirt, and they will turn around and shoot you in the face without aiming at you. In other words just give up.
1. Be unpredictable! Circle the enemy. Don't run straight at them.
2. Only go auto when you are at point blank range. Burst works at short-medium range, and single for medium-long range. Generally the closer the enemy is the faster you can shoot at them, but still use some restraint.
3. Use the iron sights at medium and long ranges. Use the crosshair at short ranges.
4. If your enemy is still moving, but not close to you, prone is a good option. If they are close DO NOT flop prone! A smart adversary will circle you and pop a cap in your ass. Long range- go prone, Medium- crouch, Short/point blank- stand and move.
5. Relying on the g36e will not help you use anything else. It takes absolutely no skill to use that gun. Why do you think so many people use it? It's simple. They cant use anything else. Generally the basic weapons are superior to the unlocks, if you take the time to learn them. IMO the M16 is the best gun in the game. The only downfall is that you must have a fast trigger finger at point blank range versus a full auto weapon.
6. Since I have lost my train of thought, pay attention to what the best players in the server do. Copy them.
7. Even with every ounce of advise, you are still playing BF2. You can shoot someone with every bullet, find out they are made of sawdust or dirt, and they will turn around and shoot you in the face without aiming at you. In other words just give up.
get better at medic and if you're on the MEC(since you don't have the PKM) use the's a beast.i had a 33-4 round with it the other day on Iron Gator.i'd say the only weapon better at taking down infantry is the MG-36.if you practice with support you can win 80% of your infantry battles simply because they are very accurate(while prone) and you don't have to worry about reloading,so you can overwhelm your enemy.also,never fire standing up unless you are using an insanely accurate gun like the G36E or G36C.with most other guns you'll miss most of your shots unless you're at close range.and remember,FIRE IN BURSTS,no matter what weapon you're using if you're any distance at all from your enemy.
BF2 has hit detection like no other game. So if you came from another game and play this, you will not believe how hard it is to hit someone. I've played about 5 FPS's, and BF2 is basically all by itself. I'm more of a vehicle whore, as you can tell. I mainly play wake, where weapons ratio is pointless. But in about 4 days I made weapons ratio jump from .50 to .80. Still shitty yes, but a vast improvement in such a short amount of time. You just have to get used to how shitty BF2 is for infantry work, and then play to the game's standards. If you shoot right at someone in BF2, chances are you wont hit them. You gotta know when to shoot in front, when to shoot behind, and when to prone, and when to dance. The guys you are playing against already know this. Basically the same predicament I get in when I go play mashtuur after 15 rounds of wake, haha. Just find a gun you like, stick with it, and then play the game as it needs to be played, not how you expect it to be. Once I realized that everything I've learned from other FPS needs to be thrown out the window for infantry work on BF2, it was like an epiphany.
Get the ak101. Single shot for long for close distance. Practise.
If your k/d ratio or however your rating your skill doesn't improve, well maybes just stay in vehicles. AK101 owns. IT OWNS.
If your k/d ratio or however your rating your skill doesn't improve, well maybes just stay in vehicles. AK101 owns. IT OWNS.
AK is what I've found to be pretty effective. AK is amazing on full auto when there's 3 guys in front of you. Also just getting used to L85A1 can turn you into a beast. On single shot you can outsnipe snipers. Once again, the only reason I post on this topic is because I feel like I'm in a similar boat to OP, not because I think I'm good. On the ground, I usually get owned, in the air... well that's a diff wrote:
Get the ak101. Single shot for long for close distance. Practise.
If your k/d ratio or however your rating your skill doesn't improve, well maybes just stay in vehicles. AK101 owns. IT OWNS.
Last edited by oChaos.Haze (2007-04-12 14:48:51)
Tank whoring ?
all i do is point gun and prey to god i hit some1 or something
I HATE SUPPORT NOOBS, rpk <<<noob gun, its piss to use
but listen to me, its not how you are playing, coz ur a good player, its your settings try some different settings trust me
but listen to me, its not how you are playing, coz ur a good player, its your settings try some different settings trust me
Last edited by -Leeds-Lad- (2007-04-12 21:41:17)
When you're firing at an enemy, the angle between you and him is important in how easy it will be to hit him. If there's a 90 degree angle between you and your enemy (i.e., he's running horizontally across your field of vision), it will be almost impossible to hit him, especially at any kind of range, and especially if he's sprinting. Reducing the angle between you and your target means that his hitbox won't be moving as quickly across your field of vision, and therefore it will be much easier to hit him. The most ideal time to fire at an enemy is when he doesn't see you, he's running away from your position with his back to you, and there is a very small angle between you and him, so that he will stay in a small area of your perceptive field if he continues his current movement trend. This means that if you see an enemy, but he doesn't see you, you should consider waiting until you have a better (smaller) angle on him to start firing. It also means that your own positioning is important. If you don't have a good angle on an enemy, you might gain a better one by simply taking a few steps to the left or right. Learn the most popular routes that people take, and place yourself in a position that gives you an advantage in firing angle over your enemy. As you play the game and get more experienced, this kind of thing will become second nature and you'll do it subconsciously.
Last edited by xintegrityx (2007-04-12 22:18:34)
Practice. Use the G36E and aim for the chest, the recoil will bring you to the head. If you don't hit the head they'll be dead in 5 shots anyway. Mostly practice though.

theres your problem right there...the l85 is shiite compared to the G36....always use your ironsights(zoom) as well. Remember to realign you shot after eatch burst. Get to know how fast you can push the button after you jump and prone....Just get to know it.Spider1980 wrote:
i been using the L85 for over a month straight. i can get 15 to 20 kills in a round but still the problem im having is happening way to much. i should have had my vet medic combat badge but i geuss i had to have 15 hours played before they would count the 20 kills... done it twice so far.wah1188 wrote:
Stick to one gun for a couple of rounds you will get used to the handling and kick ass keep at it my stats are still noobish from my retard days.