Don't Hassel the Hoff
+345|6616|The | Netherlands

Hacial wrote:

You should add one step before all:

Look out for enemies! It's no use if you get revived and killed again because the noob medic didn't look for enemies.
Well if I was the enemy I would stay behind a wall, waiting for a medic to come, ussualy the medics goes on the ground to revive, BAM press mous button, my AK-101 starts to fire and 2 kills for me!

Life is good
conservative hatemonger
I usually only revive if someone is in my path or if its a teammate who i know is more useful dead than alive.  Most of the time if someone's dead though if i'm running in the opposite direction i leave them be, because i'm probably a more useful asset to the team than them and therefore i should be where i need to be, not reviving some nub
Dropped on request
I like the medics that try to revive you and miss. Happens all the fucking time.
I have the exact same problem all the time. Like ill be laying there screaming medic with medics all around and they either suck too much and miss or don't care about revives it pisses me off.
Infamous meleeKings cult. Est. 2003 B.C.
I will revive someone twice if they are right next to me. But if they keep dying after every time I revive them it's not even worth it.
Also that is a true statement with the support. maybe its a lot of players first FPS, but thats really hard to believe.
The Anti-Sniper
+12|6850|Las Vegas

CrazeD wrote:

Step one: Find a dead teammate (as shown by the guy laying on the ground, and empty health bar above his head - also marked by the icon in your mini-map).

Step two: Press "6", or scroll down to the defibrillator's.

Step three: Walk over to downed teammate.

Step four: Place crosshair over downed teammate, and left-click your mouse to revive them.


Nothing makes me more angry than idiots who don't know how to play medic. You die next to five medics, scream "MEDIC!!!" numerous times, yet they just stand there or run away. WTF?!

Whenever I'm medic and someone dies, I do whatever I can to revive them. Number 1, I want the points, and number 2, it helps the team.

You'd think these tards would at least want the points from it, but NOOOOO! Let's just run away instead...

Man! Finally!!! I was wondering how that thing worked!!!! :-)
yeah, then you get the other side of the coin - the idiots who lie there screaming 'MEDIC!', so you sprint across half the map to get to them, try to revive them three times, but noooooooo, they are lieing there with there MAP open therefore you can't revive them. and they are still screaming 'MEDIC!' when the apc rolls round the corner and blows me away!!!
prince of insufficient light
Wait...you're telling me throwing med packs at dead teammates don't revive them?
Resident M-14 fanatic
+59|6968|Lancaster Ohio, USA
Yeah reviving out in the open may work, but I'll actually target the medics when I see dephibs out and wait for them to revive someone before I open up, usually gets me 2 kills instead of one. So as far as I'm concerned medics are a nice target. Also as a support player I always give out ammo whenever needed. I'll admit sometimes I get tunnel vision and won't realize someone is calling for ammo, for about 15 seconds but I usually throw out the ammo when requested. I hate medics that won't give out a med pack when I need one, hell I've even shot them once with a pistol to get their attention just to have them whip around look at me saying I need a medic only to have them TK me and run off. I fucking hate retarded ass medics.

Edit: spelling

Last edited by bob_6012 (2007-04-12 15:38:15)

The Anti-Sniper
+12|6850|Las Vegas

Flaming_Maniac wrote:

Wait...you're telling me throwing med packs at dead teammates don't revive them?

agent146 wrote:

[CANADA]_Zenmaster wrote:

Another tip is to throw a medic bag on the corpse you are going to res. If you or the person on the ground gets shot while you prone dive and res them, the medic bag will top either of you up and get you both to safety. I do it when I know an enemy is close by, or say I run out of ammo, theres a man down in front of me, and the enemy in front of me. Rather then duke it out with the enemy with my pistol, I will toss a bag on my dead buddy, prone dive revive him, and switch to pistol, while he has a semi-full gun to finish the douche bag off. You can also throw a nade at the enemy to buy you some time to res your teammate. Any kind of diversions you can think of to get another body off the ground will pay off in the end if your buddies res you in return when you die. You must be willing to pick up a medic kit!
I never heard or that though about that way before- but it sounds smart and logical. YA I learn something new today to help with my medic whoring
An extremely good tip. Depending on the timer, I'll sometimes throw a few down near or on the body in case I get hit in the middle of reviving, it keeps you alive and gives you that extra second or two to successfully revive him. And if anymore are still there, your just rezed buddy has a chance to get the hell out of there. It also helps to learn how to revive while running. Practice standing and reviving then aim for that spot while running over the body. It speeds things up a lot.

And lastly, for those medics that may have not realized, the paddles actually have a little range on them. If there is a body in a few feet from you and you're hiding behind some crates, there isn't a need to expose yourself, just aim from where you're at, and if you're somewhat close, it'll hit the guy. It kills me to see medics running from their shelter, only to get fragged, when the body is only like 1-2 meters away from him.

CrazeD wrote:

Step three: Walk over to owned teammate.
first time reading it, I could have sworn that's what it said....
So by reading this thread, I figure theres about 10 good medics left in this game.  I play medic a lot, and I keep my team's KDR up with revives, yet when I go down nobody is there to pick up my kit and rez me.  Why is that nobody can return the favor anymore?   Back in the early days of the game, kits got swapped all the time to revive someone.   Now its a rarity.  Sad thing is I dont do it for points anymore, I have enough of those.  The nubs dont understand that a revived team mate is a ticket not lost.   All anyone cares about anymore is their own personal points/stats agenda, and not whether their team wins or loses.  Not that I have to tell most of you this.
All you gotta do is stick with people that you know and can communicate without typing.

I never play without at least 1 clan mate with me, and that is the only way to know that you will, at least try to get revived.

I am one of those guys that revive as much as I possibly can.  One instance I remember perfectly, My friend was mowed down by a guy on a stationary MG.  I was behind a wall, out of his firing range, so I revived my friend.  He was killed again, and I revived.  Happened 4 times, but eventually my friend got out alive (No Deaths) and we killed the gunner together.

If I see an injured teammate, and a medic kit close by (of course without enemy presence) I will do my best to go and revive that player.
+7|7001|In a 24/7 Night Server
How to use shock paddles ¦TØP¦ style
1. Walk over to dead teammate with shock paddles ready
2. Wait for clanmate on other team to get in position with knife/gun/c4/etc. ready
3. Left-click
4. Repeat steps 1 thru 3 until person disconnects or round ends

roshambo14 wrote:

So by reading this thread, I figure theres about 10 good medics left in this game.  I play medic a lot, and I keep my team's KDR up with revives, yet when I go down nobody is there to pick up my kit and rez me.  Why is that nobody can return the favor anymore?   Back in the early days of the game, kits got swapped all the time to revive someone.   Now its a rarity.  Sad thing is I dont do it for points anymore, I have enough of those.  The nubs dont understand that a revived team mate is a ticket not lost.   All anyone cares about anymore is their own personal points/stats agenda, and not whether their team wins or loses.  Not that I have to tell most of you this.
You wouldn't believe the amount of teammates, mostly snipers who have seen me go down, killed the guy who killed me, taken my kit, healed themselves and walked off leaving me dead still.
^^ i never revive snipers on a 64 server  i will "guaranteed" die by a claymore
Was ist Loos?
i once had a medic run over to my dead body, and SWITCH KITS!! he picked up my sniperkit and ran away!! fucking EH!!
Platinum Star whore
+365|6991|Middle of nowhere

[CANADA]_Zenmaster wrote:

genius_man16 wrote:

[CANADA]_Zenmaster wrote:

Qft. The fact is as the revivee, it is your responsibility to move your ass the instant you are res'd.

That means now you and the medic have 200% health and 2 guns, and only one of you needs survive the engagement (you can swap kits and res your dead buddy if the med died) as opposed to one guy trying to clear any enemies around before your timer runs out. Often the timer is almost dead before the medic can reach you; be thankful you got resed in the first place. I play with buddies on vent, and you can even res people in front of tanks and APCs if you and your buddies are smart.

Overall, you may die now and then from multiple res's, but it is actually very rare (like once in three rounds) if you play smart. Also, if you aren't willing to pick up a medics kit to res people around you, then you don't get to bitch about anything to do with medics. Good medics go out of there way to res people and fight, and that means anyone who bitches better do the same or stfu. Yes bad res's happen, but you can survive 80% of bad reses just by getting up fast and jumping to safety.
yeah, no, if you are LUCKY, the player that killed you won't be there to own your ass as soon as you are revived, i don't care how fast your reflexes are, if you have someone with half a brain, they will wait until the medic revives you and then kill you both, especially if they are in a vehicle
Um, I've played ~450 hours of Sharqi with vehicles, all of my time on the ground, and honestly I meant what I said.

I completely disagree with you, it has nothing to do with luck, if you are ready to move, 99% of the time you will make it away, and if you don't make it the first time, I'll res you again, and if I die, you can res me by grabbing my kit. If you are not fast enough to do this, it is your fault not mine. If you don't res me back when I am getting you up safe, then you should be glad I even bother to res you in the first place. (I will kick you from my squad if you do not return the favor on a regular basis).

The fact is by resing you, I create two targets for the enemy, instead of just me, and I now have two guns, and only one of us has to survive to res. Even better if you play in a squad with friends, then of the 3-6 people, only one needs to survive to res everyone. If you have ever played any kind of league play, tournament play, any kind of competition whatsoever, you will know how vital it is that your medic and your squad plays as a team and plays smart.

Leaving guys down may seem ok to you, but it is not ok to me - I need their eyes, their guns, their ability to resupply, heal, claymore whatever, and most of all, I need them to be a meat bag to flush out the enemy. The enemy may kill one of us, but then we know where the enemy is and 5v1 = dead enemy + res teamate and now its 6 v 0. You get the idea. Everyone I play with on xfire can take out at least 2 guys reliably before going down in a 2v1 fight. Rolling together only multiplies that force and thus I will do anything I can to res a teammate - including taking any nearby medic kit, a teammates medic kit, or my own if I am playing medic. Honestly, try it and it is worth it, the few times you get GL'ed or grenaded as a group is like 1% compared to the number of times you can get your buddy up safely. Your KD ratio will be further enhanced if everyone returns the favor for eachother. The only draw back is that after 100's of hours of medic time, people understandibly want to finish off their 100hours in other kits. So someone has to be the medic bitch each round. Draw straws or something.

Finally, yes I understand there is retarded medics who will revive you right in front of the barrel of a tank, but honestly if they are that dumb, your team is screwed anyway. Play in a squad, or join a new server. There is always an exception to a rule, and being an idiot is an obvious exception - I hope you have a friend or someone you can play with who won't be that stupid!
hmmm, well, i think i may have misunderstood you, do you always rez a teammate before checking to see if there is another enemy around? that's what i was talking about, and i guess you just have the privilege of playing with people who will actually move right after being rezzed, honestly, i have never come across ANYONE that does that, thus my "anyone with half a brain will wait until the medic revives the guy and then take you both out"

so i guess you're just more lucky than i am when you play, lol
Pope Picard II

genius_man16 wrote:

[CANADA]_Zenmaster wrote:

genius_man16 wrote:

yeah, no, if you are LUCKY, the player that killed you won't be there to own your ass as soon as you are revived, i don't care how fast your reflexes are, if you have someone with half a brain, they will wait until the medic revives you and then kill you both, especially if they are in a vehicle
Um, I've played ~450 hours of Sharqi with vehicles, all of my time on the ground, and honestly I meant what I said.

I completely disagree with you, it has nothing to do with luck, if you are ready to move, 99% of the time you will make it away, and if you don't make it the first time, I'll res you again, and if I die, you can res me by grabbing my kit. If you are not fast enough to do this, it is your fault not mine. If you don't res me back when I am getting you up safe, then you should be glad I even bother to res you in the first place. (I will kick you from my squad if you do not return the favor on a regular basis).

The fact is by resing you, I create two targets for the enemy, instead of just me, and I now have two guns, and only one of us has to survive to res. Even better if you play in a squad with friends, then of the 3-6 people, only one needs to survive to res everyone. If you have ever played any kind of league play, tournament play, any kind of competition whatsoever, you will know how vital it is that your medic and your squad plays as a team and plays smart.

Leaving guys down may seem ok to you, but it is not ok to me - I need their eyes, their guns, their ability to resupply, heal, claymore whatever, and most of all, I need them to be a meat bag to flush out the enemy. The enemy may kill one of us, but then we know where the enemy is and 5v1 = dead enemy + res teamate and now its 6 v 0. You get the idea. Everyone I play with on xfire can take out at least 2 guys reliably before going down in a 2v1 fight. Rolling together only multiplies that force and thus I will do anything I can to res a teammate - including taking any nearby medic kit, a teammates medic kit, or my own if I am playing medic. Honestly, try it and it is worth it, the few times you get GL'ed or grenaded as a group is like 1% compared to the number of times you can get your buddy up safely. Your KD ratio will be further enhanced if everyone returns the favor for eachother. The only draw back is that after 100's of hours of medic time, people understandibly want to finish off their 100hours in other kits. So someone has to be the medic bitch each round. Draw straws or something.

Finally, yes I understand there is retarded medics who will revive you right in front of the barrel of a tank, but honestly if they are that dumb, your team is screwed anyway. Play in a squad, or join a new server. There is always an exception to a rule, and being an idiot is an obvious exception - I hope you have a friend or someone you can play with who won't be that stupid!
hmmm, well, i think i may have misunderstood you, do you always rez a teammate before checking to see if there is another enemy around? that's what i was talking about, and i guess you just have the privilege of playing with people who will actually move right after being rezzed, honestly, i have never come across ANYONE that does that, thus my "anyone with half a brain will wait until the medic revives the guy and then take you both out"

so i guess you're just more lucky than i am when you play, lol
Unless the attacker is within 10 feet (game feet here obviously) I will res the guy. I will res you twice, if you don't move the second time you are on your own unless you are a buddy that I know is just stuck in kit selection or whatever. 90% of the time I know where the teammate died from so I don't need to check around for people, rather, when assaulting flags its pretty obvious where people are getting capped from. Most of the time I can get the res done first and kill the opponent before he can touch either of us as most pubbers are total scrubbins. If I die after the res, I rely on my squadmates to kill the guy and then res me before the timer is up. I pretty much always play with at least 1 person from xfire who I trust. If nobody is on xfire I don't play, or I go airwhore somewhere if I absolutely must play BF2 which is rarer in the last year here.

If there is a guy within 10 feet I will kill him, else if I know I can't kill him (say he has a pkm and I am down to pistol) I will throw a bag on my dead buddy friend meanwhile bunny hoping like a whore, then I will res my buddy, I will continue to bunny/prone like a whore pull out the knife and have a go at the proned PKM guy.

I prioritize bodies by who died first as I usually play in a squad and want to keep all my friends alive. If you happen to be another random pubber I will go out of my way to res you too, but if you are obviously afk after the second rez I will let you stay dead unless it is all clear around (eg the guy who kept killin ya is dead too). I want my 2 points, bitch! The nicest thing about playing medic is getting res points and killing people plus you can heal yourself up after the engagement. Unlike assault you might get +2 for a kill but thats where it stops. Medic or support is combat effective and point whoring at the same time. Its only flaw is it gets boring after a while.
99 Problems . . .

Having Teamspeak is really helpful when it comes to Medic.

The people I play with will "count-down" time to spawn so I know if I have time to make it to them or not.  Plus I can say to them "Get ready to jump as soon as I revive you."  In addition in ref to an earlier post, I always get a thank you on TS.

Jameseyy wrote:

roshambo14 wrote:

So by reading this thread, I figure theres about 10 good medics left in this game.  I play medic a lot, and I keep my team's KDR up with revives, yet when I go down nobody is there to pick up my kit and rez me.  Why is that nobody can return the favor anymore?   Back in the early days of the game, kits got swapped all the time to revive someone.   Now its a rarity.  Sad thing is I dont do it for points anymore, I have enough of those.  The nubs dont understand that a revived team mate is a ticket not lost.   All anyone cares about anymore is their own personal points/stats agenda, and not whether their team wins or loses.  Not that I have to tell most of you this.
You wouldn't believe the amount of teammates, mostly snipers who have seen me go down, killed the guy who killed me, taken my kit, healed themselves and walked off leaving me dead still.
Oh see thats the thing, I would believe all of that, because I see it every day.  The sad part about it is that I see it from my own clan.

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