I've got a bunch of ideas we thought up, cause we were planning on making a BF2 Olympic video (It didn't work out cause my friend is a jackass)
1. Limbo - get 2 black hawks an alternate flying under lower and lower objects at a predetermines minimum speed
2. Aerial Chicken - 2 or more people jump out of a blackhawk flying at an obscenely high height. Last one to open his parachute w/o hitting ground and dieing wins (battlerecorder may be needed for photo-finishes)
3. Racing - Get 2 blackhawks (or any other vehical for that matter) and race around a predetermined track. Full contact.
4. Precision skydiving - at Dalian Plant fly a blackhawk high in the air somewhere around the middle of the map. Everyone bails and the one who can fall down the giant cooling towers w/o hitting sides wins (in case of 2 or more people making it, the one closest to dead center wins)
5. $40,000,000 dumb-bomb - Opponents fly a jet at a minimum altitude and bail out, trying to make their plane carcass hit a target (car, person, flag, whatever)
Thats all the ones we came up with. Hope you have more luck than we did.