+66|7096|Missoula, MT
Good stuff.  Try's a quick way to make that ever important "first contact" with your squad leaders.  I know I seem to listen more as a SL to my commander if he's actually talking to me.  We all know the commander has our best interest in mind with his commands but seem to not listen always.  I think this is partly because most people don't have much experience as commander, therfore don't really understand what an asset his role is!  Cheers bruise! 
+0|7097|Atlanta (Metro) USA
I have only read through the 1st 2 pages of this thread so if this is mentioned already, sorry. It has been my experiance that while plaing as a squad member (not leader) you do not have any way to request CMDR assets (eg. Arty, UAV) other than supplies.

I have often found myself wishing I could have a Q Rose request for UAV request to squad leader who would then request UAV from CMDR.

It is the absence of this that causes me to become a SL. This is ok save the fact I play as a sniper 99% of the time so having my members spawning on me is not always tactically advantageous. To combat my position becoming headline news, I lock the squad. Personally I have no problem doing this as more often than not there are at least 4 or more open squad slots but if there are only a few I feel a bit guilty and my guilt is stronger than my need to have my own personal UAV requests, I will join a squad.

I don't know..kinda ranting. If anyone understands this let me know.
+2|7051|Eastern PA

Nufuhsus wrote:

I have often found myself wishing I could have a Q Rose request for UAV request to squad leader who would then request UAV from CMDR.
That's why you have a VoIP link with your Squad Leader - so you can apprise him of your particular situation, and let him make the decision whether to relay the UAV request.

I've been on more than a few servers where someone created a "Spec-Ops / Snipes" squad - with an S-O as Leader. As a sniper, I try to generally spot for the team, and specifically support Spec-Ops with cover fire and tactical info from my vantage points. In some cases, I can cover their flanks with my claymores - and they naturally seem to be considerably smarter about spotting and approaching explosives (and not blaming me for TK's).

Whether I'm in a Squad or playing LoneWolf, I make it a point to text the Commander that I'm available for "special missions" and counter-sniper Ops - and I find that I'm frequently "rewarded" with UAV coverage and supplies, along with tactical info from the Commander.

As a Commander, I seldom Rebuke any squad - preferring to "coach" the Squad Leaders with info over VoIP; and , as bruisehound noted, "rewarding" and Praising the best squads without deliberately neglecting the "under-achievers".

Additionally, I try to Praise all the Squads before the end of the round; and to text a "Thanks for the priveledge of Command" to the Team. As a Squad Leader, I do the same for my squad before the end of the round, or text something like "MEC Bravo squad - Well Done last round! Thanks." immediately at the beginning of the next one if the previous round was a battle right to the last second . . .
I keed :P
Really good stuff this...
I have spent 4 of my <20 hours online as commander, so while still very new to BF2 I am becoming a useful commander (not great mind you - but my commanding has turned the tide in several games already).
I think it's great fun - but often pretty stressfull as well. As a grunt I can use a lot of time "relaxing" on defense (which pretty much noone else does anyway) if I need a break from the action - when I command it is 100% attention all the game, and when we loose I tend to feel it is my responsibility (although as often as not it is either due to a bad team or skilled opposition. I'm happy that it tends to be the last).

I have been underusing VoIP - and I am trying to use it more often now. The problem with that is neglecting all the lone wolfs, and the fact that large squads tend to strain the SL's attention already - so they don't feel the need to have a chitchat with the commander about strategy.
When I do use VoIP, it is generally to request part of a squad for assistance in the mainbase or some other mission that doesn't need an entire squad. Ordering your best infantry squad away from the front isn't really the best way to make someone take out that pesky SpecOps in the base.

A friend of mine that usually play SL, said that it can be very difficult to command a 6-man squad, since often you need parts of it to do different things. This can be done with VoIP, but that takes a lot of concentration, whereas a map-order can be done while he takes 2 minutes to get an overview of the battle and not require attention while he is under fire.
Good commanding is IMO as much about not getting in the way of your troops, as it is abut helping them.

Since I started commanding, I have found that very often noone applies for commander! And sometimes I will do it, even though I don't feel like it, just to give us a chance. (I often try to message for someone else to do it instead, but noone does and I end up getting mutiny votes ... that just pisses me off )

Anyway - it might be due to lack of experience, but I really really suck at the orders stuff.
Most SLs will have agreed on a first move before your commander election is done, and naturally they will try for some time to achieve that plan (usually cap a particular flag). When do I start giving orders to the squads? Who do I send where? ... And when a squad I wanted to defend a key flag refuses (they might have a good reason for that, and changing from one job to another can take quite some time for a squad - getting the right kits to the right place, coordinating etc.). I might have the overall view, but they know what happens on the ground. Besides - people are in this for the fun, and if their idea of fun doesn't include hunting snipers, who am I to tell them they must...

Anyway - my point is that 1) it is difficult to keep strategic control, and 2) on many maps I really have no clue what is sound strategy.
Some map guides would be extremely nice - not because I want a canned strategy for every map (wouldn't work anyway, since BF2 is as much about maneuver and taking initiative as anything else) - but to point out important considerations generally and specifically for each map.

Longwinded and dry 1st post :p ... guess I better end it with a great moment of command:
On Sharki Peninsula as US... Despite our best efforts (and largely due to an insanely skilled MEC helipilot) we lost the TV-Tower. I died trying to defend it.
Our only flag not seeing heavy battle was Hotel, so I spawned there (the team needed commander support MUCH more than another grunt). Right after I find cover and start commanding, MEC tanks cap the flag... the UAV flights are still critical at that point, so I don't dare try to get it back. We recapture the TV-Tower, and after a few scans Hotel shows as clear. Using VoIP I request that someone pick me up, and gives me a ride to the tower - soon after a SL arrives in a humvee, we cap Hotel and he drives me back - while I am using commandermap and wipes half the MEC with a wellplaced artystrike.
Damn that felt good
We won that game BTW.

What are your great commander moments in BF2?
Yeah, I'm finding my VoIP is commonly sketchy or nonexistant. Often, I communicate with squads totally by commands and assets. Must fix VoIP...

T1mbr, I've taken up your suggestion about expressing gratitude for positions of responsibility, and I do think it increases goodwill over the course of a few games.

Okay, now the beginnings of some strategic notes, largely gleaned from times I lost. Please respond and add or tell me I'm full of it. Some of this may be too obvious to note, but I'd rather be explicit.

1 - Go Deep. Have squads go as deep as they can right away. Lone wolves will probably pick up the flags closest to home base regardless of what you do, so send your squads way in to get the flags in the centre, or even on enemy turf.

2 - Flags Aren't Everything. Although flags are the goal, there are some strategic positions which can cut off enemy advances or give fire on enemy positions. Put Snipers, Anti-tankers, or heavy vehicles in positions overlooking major roads.

3 - Keep the Pressure On. Even when you're under horrible attack at home, always keep attacking them behind their lines. Never under any circumstances let them focus entirely on their attack.

4 - Grab & Punch. In those heavy infantry battles, like in the South of Karkand, it is ineffective to just push and shove and uav and supply right on the big fight. Use an entrenched and patient small force to tie down (Grab) the enemy's larger force in the big battle long enough for a sneaky squad in jeeps or hummers or boats to circle around and take an undefended flag (Punch). Hit him where he's soft.

Panserbjorn wrote:

Yeah, that's the kind of situation that completely irks me. Be careful, though. That supply drop near/onto the roof could give you away. It'd probably be best to just lay low until the coast is clear, though I still agree with you for being mad at the Commander.
There is nothing better than to have your team own all spawn points then see an enemy resupply fall in a hidden location. Exposing one of the few enemies still alive.

I was on the receiving end of one of those. Bad day for me!
Umbra Acciptris
Recently, I read of a Commander who suggested never to use artillery, as it only works to decrease your points with teamkills. I must candidly say that this is an incredibly stupid and naive statement. If a Commander is worth his weight at all, teamkills from artillery will be few and far between, and often out of their control. Artillery can also help clench the win for the team. Artillery kills are 97% non-revivable kills. The other 3% are killed from splash damage from the artillery, and there's usually no one left to revive them. This ticket loss for the opposing team can help your team win, especially if the scores are close.
I learned that one real quick.
Actualy I am new to beeing a commander, but rather like it.  A few days ago I was playing Strike at Karkland.  The US had about 2 squads.  The commander was doing alright (I saw some arty, and a few UAV spots).  The US won 4 rounds in a row, by a large margin.  Personaly I like a challange, at the end of the 4th round I saw the mec had no commander at all.
So I team switched, applied and took the commander roll.  At first I spawned AT, and decided it would be best to hide.  I hunkered down at the back base (64 person map).
At the end I was quite extatic that I had least turned it into and interesting game as it was about 20-5, US favor.  I droped arty quite close to my own troops, having just used the scan to see the large mass moving tward a flag.
The arty evened the score!  just taking 15 use tickets.  The MEC won 1-0
I spawned engie the next round thinking the mines would be better since I could place them arround any vehcile that makes it back to the main base, and I could repair my assests.
The mec score turned arround.  With only two actual squads.  No VOIP with them. We won the next 4 rounds in a row.  Then some one with a higher rank took commander, good thng too, was about time for me to head to sleep.

I have been trying to look up a few guides to help me become a better commander.  It is a rather fun job,  also I love it when my score beats the enemy commanders , since I quite quickly saw arty has no direct effect on it.  I was wondering what did.

Oh and a funny but almost unrelated story.  once while flying the black hawk I was killed by arty the commander called half way accross the map . . . FYI, never fly over an arti gun. . . it could hurt alot, as outgoing arty seems to hit harder than incomming.  My entier squad laughed like hell over that.

Last edited by Umbra Acciptris (2005-10-29 16:47:16)

woohoo this stuff rocks
Δ > x > ¥

Dagger37A wrote:

Panserbjorn wrote:

Yeah, that's the kind of situation that completely irks me. Be careful, though. That supply drop near/onto the roof could give you away. It'd probably be best to just lay low until the coast is clear, though I still agree with you for being mad at the Commander.
There is nothing better than to have your team own all spawn points then see an enemy resupply fall in a hidden location. Exposing one of the few enemies still alive.

I was on the receiving end of one of those. Bad day for me!
Only thing is, as soon as the enemy takes all the spawns, the Commander is going to do a scan sweep and identify all the enemy locations.  If by some miracle you're still alive when the scan recharges, he'll zoom in 3x and give details of the precise location.
ArmChair Warrior
+4|7010|NH - USA
Thanks - that cleared up a couple small things I was wondering about. (Wasnt aware of the right-click on squad feature and Control-select various squads.)
one little quirk i will add for the benifit of commanders wanting to do more, if u drop a supply crate on a bridge u can actually destroy it that way instead of relying on ur squads to demo it or jets to blast it.

tF-voodoochild wrote:

=[4th]=SlayThem wrote:

Oh. My. Gosh.
I was just playing on Songhua Stalemate. I was sitting atop one of the roofs protecting a flag with c4. I request supplies because I have no life and no ammo. the commander is just sitting spotting enemies.. I request over and over and over and over and over. NOTHING. and this server I'm on doesn't have mutiny. >.< I swear if there was mutiny, he'd be gone the second the mutiny vote was established. everyone was pissed off at him.
Hmm, were you a squad leader? I have yet to do extensive testing, but I am sure that if you are just a squad member that supply/uav/arty requests do not go straight to the commander, must go to your squad leader first or something. Does anyone have a clearer picture of how the whole chain of command thing works with requests?
yeah, requests must be sent from the squad leader. if a squad member requests somethin the squad leader hears it but not the commander. then the team leader will ask the commander for whatever the member asked for, if he thinks its nessecary
+-2|7029|Dallas, Tx
I had my first commander experience yesterday.  I lasted 2 or 3 minutes and got to arty once and then was replaced by mutiny.  Lol, and I only took commander because noone else wanted it.
+-2|7029|Dallas, Tx
Update from my first time disaster.  I actually lasted a whole round and did pretty well, although I think we just had nice players.  I got a gold medal was feeling good.  Then the next day I tried again, and actually did more since I had been reading this thread, but we got waxed.  Yes, now I know my successful round was just due to good players.
GREAT job bro, I have one correction.

You don't get double the point for non-commanding action i.e. engineer, repair; med, heals so on, so thats how you can end up with an odd score 79 :>}

Thats just from what I see from being C.O.

Last edited by anti-terrorism (2005-12-03 10:13:34)

Im not sure if Panserbjorn wrote this in his guide but if your commander and your arty gets destoyed you can fix it by dropping a supply box close to it. I didnt know that till a few days ago. hope it helps you all.

<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

I'm rank 70 or something in commanding... not that I care or anyone else does but I'd like to add I just LOVE being a fucking rambo commander. Makes me feel powerful when I'm on the front lines and plugging people in the back with bullets via UAV, giving myself free cover via supply drop... and if things get hairy I'll nuke the fucking place like a PREDATOR does in the movie... just for spite.... bitches.

Sit-back commanders are pussies. BE A MAN... FIGHT.
It's not about being a rambo. The point is that if you're playing on the frontline, you're UTTERLY USELESS to the rest of your team and may as well be a lone wolf. It's a TEAM game, the commander is a TEAM role. I have no qualms about throwing myself into the thickest fights when I am in a squad or leading a squad, but as commander I recognise that IT IS NOT MY JOB TO BE IN COMBAT.

Sit-back commanders know how to play.

If you're just going com in order to get extra things to give yourself, you shouldn't be going com at all.
+3|6998|So CA
Terrific Guide. Just started playing CDR seriously a short time ago. Invaluable information. Thanks for the time and effort you put into this "HowTo".
+2|6978|Sacramento, California
When playing commander, I mostly hunker down and hide someplace out of the way.  Its funny that here I am, commander of an army, but I'm lying prone in a alley next to a dumpster! Typically once or twice a round I get found and have to respawn somewhere else.

Recently I was playing commander on Karkand and got found and shot about four times, so I suspected that the other team was gunning for me. The fifth time the opposing commander had droped a supply crate on me! There were two other crates nearby - I guess it took him three to dial in the drop.

Now I hide in a building.

Last edited by Vic42 (2006-01-04 21:30:02)


<{SoE}>Agamemnar wrote:

I'm rank 70 or something in commanding... not that I care or anyone else does but I'd like to add I just LOVE being a fucking rambo commander. Makes me feel powerful when I'm on the front lines and plugging people in the back with bullets via UAV, giving myself free cover via supply drop... and if things get hairy I'll nuke the fucking place like a PREDATOR does in the movie... just for spite.... bitches.
Sit-back commanders are pussies. BE A MAN... FIGHT.
Who cares which rank you have? You feel powerful with plugging people in the back? Poor mind!
the commander can see if someone needs ammo or repairs or health, if he is paying attention, even if the guy is not in a squad.  When someone uses the rose and says "I'm bingo on ammo" etc...his dot on the screen will blink.  I will take note of the name, zoom in x3 and if it is the same person, and the supplies are not needed elsewhere, I will drop to the player who called out on the rose.  Unfortuneately, if things are busy, I can't always spot the blinking blue dot
I was playing yesterday on Wake Island 2007, a jet had bombed the UAV on the carrier and I requested repairs to that position. I was camped out at the airfield in the bunker at the end of the runway. Nothing happened even after I requested a number of times in a number of different ways. I eventually made a run for the enemy helicopter, narrowly escaped from tank fire and landed at the carrier. There were about 10 people camped out on the carrier, 3 of which were engineers. I made sure they knew how stupid they were before being flamed and having to repair the UAV myself. I later realised that in a tight situation (or when your troops are complete morons) I could drop supplies next to the UAV or artillery and it would be repaired.
Decepticon Geek
+50|6930|Planet Seibertron ;)
I've been lurking for a while... poking in to see new posts or any threads that caught my attention.  Then I found this... which is quite useful for me, given that I'm a horrible, crappy, terrible, and pathetic excuse for a commander.  Hehe... I've played the role several times... but it's so darn hectic in pubs... especially when you have arties available yet a quick Scan shows enemies so sparsely spreaded out that you cannot get a good use for it.

I found that being the commander is harder than being your Joe Schmoe soldier.  *shrug* I just haven't adapted to its feel yet so I'm going to give it more time... if I ever get the chance.  I never bothered much with the commander role for a few reasons... one being I probably would get outranked by another guy (I ponder the # of no-life-gamers around with such a rank).  The other is that the role has already been filled (because.... it took so *insert 30-second censor beep* long to load & verify!).  And lastly... I suck at being one!

Having clocked more than 100 hours, I still feel that I have lots to learn outta this.  I never got much air time due to people going "MINE!" over the jets.  And I struggle so hard to maintain a decent K/D ratio (a personal goal of mine).  But anyway, I like how the guide is laid out and I thank you for the time in creating this.  I hope I'll be able to remember these shortcut keys because I desperately need to keep them handy to be more "efficient."

Back to Lurk Mode!  Feel free to n00b-t00b me as I idle in that dark corner over there. o_o
Member since 1984
+113|6934|Denver, CO
Here's something that i did not see in these posts that i find very useful:

An enemy commander will show up in white instead of red when revealed using the spotted command.  When using scan or UAV he will show up red just like the rest of the troops.

Usually when i play with a friend (or just another smart player), I become the commander and my friend spawns as a SpecOps in his own squad.  I supply him at the enemy commander assets and spot the enemy commander.  He keeps destroying the assets and killing the commander.  After 4-5 knife stabs most commanders either quit the server or resign to do other things.  I find this extremely useful and disorganizing to the opposing team securing a sure win for my own.  On the other hand it did score me a few kicks when the opposing commander also turned out to be an admin but ohh well

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