
How annoying are Medics that play the whole game with their paddles?

Want to blow thier brains out8%8% - 13
Want to kick them in the nuts (a lot)8%8% - 14
Want to poke out their eyes with my penis14%14% - 23
Not annoying at all64%64% - 102
Want to report them when they do this on a P&K servers4%4% - 7
Total: 159
It's a good day to die
+18|6973|Canada Eh?

FragdaddyXL wrote:

Don't tell me you've never been on one.
I have been one before... as soon as I got on, I took the tank and blasted all those shit heads into the future.(It's a great source of points!) Although, soon enough I got kicked by the admin... if I could I woulda kept on doing it until they all left.
paintball > bf2
+48|6828|montreal, quebec

FragdaddyXL wrote:

Doesn't it get annoying when they do this? Last night I was on a pistol&knife server when this guy had 376 teamwork points and 17 kills. They are the kind that, if you die in a crowd of enemies, no matter what, they will revive you only to get yourself killed again. This has happened to me where I got revived at least 6 times before we both died (same guy too). Let me know what you think.
quit playing bf2 then. its the only way to get rid of our lovely and amazingly usefull medics

Last edited by PvtStPoK (2007-04-14 17:08:52)

Sure it's a little annoying but the medics are keeping me and my team alive and helping us win the round so it's all good.

BTW if you play P&K don't tell anyone here you'll have 20 post below yourself telling you your a noob are how they went into a P&K server to ruin someone else's fun.
You went to a P&K server!?!?!?!?!?


I am shocked, SHOCKED, to find that P&K-ing is going on here!


Last edited by eisBär (2007-04-14 17:46:36)

BF2sEU old school admin - I don't care who you are

Some people complain about medics not using shock paddles, some complain about medics using them too much...


However, I hope you K&P server was unranked, otherwise i would have to ask you to burn.
It's a million times more annoying when you die with medics all around and they just run off whilst your clicking the mouse screaming "medic".. I always try to clear the threat first but there are many situations where a quick revive is ya best option.

For example.. your whole squad gets wiped out and your the only 1 left, there's multiple threats near by and you have 5 bullets left in your magazine + low on health after dropping some infantry..

  • Try to reload before you die and go solo - noob
  • Attempt to run off and hide and heal yourself - only if your Squad Leader
  • Attempt to revive your squad leader and have the entire squad spawn as back up instantly, with the added bonus that good players will now have the best kit for the situation. Then continue to work as a squad and do your best at keeping them all alive - good player

Battlefield is a game and people who know how to score quickly are merely "playing" it.. those of you talking about killing loads of people and losing out to med whores need to realise that in terms of the game your kills count for nothing if the person you shot gets revived. Therefore you could argue Sniping is a form of stat padding..lol.. I agree revives are easy points and requires little skill but very few players are skillful enough to contribute towards winning a round by sniping, teamplay will always win and i'd rather they medic whore than die a million times trying to rack up kills.

As long as medics get more revives than deaths, they have had a positive effect on the round and also the players around them. People should always play to their strengths and if they're good at racking up revives then good luck to them, good players will still get gold!

When i die i always spend my 15 seconds looking at the kill log and mini map, checking what killed me and seeing if they're still alive. This gives you an idea what your gonna face if you get revived. You should already know where ya gonna take cover and have your direction and run button pressed ready to leg it ..basically do everything you can to be a hard target till you make cover.

IMO if someone has risked their ass to save my life i owe them, and if they subsequently die ill always try to repay the favour switching kits if necessary.

Snake wrote:

They are lame as fuck.

Someone with 40 kills as a sniper will always lose to some padding medic fucktard who half the time revives people who are under fire and just die over and over and over....

And which took more skill to do, and helped people more?

I just lost out on a few golds due to that kind of shit. 30+ kills with the RIFLE (no claywhoring or nadespamming like 95% of IO fucktards) and some medic with 3/8 and a shit load of revives beat me to the medals. And thats skillful?
Don't blame the medic cause the guy he's reviving doesn't know how to get out of the way. Shoot the medic in the face, or quit whining, spawn with a real gun and go hunt them down.

I'd rather be revived under fire 10 times than left to respawn.
A guy who uses nothing but clays all round is annoying.  A medic who doesn't revive you is annoying.
ii love it check out my account paddled.asses

Jameseyy wrote:

Snake wrote:

They are lame as fuck.

Someone with 40 kills as a sniper will always lose to some padding medic fucktard who half the time revives people who are under fire and just die over and over and over....

And which took more skill to do, and helped people more?

I just lost out on a few golds due to that kind of shit. 30+ kills with the RIFLE (no claywhoring or nadespamming like 95% of IO fucktards) and some medic with 3/8 and a shit load of revives beat me to the medals. And thats skillful?
Don't blame the medic cause the guy he's reviving doesn't know how to get out of the way. Shoot the medic in the face, or quit whining, spawn with a real gun and go hunt them down.

I'd rather be revived under fire 10 times than left to respawn.
No you'd rather revive someone 10 times and die afterwards.

I can't imagine how that is fun, unless you REALLY love points and stats.
Missing, Presumed Dead

agent146 wrote:

that's bf2 life! Either your playing for fun, wins, stats, or medals; and i play for points to get my unlock:P i will in behalf off all medic whores apologize to you, snake, for "being so leet to run full speed, dodge a claymore, an couple of nades, gun down a MEC support, and then diving head first into 5 enemies just to revivie a downed teammate to get 2 points and save a ticket,
So, you dive in the middle of 5 enemies to get a revive and save 1 ticket and get 2 points. You both end up dying, 1 additional death and 2 lost tickets.
Correct me if Im wrong, but is that really "leet" and helping your team out?
No, its you after a measely 2 points. Nothing else.

agent146 wrote:

and besides with your amount medals why you need one more?
Thats not the point. Dont get me wrong, g/s/b medals dont interest me much (anymore), however, they are meant to be a reflection of who is the best player in the round. And if you can tell me that a medic who soley revives people, only for that person to be killed over and over and waste a lot of time dead on the ground is good for the team, then you need to work out just what is properly regarded as "teamwork" and what is skillful.

Id rather have a 40/3 sniper on my team than a medic with 3/7 and 40 so called "teamwork points" anyday.

FragdaddyXL wrote:

Jameseyy wrote:

Snake wrote:

They are lame as fuck.

Someone with 40 kills as a sniper will always lose to some padding medic fucktard who half the time revives people who are under fire and just die over and over and over....

And which took more skill to do, and helped people more?

I just lost out on a few golds due to that kind of shit. 30+ kills with the RIFLE (no claywhoring or nadespamming like 95% of IO fucktards) and some medic with 3/8 and a shit load of revives beat me to the medals. And thats skillful?
Don't blame the medic cause the guy he's reviving doesn't know how to get out of the way. Shoot the medic in the face, or quit whining, spawn with a real gun and go hunt them down.

I'd rather be revived under fire 10 times than left to respawn.
No you'd rather revive someone 10 times and die afterwards.
I normally have a nice 2:1 kill ratio at least, with my teamwork points quite high as well, so I'm not sure what you're getting at.
Not annoying at all
+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.

Fuzzball_the_Shooter wrote:

FragdaddyXL wrote:

hey, I needed 40 kills as Assault for my Expert badge. Don't tell me you've never been on one. I hate P&K though because I got kicked for teamkilling when I was commander with a teamwork score of 0. If I TKed, wouldn't I be in the negatives? I came back and asked why I got kicked. Of course they said nothing. I made commander spot again and kept playing. After a while of knifing someone three times to kill them (even the dust came out each time) while it only took them 1 for me, I said screw it. I threw a nade and said bye. They need to fix the knife bug.
I haven't.

*shifty eyes @ stats <---over there*
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
Well not being on homosexual p/k servers i wouldnt know

You do realise they are against EA rules and you could get reset for being on them

Snipe=UKLF= wrote:

It's a million times more annoying when you die with medics all around and they just run off whilst your clicking the mouse screaming "medic".. I always try to clear the threat first but there are many situations where a quick revive is ya best option.

Battlefield is a game and people who know how to score quickly are merely "playing" it.. those of you talking about killing loads of people and losing out to med whores need to realise that in terms of the game your kills count for nothing if the person you shot gets revived. Therefore you could argue Sniping is a form of stat padding..lol.. I agree revives are easy points and requires little skill but very few players are skillful enough to contribute towards winning a round by sniping, teamplay will always win and i'd rather they medic whore than die a million times trying to rack up kills.

When i die i always spend my 15 seconds looking at the kill log and mini map, checking what killed me and seeing if they're still alive. This gives you an idea what your gonna face if you get revived. You should already know where ya gonna take cover and have your direction and run button pressed ready to leg it ..basically do everything you can to be a hard target till you make cover.

IMO if someone has risked their ass to save my life i owe them, and if they subsequently die ill always try to repay the favour switching kits if necessary.

Snake and fragdaddy, there isnt a problem with too much reviving when normally <10% of deaths get revived. There are lots of good lone wolves in BF2, but its almost impossible to find people that track their teammates as much as enemies in order to win every battle with positioning. You can arrange almost every attack to involve the possibility of continuous revives from cover. You may think you can play the game if you can aim quickly, etc, but the game is really about getting on flags and reviving. As long as you kill people on the way there you will win the round.

In BF2 teammates almost seem to be racing eachother from one vantage to the next hoping to get a kill. When people are playing that way, a revived teammate is little more than a something to divert enemy fire and compete with. But when you have people that use teamwork, a revived teammate could mean 3 revives in return when nades suddenly appear. Any time I can get a revive without dying I go for it. And you can usually run right in front of people as long as u are sprinting perpendicular to their gun. By the time you have revived, the enemy has an empty clip and is outnumbered. Don't get me wrong, you can get a lot of kills and have fun as a lone wolf. But you will killed by a medic squad if they do their job. And you won't be able to capture a flag if a medic squad is nearby.

Playing medic is the most basic courtesy to your team. It makes BF2 players look like a bunch of selfish pricks when you notice how many servers have 60 people and 10 medics. And its hilarious because the medic is pretty much overpowered. I suspect that despite how much the medic kit owns, a lot of people are still averse to using it, simply because it implies some kind of helpful support role. Everybody just wants to be the alpha-dog killer instead (aka they think theyre "special"). Theres nothing I hate more than getting 40 revives in a round, then the next round seeing my full squad all go support, spec ops, and sniper and just sort of disperse like I'm going to go revive each one of them wherever they decide to go. And then theres the claymore as I arrive at the flag just to rub the situation in a bit. I understand its a game, and a lot of people want to play it mindlessly, but when you know somebody has played over 200 hours or so, it just seems arrogant or rude to still be using all these random kits and running off by yourself as if you are actually a one man army. Obviously in a game where hundreds of deaths happen per round, and yet the best infantry only avg a 5 kd ratio, there is lots of room for everybody to die less using better teamwork.
Battlefield 2 killa'
+128|6641|SHAPE, Belgium

I.M.I Militant wrote:

they are amazing especially if they manage to keep a constent KDR of 2.0 or higher
I wish my team had medics that ran around with paddles out.

Whenever I die, the 25 medics that run over me always seem to have grenades in their hands?  Yeah, I'd much rather have paddles whores.
+1,106|6603|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

I could really care less about them. If I play on a normal, non-P&K server, I'll occasionally run around with my defibrillator out, shocking everything, friend or foe.

In fact, I usually have to get at least one defib kill a day for me to stay happy.

I found people who don't know that they paddles at all much more annoying...
+124|6735|My room

Tromboner999 wrote:

FragdaddyXL wrote:

Last night I was on a pistol&knife server
x2, statpadding n00b.
It's very annoying, that's why they should make it so you're only able to be revived when you ASK to be revived like the on-screen text and tutorial explains it, by hitting your fire key to request a medic, if you don't request a medic, you should not be able to be revived. You should also not be revived to full health.

USteppin wrote:

It's very annoying, that's why they should make it so you're only able to be revived when you ASK to be revived like the on-screen text and tutorial explains it, by hitting your fire key to request a medic, if you don't request a medic, you should not be able to be revived. You should also not be revived to full health.
I honestly can't ever think of a time where I'd want a medic to leave me dead.

And if you were revived underneath full health you'd be a far too easy target for snipers.
Missing, Presumed Dead

Jameseyy wrote:

USteppin wrote:

It's very annoying, that's why they should make it so you're only able to be revived when you ASK to be revived like the on-screen text and tutorial explains it, by hitting your fire key to request a medic, if you don't request a medic, you should not be able to be revived. You should also not be revived to full health.
I honestly can't ever think of a time where I'd want a medic to leave me dead.

And if you were revived underneath full health you'd be a far too easy target for snipers.
So, you want to be on 3seconds before respawn, only to get revived in the middile of 5 enemies only to die again, and have to wait a further 15seconds?

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