Like say you/I forgot to join a squad and we were on the winning team. Right when the tickets become
37|12 you get switched to the other team. Then your win/loss ratio worsens, and you get angry for not being in a squad. It seems you're always the one to get teamswitched. My record is being teamswitched twice in one round. I even changed my localization files so that when this happens to you, it says
"Your were switched to the other team by the server, isn't that great"
How does the server determine who to switch. Is it completely random? Or does the admin pick?
37|12 you get switched to the other team. Then your win/loss ratio worsens, and you get angry for not being in a squad. It seems you're always the one to get teamswitched. My record is being teamswitched twice in one round. I even changed my localization files so that when this happens to you, it says
"Your were switched to the other team by the server, isn't that great"
How does the server determine who to switch. Is it completely random? Or does the admin pick?