I'm not exactly a noob or anything, but i hear of people complaining about stat padding alot and such.  Now, for certain badges, i hear people complain of stat padding.  For instance, when i was going for my veteran knife, pistol, and explosive badges i was called one.  I don't see how the hell i wouldn't get my expert badges if i didn't "statpad"?
177th Field Artillery
+39|7054|In your head
Getting high scores or doing somethign to recieve a badge.

But I think stat padding is ok to an EXTENT! It gets out of hand when people have like 400 points in just one round. But getting one or 2 badges every now and again is just fine.
¦Tactics Øver Principles¦
Stats padding is either

A) when you work with a friend on the other team to kill/revive a friendly, constantly give ammo to someone, kill yourself and have someone revive you, etc

B) What n00bs call you when you are pwning them so hard that they don't know what to do but whine.
177th Field Artillery
+39|7054|In your head

VeNg3nCe^ wrote:

Stats padding is either

A) when you work with a friend on the other team to kill/revive a friendly, constantly give ammo to someone, kill yourself and have someone revive you, etc

B) What n00bs call you when you are pwning them so hard that they don't know what to do but whine.
Oh yeh I forgot B my bad.....
Get C4, here!

Despite what some people here might think, stat padding is -not- ok, and -will- get your stats reset.  As vengence said, padding is doing something to gain many points with very little effort, or finding loop holes in the game to do the same.  Having you and a friend constantly knife and revive someone, having your friend throw grenade after grenade while you throw ammo packs at him, etc.
Moral of the story; DONT DO IT.  You're better off playing honest and clean.  You're more likely to get a better honest score than a shotty haxed score.
Another good definition to add here would he hacker.

Hacker is defined as Nitro92.
+32|7026|Wherever the F**k i feel like
I dont see much difference between a friend standing there throwng grenades while you resupply him, or sgt maxpower running round with his fucking paddles out reviving you infront of 15 enemies just so you can get killed straight away.

Personally I only perceive stat padding as when people from 2 opposing teams stand there getting points rather than killing each other, pretty much anything that you do with your own team is just teamwork.

Would you say its stat padding if your tank purposefully sits in the open killing people taking anti tank shots, while an engineer stands behind the tank and repairs, you might say that the tank should hide, and hes only doing it so the eng can get repair points... but i see nothing wrong with that, its just common teamwork

Where do you draw the line?
Official Hell Bound Turbo Action Club Member
+17|7023|Gütersloh, Germany
A tank standing in the middle of the road, killing everybody, taking AT shots and getting constantly repaired by two or three engineers is fine. The tank is helping his team by killing the enemy and the engineers are helping the tank by repairing it.

But you're not helping your team by sitting in the back of a vehicle and repairing it while it takes damage from the water. Or by knifing a friend over and over, who gets revived by another friend.
I'm a little surprised, that some think to be lighted by some genious source, to be in the position to decide who is "stats-padding" and who not. I think the game works as it is designed and as it gives options. If some "weapon behaviors" are really annoying, no one banns or kicks a  G3 grenade launcher user.... or a US-LAV tank driver, who can shot across light obstacles and the MEC one can't,  these problems can only be solved by "patching" them, and not by a fu...-off brainless admin.... then is thinking, one alone doing just something the game is forseen to do so, could not be abuse... of course if the game is is crowded by a group going out of the battle zone, to just kill themselves and revive again, the game loses, but again, this should be solved by the game or a patch and not by some one who thinks to be in god-mode....

So... keep on fragging... and this serious!

+5|7088|Westeren Australia

ghostgr wrote:

Getting high scores or doing somethign to recieve a badge.

But I think stat padding is ok to an EXTENT! It gets out of hand when people have like 400 points in just one round. But getting one or 2 badges every now and again is just fine.
im only going to agree with the badges part but do not do it ten times in a round or u will be KICK
That's clear, but I think if you are working towards a target... you are playing as with a Kit and a weapon or tool you are looking for a badge... so if you want a Knife Badge you will probaly run around with the knife... to get your kills, or you try to get in position with the wrench.... to try to repair things.

I agree, if 2 different persons, from different teams are FlagCapturing in a endless loop.... hmmm.... get's nasty... and a score which is not at all at the "natural" level...


I cheat.
+-6|7115|Sydney, Australia
stat padding is wen theres 2 guys on 1 team and 1 on other 1 kills the other 1 and 2 revives dead and does that hundreds of times in a round and get high scores andthen change servers then get banned

wots it got 2 do with SF neway

Last edited by nitro92 (2006-01-18 19:25:05)

Raiders of the Lost Bear

Nitro what exactly is hacking?
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7032|Melbourne, Australia
rofl nitro is a hacker THEFLOW u stay away from him..he is a sad exscuse for a aussie and deserves to be lined up in the street and shot
rofl nitro is a hacker
I strongly suspect that...not the "rofl" however.

I can tell you that hackers DO know how to write. They know it well
Death StatPadder
+228|7082|Human Meat Shield
he's not a hacker, he's a 'user of hacks'.

imdead wrote:

he's not a hacker, he's a 'user of hacks'.
bad touch

either way, owned
I don't really care when someone is statpadding as long as I can kill him or he doesn't involves me in it.
If you statpad, then that's your own bussiness. You bought the game, do with it what you want.
true, if statpadding wasn't allowed you wouldn't be able to do so, ea would have brougth out a patch..

They don't care if you statpad they allready got their money...
And they can't do anything if you do statpad cos you paid for the freaking game...
You are just getting things faster than normal, so what ea should have made it easier to get some thing...
If you see someone statpad and you don't like it , leave the fucking server (but mommy, i'm afraid they are going to erase my stat) wel should read the fucking text where you said 'i agree' and clicked next...
If it sais you can't do those thing then you can't else go ahaid...
+1|7042|Eindhoven, Netherlands

ghostgr wrote:

Getting high scores or doing somethign to recieve a badge.

But I think stat padding is ok to an EXTENT! It gets out of hand when people have like 400 points in just one round. But getting one or 2 badges every now and again is just fine.
I feel the same way about statpadding.

Helping a friend or a friend helps you to get a medal/badge/ribbon is just fine if it stays limited, ppl padding for high round scores should be banned.
Forklift Whore
+67|7080|Canader , eh?
the ONLY time i think stat-padding is moderatley ok is when a guy goes for ONE or TWO badges..not all of them .. it is definateley NOT ok when it is about getting points
+17|7107|Dayton, Ohio

dendeze wrote:

true, if statpadding wasn't allowed you wouldn't be able to do so, ea would have brougth out a patch..

They don't care if you statpad they allready got their money...
And they can't do anything if you do statpad cos you paid for the freaking game...
You are just getting things faster than normal, so what ea should have made it easier to get some thing...
If you see someone statpad and you don't like it , leave the fucking server (but mommy, i'm afraid they are going to erase my stat) wel should read the fucking text where you said 'i agree' and clicked next...
If it sais you can't do those thing then you can't else go ahaid...
sorry but you are WRONG.  EA does care about stat padding or peoples accounts wouldn't be getting reset for it.

and as for them being able to create patches to prevent people from doing it.  are you kidding me?  how do you prevent an engineer from repairing a friendly vehicle?  or a medic from reviving a dead comrade?  or a support unit from giving out ammo to a buddy who needs it?  these are all parts of stat padding when exploited that you would be hard pressed to try to take away without ruining the kits involved.

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