I Agree, the F35b Sux serious nuts. But, I have found a tactic that makes it not such a death trap. I can actually survive a j10 fight, with marginal to good enemy pilots.
Once i take off I fly straight up to about 400-500 feet. If you can identify a sure target under a UAV say, point straight down, ignore any lock-ons, and bomb your target, pull up and immkediately release flairs and bank away as you gain altitude, if it's AA you can survive, if it's a goo j-10 pilot, head for the carrier and bail to get the newly spawned f35, cause your's is doomed.
Now as for j-10s same thing, fly high as holy hell and stay up there keep making banking turns so you can see the ground below, that way, you cna also see enemy jets.
In my experience, 90% of enemy pilots never think to look too high for enemy planes. So, once you see a j-10, know where your enemy AA could be and pursue the j-10 if it's safe. stay in bomb mode to avoid revealing yourself with a lock on tone.
Most people know that joyful J-10 can out turn AA missiles. From above him, lock-on and wait for flairs, once he throws flairs, switch back to bomb mode and continue to follow from a safer, higher altitude. When it's safe again come back behind him, at this point, if it's soon enough, there will be no flairs.
Once behind wait for him to bank one way, it must be a casual bank, not a tactical bank, because he will out bank you. Click to your missiles, lock on and bank with him (he probably will turn away) and LEAD the jet by a good distance and fire at least !3! missiles, since the J-10 is a nimble flying tank (thanks EA) usually, 2 isn't even enough.
I usually lead the jet by the distance of the lock-on screen. you know, the point when if you turn to far away the lock tone stops.
This works a bit more than half the time. It's nice seeing your name pop up owning a j-10 with the f35.
Now, one last thing. Know your enemy. If the round is proving that your enemy j-10 is a pro, he'll check his rear view, never fly in a straight line. the works. Either have a friend be in another f35 or stay the fuck away from him unless you even better.
This is just my experience but there you go.
EDIT: I'm sure the BF2s Aviator Wiki already covers this, but I thought i'd share.
Last edited by RoosterCantrell (2007-04-15 06:30:44)