I don't play for the team or for the win.

I don't care if our team loses.

Last edited by ssonrats (2007-04-15 17:16:06)


C0vert_F0x|1. wrote:

1 sniper can own 2-3 medics anyday.......I own medics when they try and revive other medic LOL I just make them into a mass pile on the floor.
I beat snipers a lot as a medic longrange just by constantly moving near an object like a wall taking long range shots, and every time they're hit, their health drops, every time I'm hit, I hide and heal up and continue, since I strafe and use crouch they rarely headshot me, so if they don't just hide I usually win.
YEA THATS COZ ALL medics are cowards u have to give ur self more health in order to win what loosers!

Jameseyy wrote:

C0vert_F0x|1. wrote:

1 sniper can own 2-3 medics anyday.......I own medics when they try and revive other medic LOL I just make them into a mass pile on the floor.
I beat snipers a lot as a medic longrange just by constantly moving near an object like a wall taking long range shots, and every time they're hit, their health drops, every time I'm hit, I hide and heal up and continue, since I strafe and use crouch they rarely headshot me, so if they don't just hide I usually win.
I will miss you or headshot you, either way i'd win 1v1, especially long range.
Platinum Star whore
+365|6991|Middle of nowhere

Cobra4545 wrote:

I shouldn't be the one telling you if I rock or not, because I am a little biased.
yeah, i'd agree with that, but i guess i'm ok, since i like to be in a tank, i don't really cap flags much b/c otherwise i'll get surrounded, but when i'm infantry the medics on my team never revive me, so idk

i guess i don't really change the round for me team, but i guess i say i would help

if you get two of my friends to play with me though, we will win every game we play, no question
+127|6700|Jesus Land aka Canada

C0vert_F0x|1. wrote:

YEA THATS COZ ALL medics are cowards u have to give ur self more health in order to win what loosers!
not cowardice but smarts:P who wants to die?
I reckon i'm quite a good team player, i will have at least 30 team points a round, and my k/d ratio is always at least 2-1, people who say snipers are not team worky at all, i object, quite often when im sniper with my m24 or svd, i advance with the squad, stayin slightly behind them, catchin enemies in the distance jumpin to the floor taking pot shots at my squad, also i cap a fair few flags as the sniper.
+42|7157|Waikato, Aotearoa

Cooper_J_Z wrote:

-101-InvaderZim wrote:

Cooper_J_Z wrote:

I hope you arent one of those medics that run into a firefight revive and run away cuz that shit sucks. I have been known to tk an asshole that does that.

Im usually the damn squad leader so instead of capping alot of flags Ill sit in a spawn point and rape the dumbass that decided to actually spawn there. Best kind of rape is a medic just happens to spawn there at the same time and typical med whores decide to revive before taking out the threat. So if hes lucky enough to get the revive Ill waste them both.
So?? At least I do my job. +1 kill for you=NO TICKET LOSS FOR US IF I REVIVE (oh and the guy that gets revived doesnt get a kill against his name. While you are "killing us" my team is taking YOUR flags". Oh and TK me for something like that and Ill make DAMN sure ILL NEVER REIVE YOU AGAIN - EVER. Ill leave you for dead. Even if there arnt any threats around
As I said if you revive before taking out the threat, I would rather you leave me for dead. Thanks as I would rather have 20 deaths than 5 and get to play for 15 mins less as some stupid medic revives and I die instantly. So please be so kind as to do me that favor.

And yes as a squad leader I dont go rushing into a fire fight as I am a spawnpoint. The only spawn point that isnt being raped. If you are stupid enough to spawn on a flag rather than your squad leader then you deserve to be raped in the back. Im guessing you are one of those that is at hotel on Karkand while the rest of your squad is defending cement factory? So call me a fucking moron all you want because you will still be dead while Im raping the next idiot that wants to spawn at the wrong flag.
Umm i never said I was a squad leader shit 4 brains
+27|6701|Ottawa, ON
Pretty irrelevant topic concerning pubs. All it takes is a few people willing to spend the first couple minutes of the game flanking to take back flags, and a few people on the opposite team not caring about those flags to win a game. Don't have to be good to do that, you just have to hope that the other team doesn't care. Useful? Hardly.

If you want to be useful then learn how to play Support/Medic instead of just playing the kits like 5 year olds. There's absolutely no way that 5 medics should be standing around with no medkits anywhere in sight, something that I see shockingly often when I'm not playing medic. Then again, don't suppose there is any reason in saying that. 99.9% of people are either good at something or they aren't. The people that aren't will improve eventually, but never to the point where it matters.
It's not a bug, it's a feature
+38|6941|Muenster, Germany
Very useful

If i lead a good squad, we capture and defend flags without dying a lot.
If i play sniper i spot and shoot enemies to save the lives of my teammates.
Generally grab a gun, do what i'm told, go where i'm needed, and stick to the theory, kill or be killed.
+127|6700|Jesus Land aka Canada

Cooper_J_Z wrote:

-101-InvaderZim wrote:

Cooper_J_Z wrote:

I hope you arent one of those medics that run into a firefight revive and run away cuz that shit sucks. I have been known to tk an asshole that does that.

Im usually the damn squad leader so instead of capping alot of flags Ill sit in a spawn point and rape the dumbass that decided to actually spawn there. Best kind of rape is a medic just happens to spawn there at the same time and typical med whores decide to revive before taking out the threat. So if hes lucky enough to get the revive Ill waste them both.
So?? At least I do my job. +1 kill for you=NO TICKET LOSS FOR US IF I REVIVE (oh and the guy that gets revived doesnt get a kill against his name. While you are "killing us" my team is taking YOUR flags". Oh and TK me for something like that and Ill make DAMN sure ILL NEVER REIVE YOU AGAIN - EVER. Ill leave you for dead. Even if there arnt any threats around
As I said if you revive before taking out the threat, I would rather you leave me for dead. Thanks as I would rather have 20 deaths than 5 and get to play for 15 mins less as some stupid medic revives and I die instantly. So please be so kind as to do me that favor.

And yes as a squad leader I dont go rushing into a fire fight as I am a spawnpoint. The only spawn point that isnt being raped. If you are stupid enough to spawn on a flag rather than your squad leader then you deserve to be raped in the back. Im guessing you are one of those that is at hotel on Karkand while the rest of your squad is defending cement factory? So call me a fucking moron all you want because you will still be dead while Im raping the next idiot that wants to spawn at the wrong flag.
no man you can whine all you want ,Cooper_J_Z, but..... i am still going to dash 20 meters into a thick fire fight with my paddle out around 5 MECS and revive YOU becuase i value your life ....& my two points ; after revive you i will run away for cover....and then get my gold/silver/bronze star after the round and if you die right away again; i will just have to revive you again and again and agian.

Last edited by agent146 (2007-04-16 02:59:15)

Nikola Bathory
Karkand T-90 0wnage
I always try to help my team to win. Sometimes it's impossible, because they suck and won't squad up!! wtf?!
Anyway, I don't play much as a sniper, which means that I am a teamplayer
ALso, I cap lots of flags!
M24 Abuser
+99|6814|Valley of the Dragons

Jameseyy wrote:

C0vert_F0x|1. wrote:

1 sniper can own 2-3 medics anyday.......I own medics when they try and revive other medic LOL I just make them into a mass pile on the floor.
I beat snipers a lot as a medic longrange just by constantly moving near an object like a wall taking long range shots, and every time they're hit, their health drops, every time I'm hit, I hide and heal up and continue, since I strafe and use crouch they rarely headshot me, so if they don't just hide I usually win.
Long range eh ... you can aim with that pathetic weapon and hit me when I am out at 300+ meters? You cannt even see beyond 250 meters with any of them.
the "Commander"
+102|6836|the Netherlands
i make a difference ... make team win !! thats me
I ♣ Seals
The only useful sniper is a combat sniper.
If i go sniper (less and less nowerdays) i stick with my squad and take out entrenched enemies (and other long shots/spotting etc) so the rest of my squad can get where they are going. Obviously claymores are good for defending (one to catch the first guy, then another to catch him again and the medic who rezd him)areas but im not lame enough to put em on spawn points.
I ♣ Seals
I ALWAYS join and stick to a squad, a one man squad is as usefull as an ashtray on a motorbike, and if we dont have a commander il do that.
If im in a poo squad or i suddenly find myself in a good position il form a squad and invite people. If you dont spawn on me though il kick you and find some1 else
M24 Abuser
+99|6814|Valley of the Dragons

goblinstomper wrote:

The only useful sniper is a combat sniper.
If i go sniper (less and less nowerdays) i stick with my squad and take out entrenched enemies (and other long shots/spotting etc) so the rest of my squad can get where they are going. Obviously claymores are good for defending (one to catch the first guy, then another to catch him again and the medic who rezd him)areas but im not lame enough to put em on spawn points.
ROFL, who are you to pass judgment about what is useful. Your Kit is barely +1 and your Rifle is even below 1.
There is no such thing as a combat sniper. There are only Designated Marksmen & Scout Snipers. And by the looks of it you are neither.
I would say i help my team a fair bit in winning a round.

Nyte wrote:

Due to popularity of this thread here:

I decided to make another thread to address this very important question.

How useful do you think you are for your team?

I for one pretty much AM the team when I play.
Hm. I get that same feeling sometimes. And when I lose its not me, its because of my team not assisting me.


I like my new approach. Pick a random populated server, pick a random squad and follow the squadleader around the entire round. As medic for infantry heavy stuff, engineer when you're in armor etc, you get the idea.

dont_be_ss wrote:

DivineMomentofTruth wrote:

I know enough about infantry to realize that no matter how good of a sniper you are you will only delay the inevitable ass raping that is coming to you when trying to engage a group of coordinated medics be that defending or attacking a flag.
Snipers > medics 1 v 1

All you have to do is spam some claymores near the flag, how can you stop the gaymore?

3 snipers vs 3 medics, plant 6 claymores on 1 flag + 3 snipers firing at them = dead medics.
Dumb snipers can defeat dumb medics. Smart snipers cannot defeat smart medics.

I bet that DMT, RiceKrispie and myself could sit out in the open perpetually bunnyhopping and reviving in front of 3 of the best snipers you can find. It wouldn't even take that much skill, the revive rate is just vastly faster than your kill rate on a moving target. You would have to get lucky and coincidentally headshot all of us at the same time. Good luck with that communication. We could revive with no VOIP because the game practically has cham hacks built in to guide revives. And by using a single piece of cover, two of us could just mindlessly gun at your great snipers while one sits safely reviving until the job is done. Once again, it doesn't even take much skill, its just a fundementally better strategy. And by the way, has held sniper vs medic battles before and the medics always rape.

Now go back to fantasizing about all you leet sniper kills.

Jemme101 wrote:

Long range eh ... you can aim with that pathetic weapon and hit me when I am out at 300+ meters? You cannt even see beyond 250 meters with any of them.
And what would be the purpose of fighting you at 300 meters when most flags are a tiny fraction of that distance apart? I would completely ignore you as I stay out of your view, cap the three or more flags between us, and then you wouldnt see me emerge from cover until im less than 30 meters away and raping you mid dolphin dive-roll as you fire a useless speck of dust somewhere near where you think I was a quarter of a second before. Bear in mind that one or two of my teammates would probably be doing this simultaneously. And thats assuming that you would even stay within 50 m of that last flag. If you were as remote as 300 meters from all flags I'd just completely ignore you the whole game while going about raping your short-handed teammates.

Sniping would make some sense in real life combat, but its doesnt in BF2. Even if it does work in a lot of noob servers where the competition knows nothing about the game. Trying to fight at 300 meters is pointless for your team, even in most all vehicles

Last edited by Marinejuana (2007-04-16 09:12:10)


I...blow up tanks?

Marinejuana wrote:

I bet that DMT, RiceKrispie and myself could sit out in the open perpetually bunnyhopping and reviving in front of 3 of the best snipers you can find. It wouldn't even take that much skill, the revive rate is just vastly faster than your kill rate on a moving target. You would have to get lucky and coincidentally headshot all of us at the same time. Good luck with that communication. We could revive with no VOIP because the game practically has cham hacks built in to guide revives. And by using a single piece of cover, two of us could just mindlessly gun at your great snipers while one sits safely reviving until the job is done. Once again, it doesn't even take much skill, its just a fundementally better strategy. And by the way, has held sniper vs medic battles before and the medics always rape.
Yes, and now we have you pinned reviving eachother, that's 3 medics that aren't capping flags, thus helping the team..

Last edited by ssonrats (2007-04-16 09:18:20)


ssonrats wrote:

Marinejuana wrote:

I bet that DMT, RiceKrispie and myself could sit out in the open perpetually bunnyhopping and reviving in front of 3 of the best snipers you can find. It wouldn't even take that much skill, the revive rate is just vastly faster than your kill rate on a moving target. You would have to get lucky and coincidentally headshot all of us at the same time. Good luck with that communication. We could revive with no VOIP because the game practically has cham hacks built in to guide revives. And by using a single piece of cover, two of us could just mindlessly gun at your great snipers while one sits safely reviving until the job is done. Once again, it doesn't even take much skill, its just a fundementally better strategy. And by the way, has held sniper vs medic battles before and the medics always rape.
Yes, and now we have you pinned reviving eachother, that's 3 medics that aren't capping flags.
no, u still dont follow, thats three of you snipers just being useless, while the three of us are free to travel the map.

and did u miss this part?

Marinejuana wrote:

And by using a single piece of cover, two of us could just mindlessly gun at your great snipers while one sits safely reviving until the job is done.
so not only are the medics free to roam, but they can choose to kill u at any second, whereas it would be impossible for you to kill the medic behind cover (and the squad) if you are actually at sniping range.

these are the simplest possible terms i can offer you: a medic squad has infinite health, a sniper squad has finite health. therefore the sniper kit is weaker.
You can bullshit talk all you want, i have done it many times, medics pose no threat to any skilled sniper, especially if the sniper has good cover and decent range.

Plus often you will get nailed moving from flag to flag by a sniper and you won't know where the shot came from because he's hiding.

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