but you only have a 43 kill streak??Madiz wrote:
My usual sniping day 55-0
/ownz0rizedsteelie34 wrote:
but you only have a 43 kill streak??Madiz wrote:
My usual sniping day 55-0
Meh, he was probably exaggerating.

Man marinejuana simply destroyed the sniper dick sucker's argument. How many times does it need to be shouted to you people that Medic is the PREMIERE INFANTRY CLASS.
99% of the time, the latter is much more helpful to the team.Dersmikner wrote:
I'm not a great player, and the highest points I've had don't touch most of yours.
I've been well over 100, with something like 32 kills and 10 deaths and a bunch of team points, and that was cool, but the other day I sniped the East Wall at Karkand (with a different username, a new one whose stats weren't completely jacked from the word go) in a 64 man server and went 17 kills and 0 deaths.
Would you rather go something like 25 and 0, for something like 55 points, or 35 and 15 for 100?
I kinda like the thought that I went an entire round, start to finish, and nobody got me. Never even had to be revived. I consider it my best round ever, even though I didn't get 1/3 of the points I've gotten in other rounds.
There's nothing better than getting revived every time you get killed: immortality.
And Marinejuana's right about the social aspect of it. Medics make me use the "Thanks, chief" message more than any other class.
And Marinejuana's right about the social aspect of it. Medics make me use the "Thanks, chief" message more than any other class.
But some people enjoy getting good stats, so they do both.gvers wrote:
I think you need to ask which one did I enjoy most. Don't play for stats play for enjoyment.
I say 17-0 is better in terms of helping your team (as long as it wasn't 8 vs 8 with 300 tickets to start with - in which case you hit in a corner most of the time), and I do enjoy being a team player more than whoring it up. But if you had fun getting 35-20 (or whatever it was) and caused the enemy some headaches then that's good too.
Personally, I've enjoyed getting my meagre average of 6-10 per round
Funny how IO got slipped in by the Medic whores while the OP didnt mention it at all. But if that is what you need to make a point good for you.
In the meantime Medics are worthless, because half the time they are either to stupid to revive/medpack you or run up to you in the middle of the street and revive you when a PKM has us boresighted. The sole reason why IO Karkand is for noobs.
In the meantime I know for fact that whatever Kit I pick helps out my team. Be it my favourite KIt the Sniper or any other. It all depends on the momentum of a match or public game. If you dont anticipate what is coming next by staying in your role as medic or any other class you dont have any idea about game balance at all. Because at the end of the day all the Kits are needed in a normal game of BF2.
When an AT gets killed and I am Sniper I will gladly drop my Kit to make sure that I at least get one shot of on that incoming armor. I might get killed or not, but by damaging at least I have helped out my team. If I die I wont get any points, big deal. At least that armor was destroyed by the AT that has probably respawned near that position and my team can move out again.
In the meantime I will keep whoring, in pubs, the Sniper kit because that is what has allways been the most fun in any game I played. Especially now that medic whores are pushing their "We are the best infantry class"-agenda. I just laugh at that sort of short sightedness and snipe you anyways.
In the meantime Medics are worthless, because half the time they are either to stupid to revive/medpack you or run up to you in the middle of the street and revive you when a PKM has us boresighted. The sole reason why IO Karkand is for noobs.
In the meantime I know for fact that whatever Kit I pick helps out my team. Be it my favourite KIt the Sniper or any other. It all depends on the momentum of a match or public game. If you dont anticipate what is coming next by staying in your role as medic or any other class you dont have any idea about game balance at all. Because at the end of the day all the Kits are needed in a normal game of BF2.
When an AT gets killed and I am Sniper I will gladly drop my Kit to make sure that I at least get one shot of on that incoming armor. I might get killed or not, but by damaging at least I have helped out my team. If I die I wont get any points, big deal. At least that armor was destroyed by the AT that has probably respawned near that position and my team can move out again.
In the meantime I will keep whoring, in pubs, the Sniper kit because that is what has allways been the most fun in any game I played. Especially now that medic whores are pushing their "We are the best infantry class"-agenda. I just laugh at that sort of short sightedness and snipe you anyways.
w/e snipers are useless in vehicle maps compared with medics, get over it. nobody has an agenda, its just the big picture of bf2. it doesn't matter if its a tight IO map or a spread out vehicle map. gg noob, dont forget to switch to pistol when you see me.Jemme101 wrote:
Funny how IO got slipped in by the Medic whores while the OP didnt mention it at all. But if that is what you need to make a point good for you.
In the meantime Medics are worthless, because half the time they are either to stupid to revive/medpack you or run up to you in the middle of the street and revive you when a PKM has us boresighted. The sole reason why IO Karkand is for noobs.
In the meantime I know for fact that whatever Kit I pick helps out my team. Be it my favourite KIt the Sniper or any other. It all depends on the momentum of a match or public game. If you dont anticipate what is coming next by staying in your role as medic or any other class you dont have any idea about game balance at all. Because at the end of the day all the Kits are needed in a normal game of BF2.
When an AT gets killed and I am Sniper I will gladly drop my Kit to make sure that I at least get one shot of on that incoming armor. I might get killed or not, but by damaging at least I have helped out my team. If I die I wont get any points, big deal. At least that armor was destroyed by the AT that has probably respawned near that position and my team can move out again.
In the meantime I will keep whoring, in pubs, the Sniper kit because that is what has allways been the most fun in any game I played. Especially now that medic whores are pushing their "We are the best infantry class"-agenda.
yeah, it looks like you really snipe a lot of people while youre whoring in pubs, killing somebody every two minutes or so.Jemme101 wrote:
I just laugh at that sort of short sightedness and snipe you anyways.
Short sightedness FTW Try reading before posting so I dont have to counterpost to point that out. But have a big NVM from me because your arguments have gone stale and you are a waste of time. Dream on 1337-medic-e-scrub
I think one day he got his ass raped by a capable sniper, now he has a little sad vendetta against them.
If i chose to select the sniper kit at the start of the game, so be-fucking it, i paid my money for this game, i can play how i like.
And anyway, it's a game, you can argue all you want, i kill more medics than any other class on the battlefield when i'm sniping.
Back to topic now marinejuana, leave it now.
If i chose to select the sniper kit at the start of the game, so be-fucking it, i paid my money for this game, i can play how i like.
And anyway, it's a game, you can argue all you want, i kill more medics than any other class on the battlefield when i'm sniping.
Back to topic now marinejuana, leave it now.
Nah man, marinejuana is the shiot. He plays TWL and stuff. He is the authority on what goes in this game. We should all convert to playing the Medic class 24/7 on IO Karkand, because the other classes/maps are worthless ....ssonrats wrote:
I think one day he got his ass raped by a capable sniper, now he has a little sad vendetta against them.
If i chose to select the sniper kit at the start of the game, so be-fucking it, i paid my money for this game, i can play how i like.
And anyway, it's a game, you can argue all you want, i kill more medics than any other class on the battlefield when i'm sniping.
Back to topic now marinejuana, leave it now.
And to re-itterate my point, you have fun your way i'll have fun my way, the same applies to all the other sniper bashers and snipers, just drop the debate, you like sniping, then snipe, you dont like sniping shut up and do what you do like, no kit is better than another, to say medics are better than snipers is dumb, yeah sure medics have their uses, I love how the majority just come running over to a guy I've just killed only to have his face blown off for his troubles.Marinejuana wrote:
isnt it just as dumb to play for a KD ratio when you could still get a decent one, and improve your teammates precious scores???TheEternalPessimist wrote:
Man this thread is really pulling out some of the tards.
Oh and actually on topic, I'd go with the 17-0 or whatever you said, anyone playing for points needs a life.Bro my whole point is that anybody that picks a medic kit and runs with a medic can completly cancel out a snipers ability to do anything. why not go sniper? Because if you decide to go sniper to go after one distant enemy, then when the other team makes a real attack with medics, you have to be lucky and hope that they are just goofing around.TheEternalPessimist wrote:
who cares what you think about snipers? Oh noes they kill you and you cant retaliate... tell me whats stopping you from picking up a sniper rifle and shooting back? the fact you can't use it? Yeah thought so. if a tank kills me I go AT and kill it and go back to sniping, if a sniper kills you why not go sniper, kill the guy and go back to throwing baggies around?
A good medic will go around reviving/healing people when he can and killing the rest of the time, a good sniper will kill the medic before he does any good and kill everyone one else in his spare time, at the end of the day the fact remains a good sniper is as good as a good medic, a shit sniper is as shit as a shit medic, its not the class its the player.
Id roll with the on helping your team out as the best game, I enjoy stats, but I'd rather take afew more deaths and help the team win(or try to).
I know this is of topic but I want to express my opinion on the sniper thing.
Snipers can be good to your team, as once they have sniped someone afew time's people might go after them instead of flags etc. So they are far from usless. Any kit can be productive in the rite hands.
You do get the odd sniper who will be with the squad, but I'd rather have a good medic or support in the squad 90% of the time. I think I've seen 2 maybe 3 CQ snipers who really where outstanding. so they are about.
However the vast majority of snipers who camp out get 30-0 and claim they helped there team by losing any tickets are alittle blinkered to the effect it has on there team being one man down in all but a small part of the battlefield. You could be the last guy standing after a fire fight to cap a flag causeing ticket drain etc.
You may well protect one flag all round, thats one flag, the battlefield has more than one.
Granted so nub may die 40 time's for 2kills, but thats not to do with his kit, it's to do with how good they are at the game, if he was to hide hide away he may not die but may also not kill anything.
I think snipers are most valuable for the annoying distraction factor, even with a squad of medics reviving, their advance is slowed and they are strung out by the constant revive's.
So yeah I think they can help the team, but in most cases not as much as many of the sniper guys on here seem to think, perhaps you few are the better sniper's out there, but even you guys can't deny 95% of camping snipers arn't as much use as a active squad member with a clue.
I know this is of topic but I want to express my opinion on the sniper thing.
Snipers can be good to your team, as once they have sniped someone afew time's people might go after them instead of flags etc. So they are far from usless. Any kit can be productive in the rite hands.
You do get the odd sniper who will be with the squad, but I'd rather have a good medic or support in the squad 90% of the time. I think I've seen 2 maybe 3 CQ snipers who really where outstanding. so they are about.
However the vast majority of snipers who camp out get 30-0 and claim they helped there team by losing any tickets are alittle blinkered to the effect it has on there team being one man down in all but a small part of the battlefield. You could be the last guy standing after a fire fight to cap a flag causeing ticket drain etc.
You may well protect one flag all round, thats one flag, the battlefield has more than one.
Granted so nub may die 40 time's for 2kills, but thats not to do with his kit, it's to do with how good they are at the game, if he was to hide hide away he may not die but may also not kill anything.
I think snipers are most valuable for the annoying distraction factor, even with a squad of medics reviving, their advance is slowed and they are strung out by the constant revive's.
So yeah I think they can help the team, but in most cases not as much as many of the sniper guys on here seem to think, perhaps you few are the better sniper's out there, but even you guys can't deny 95% of camping snipers arn't as much use as a active squad member with a clue.
I was hoping you'd make the mistake of responding in this way. You made the classic blunder, only slightly less well known than never get involved in a land war in Asia...Marinejuana wrote:
It doesn't matter if you are a good player or not. You will help your teammates more and they will like you more if you have a medic kit AND USE IT.
"You will help your teammates more and they will like you more if you have a medic kit AND USE IT" Oh will I?
Well, see, I have used the medic kit enough to know that for most games it's better for my team for me to go sniper. Unless I'm in a squad where there's another medic who's kickass I'm really just dead weight to my team because I'm no good at combat with the ARs. That doesn't mean I don't know how to do the medic part, I'm a hell of a sight better at it than the average medic player, but the combat element of it is dead important.
As I said: you're making an unfounded generalisation. I know what I'm talking about with regard to my standard of play and how it relates to many of the games I'm in. And I know that what I'm saying is true of other players who are average or around that because I look at scoreboards a lot.
You mean by getting killed? LOL Seriously I know what you're getting at but it's hard to use the medic kit properly if the squad are all dead. That may never happen to your squad, or so rarely that you barely notice, but it happens to other people plenty.Marinejuana wrote:
The only way a medic can fail against snipers is by making a mistake.
And doesn't it happen to squads on the team against you? Irrespective of whether they have 2 or 3 medics?
And it's possible to revive someone if you're dead? Forget headshots, clays and grenades can kill both of them simultaneously. And forget just snipers as a theoretical enemy, a good support guy could mow those two down too.Marinejuana wrote:
On the other hand you can play sniper perfectly and two medics can still rape you b/c its impossible for you to headshot 2 people at once.
Why does it matter? Jesus, you can't be serious. Even close to your ability or that which CAL players are supposed to be at, the kit is great and useful and all... but freakin' hell dude, 90% of players are less good than this. Some of them way less.Marinejuana wrote:
Um. Todd. If my point is that the medic kit has more potential, then why does it matter if in practice, most people fail to use it correctly?
Does it seem possible to you that maybe other individuals know their own strengths and weaknesses better than you? Other than that, in all seriousness, some people don't want to play medic all the sodding time FFS.Marinejuana wrote:
Does it seem possible that I would be posting this helpful information here so that people interested in winning at BF2 can begin using a powerful strategy?
Now, personal preferences aside, what happens in a game where both sides take your advice and nearly everyone is medic? One side is going to lose... so it seems to me you're missing something quite fundamental in the equation if you fail to account for why that would be. Has a little bell rung yet? Ergo it has nothing to do with the kit they're using, it comes down to cumulative player skill (and a bit of luck).
Oh don't be silly. You don't pay much attention to the bottom half of the scoreboard in a game do you? LOLMarinejuana wrote:
Even the worst player could contribute to the team a little bit more by going medic and following a group around.
Selfish? You dolt, you have no idea what type of player you're talking to. BTW, that was another unfounded generalisation in case anyone is keeping score.Marinejuana wrote:
The fact that you have played hundreds of hours and still use the selfish sniper kit all the time is sad.
Anyway, see last point.
Awww. Mommy, da bad sniper man has no fwends in da game, I feel so sowwy for him *sniffle*Marinejuana wrote:
Its a good thing you have these forums because people like you rarely make any friends in game.
I did. Would you pay any more attention this time if I repeated myself?Marinejuana wrote:
Oh, Todd says I'm wrong again? Care to explain how?
I made a point that you overlooked, either by accident or deliberately I don't know. I've played in plenty of games where the guys doing the best didn't win; this includes teams where there's a couple of medics kicking ass and taking no prisoners. This is because flags can be the thing that decides a match sometimes.
Yes, you're dead right there (and it's one of the few objective facts in your argument) more potential. Now tell me something: what proportion of players use things in this game to their full potential? This is a serious question, not just some arbitrary issue I'm raising to try and score points in an argument.Marinejuana wrote:
Medics always have more potential than any other kit, its just an objective fact. One kit has infinite health the other doesn't.
Inherent value is irrelevant when it comes to actual situations! The J-10 is the PLA equivalent of having the Ark of the Covenant on your team, but you put a sucky pilot in the cockpit and its inherent value matters how much? Zilch. Zero. Literally nothing.Marinejuana wrote:
Please to do not bring up the possibility of said player sucking, because its irrelevent to the potential of the kit. People can suck at any kit, but it doesn't change the kits inherent value.
That doesn't take away anything from the J-10's potential; same thing exactly with the medic kit.
See above. See below. Don't make me post screenshots LOLMarinejuana wrote:
You have absolutely no way of disputing my arguments.
Lemme tell you something for free: there are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamed of in your philosophy.
You wouldn't know a proof if it stood up and honked you on the nose. I didn't say just that; I'm basing my views on actual game results, not on a theoretical idea/ideal... that medic is the best infantry class if there's got to be just one... which it is, but there's more to actual game results than that.Marinejuana wrote:
You prove this by simply saying that my points somehow only apply to me.
Pseudologic? Don't make me laugh.Marinejuana wrote:
Afterall, its a video game, you don't need to go to bat with pseudologic trying to prove me wrong with your opinions.
He asked for opinions. You've given yours: your opinion. Just because you think it's right, insist it's right, doesn't make it so.Marinejuana wrote:
But the OP wants to know what he should be proud of, and I'm just telling him...
I'm sorely tempted to get insulting here but I'll restrain myself. I'm a CQB sniper, I don't hide away from the action. Don't take my word for it. I run at the enemy just as much as I run away from them and I cap flags and defend them more than 90% of lousy medics do (medics who are lousy).Marinejuana wrote:
...and killed about as many people as you could hiding away from the action with a sniper rifle.
ROFL Didn't even make a dent. Oh P.S. I'm not sure if this will be difficult for you but don't be an asshole.DivineMomentofTruth wrote:
Man marinejuana simply destroyed the sniper dick sucker's argument.
Yeah, it is. Doesn't make it the only class worth using.DivineMomentofTruth wrote:
How many times does it need to be shouted to you people that Medic is the PREMIERE INFANTRY CLASS.
do i smell another sinper vs. medic match in the making?
Its old account it takes ages to gain bigger K/D.ssonrats wrote:
Even though you have 1.9 k/d with the sniper rifle, mkay.Madiz wrote:
My usual sniping day 55-0, 45-1 max is 5 deaths and kills max is 90+.

It didnt registered my stats whole week i lost about 5000 points my and my BR 380 isnt registred either.steelie34 wrote:
but you only have a 43 kill streak??Madiz wrote:
My usual sniping day 55-0
Last edited by Madiz (2007-04-17 05:52:20)

<<<FTDM>>>Gen.Raven wrote:
whatever gets me more points.
5 million points?Madiz wrote:
It didnt registered my stats whole week i lost about 5000K points my and my BR 380 isnt registred either.steelie34 wrote:
but you only have a 43 kill streak??Madiz wrote:
My usual sniping day 55-0
lol sry 5000 pointsJameseyy wrote:
5 million points?Madiz wrote:
It didnt registered my stats whole week i lost about 5000K points my and my BR 380 isnt registred either.steelie34 wrote:
but you only have a 43 kill streak??

Who says taking a few more/less deaths per round is helping the team? Its what you do as a player in a round that is helping the team. You could pick any kit for that purpose. The smart player picks the one he excels in.Slickfish wrote:
Id roll with the on helping your team out as the best game, I enjoy stats, but I'd rather take afew more deaths and help the team win(or try to).
I cannt speak for 95% of the snipers out there, only for myself. I do think that 95% of the players have no tactical awareness in this game. And I know for fact that I dont belong to that 95%. By going sniper in most pub games I have saved a lot of bacons in this game without them realizing it I dont go seeking credit on a forum like some of the medic-agenda-pushers we have in this thread. I just go about doing my job in the most effective way possible. The spotting and long range fire support anybody has received over the last 1,5 year will never get expressed in any stat, but it has helped out my side countless of times.Slickfish wrote:
So yeah I think they can help the team, but in most cases not as much as many of the sniper guys on here seem to think, perhaps you few are the better sniper's out there, but even you guys can't deny 95% of camping snipers arn't as much use as a active squad member with a clue.
Nothing wrong with snipers the problem is way to many people decides to play it at the same time nothing more unpleasant starting a round and seeing that 16 out of your 32 players are snipers. But then Sniper may be the most appealing and fun kit to play on your own your not dependant on your teammates the same way as infantry on the front.
I know for sure i was that super noob playing a sniper lonewolf 90% of my time when i played bf2 but then i could´nt care less what other thought i had the most fun as a sniper and that´s what it all comes down too. But sure i hated those snipers myself when i went medic or something to try to help the team more.
I know for sure i was that super noob playing a sniper lonewolf 90% of my time when i played bf2 but then i could´nt care less what other thought i had the most fun as a sniper and that´s what it all comes down too. But sure i hated those snipers myself when i went medic or something to try to help the team more.
i think medic and sniper both have their strength and weaknesses... just like ever other kit. Certain kits are tailored for certain play styles. Recently I've been trying to get time with the sniper kit, and I've discovered the most useful way to play as one. Be a squad leader. Fill your squad to the max, and tell everyone to spawn to you. Then, get nice and close, but hidden, to a flag you want to cap, and have at it. Your team can relentlessly assault a position, while you snipe at the unlucky enemies you can see. As your team dies and re-spawns, they can deliver you with necessary supplies. After capping the flag, gaymore it, and move to the next. So far this tactic has proved fun, and more importantly, helps in securing the win for your team.
Last edited by steelie34 (2007-04-17 06:19:45)
Thats fare enough mate, at the end of the day if you want to play sniper then play it.Jemme101 wrote:
I cannt speak for 95% of the snipers out there, only for myself. I do think that 95% of the players have no tactical awareness in this game. And I know for fact that I dont belong to that 95%. By going sniper in most pub games I have saved a lot of bacons in this game without them realizing it I dont go seeking credit on a forum like some of the medic-agenda-pushers we have in this thread. I just go about doing my job in the most effective way possible. The spotting and long range fire support anybody has received over the last 1,5 year will never get expressed in any stat, but it has helped out my side countless of times.
Sniper kit is very difficult to use to any great benifit the team the any significant degree, most people could do far more as support, medic or assault(THERE ARE THE ODD ONES WHO ARE GOOD, as I said, its in bold for the numb nuts flamers, who im sure will catch onto this as a anti sniper post, when infact its a compliment).
If you dont agree again thats your choice, just as I have posted mine, there's nothing anyone can say to change the experience's I've had nor yours.
I've had people post their ubber l33t sniper stats before, and theya re usually(AGAIN NOT ALWAYS) got in jets etc.
If those pro and those against snipers can't see the point im trying to make then hey hoo.
Last edited by Slickfish (2007-04-17 06:25:47)
Some people are simply better as snipers...
My girlfriend (who can't hit the broad side of a barn) runs around as Sniper just laying down claymores and throwing nades. She doesn't like the "camping style" sniping so she basically runs around with the rest of the squad. Annoying but effective, and the only way for her to get a postive k/d ratio since she quite literally can't shoot straight.
She does sometimes spent an entire round chasing after me as a medic and trying to revive - but usually whatever killed me will kill her as well, since she cannot win against the average player.
So I don't think medic is the ultimate class. It's nice to get revived but I wouldn't mind some ammo for my gf's claymores either
As a side note - i do love players that recognize my medic kit when i am killed and take my kit (or any other nearby medic kit) to revive me. thats the kind of stuff that I spam "thanks champ" for.
My girlfriend (who can't hit the broad side of a barn) runs around as Sniper just laying down claymores and throwing nades. She doesn't like the "camping style" sniping so she basically runs around with the rest of the squad. Annoying but effective, and the only way for her to get a postive k/d ratio since she quite literally can't shoot straight.
She does sometimes spent an entire round chasing after me as a medic and trying to revive - but usually whatever killed me will kill her as well, since she cannot win against the average player.
So I don't think medic is the ultimate class. It's nice to get revived but I wouldn't mind some ammo for my gf's claymores either
As a side note - i do love players that recognize my medic kit when i am killed and take my kit (or any other nearby medic kit) to revive me. thats the kind of stuff that I spam "thanks champ" for.