When I'm joinning servers I tend to look for familliar names near the top of the list, because I want to play with/against good players.
There are a couple of clan names that I always seem to have fun playing against.
A few of the ones that come to mind are:
TOP- mostly when its nasty butler and a few others on SF IO
M.I.B. they work well togeather. particularily vladmir
there are a few more that I know of but I'm having a case of writers block right now.
mostly I like to play against these clans becuase they make a round a challange to win.
There are a couple of clan names that I always seem to have fun playing against.
A few of the ones that come to mind are:
TOP- mostly when its nasty butler and a few others on SF IO
M.I.B. they work well togeather. particularily vladmir
there are a few more that I know of but I'm having a case of writers block right now.
mostly I like to play against these clans becuase they make a round a challange to win.