i lay down claymores and people are walking over them and not dying ? any idea why ? this happen 5 times in 1 round. seems like only maybe half the people who walk by them die and the rest just run over them like there not even there....
good. i wish i was them.
Add me on Origin for Battlefield 4 fun: DesKmal
good, finally a glitch that i like...Spider1980 wrote:
i lay down claymores and people are walking over them and not dying ? any idea why ? this happen 5 times in 1 round. seems like only maybe half the people who walk by them die and the rest just run over them like there not even there....
Did you remember to turn then on? You turn them on by pressing enter and changing to another kit.
They take 5 seconds to activate
Isn't there an "arming" time?
If you are laying them down when people are running at you and they are not dieing, its because they take 5 seconds to activate. This essentialy stops people being able to use them as an aoffnsive weapon, thats what your rifle is for.
how about... i dont know try something that shoots bullets instead?Spider1980 wrote:
i lay down claymores and people are walking over them and not dying ? any idea why ? this happen 5 times in 1 round. seems like only maybe half the people who walk by them die and the rest just run over them like there not even there....
try a real weapon.
Same but for APMDes.Kmal wrote:
good. i wish i was them.
its longer than 5 seconds, its giving people time to walk by it and capture a flag and run away past my claymore... 1 example. i always get weired problems. maybe I'm trippin and it was less than five Min's or they just happen to uhhh... they should die. i get killed my claymores that i see 50 feet away and when i see them i walk around them and blow up... I'm like wth!i was 50 feet away... that's kinda far from dying from claymores. these don't seem to be very consistent with what there suppose to do seems like. i slept for like maybe 2 hours last night so maybe i should sleep now
when i kill someone with bullets it doesn't make me laugh
when i kill someone with bullets it doesn't make me laugh
Last edited by Spider1980 (2007-04-17 20:53:50)
Claymores have a limited radius. The real life ones may be able to kill 20-30m away but these only go about 5-8m. Or it could just be a stupid EA glitch like everything else.
Did you remember to point them the right way? "This Side Towards enemy"
Did you remember to point them the right way? "This Side Towards enemy"
You have to arm them..
click the button to the left of "Done", Should start with a "S" or something..
click the button to the left of "Done", Should start with a "S" or something..
Arming time. There's a short delay between the setting down and the explosion. Another factor may be whether it was in open spaces or places with barriers. If you meet a claymore int he middle of nowhere, chances are you're dead. But if you're right next to a doorway, sometimes you may set it off, get damaged, but not die. Another thing that might have happened is that the claymore faced up a hill or was on top of a hill. A guy might go into the radius running up a hill and trigger it with his head and the explosion might not kill him. Same with if you were at the top and the claymore is facing up the hill, sometimes, I guess it explodes into the hill and not the guy.
Now clays around flags are really gay! Why aren't there more servers with FF on for claymores...Spider1980 wrote:
its longer than 5 seconds, its giving people time to walk by it and capture a flag and run away past my claymore...
edit: I have to admit when I'm at a server with FF on and see a team clay by a door/near a flag I sometimes run at it and die on purpose. Just to give the gay sniper minus points, and perhaps even punish if I'm in a bad mood...
Last edited by MrBrain (2007-04-17 21:30:02)
I just wish they would have kept the claymores and Explosives like they were in the begging..
chuck a nade, and by by to claymores.
chuck a nade, and by by to claymores.
ah, the good old days. And it actually made more sence than the undestroyable clays we have nowLT.Victim wrote:
I just wish they would have kept the claymores and Explosives like they were in the begging..
chuck a nade, and by by to claymores.
i think that might be the problem. i like to hide them in a bush or right next to something, maybe that's causing the problem. i usually point them in the right direction i never armed them in any special way before, i just drop them down and run away and boom. he he he heSmithereener wrote:
Arming time. There's a short delay between the setting down and the explosion. Another factor may be whether it was in open spaces or places with barriers. If you meet a claymore int he middle of nowhere, chances are you're dead. But if you're right next to a doorway, sometimes you may set it off, get damaged, but not die. Another thing that might have happened is that the claymore faced up a hill or was on top of a hill. A guy might go into the radius running up a hill and trigger it with his head and the explosion might not kill him. Same with if you were at the top and the claymore is facing up the hill, sometimes, I guess it explodes into the hill and not the guy.
and not being able to destroy them is pretty dumb, in rvs all you had to do was shoot it or throw a frag at it to blow it up. oh well more fun for me
Last edited by Spider1980 (2007-04-17 22:50:51)
"Arm" starts with an "S"?LT.Victim wrote:
You have to arm them..
click the button to the left of "Done", Should start with a "S" or something..
I spose, it is EA. Trust them to do anything
Once upon a time, a boy named Jay a.k.a. thtthht set a claymore in her neighbor's trash can because THEIR DOG KEPT EATING MY SCIENCE PROJECT! LOL
I love the kids that don't realize theres a rifle attached to that GL they always use, also.
Maybe they should add another kit that's just "Claymore", and all you get is 2 claymores, a knife, and everyone, including the enemy can see you. And maybe you wear a pink dress, too.
Maybe they should add another kit that's just "Claymore", and all you get is 2 claymores, a knife, and everyone, including the enemy can see you. And maybe you wear a pink dress, too.
LOL!!!!! No-one likes you!!!!!thtthht wrote:
Once upon a time, a boy named Jay a.k.a. thtthht set a claymore in her neighbor's trash can because THEIR DOG KEPT EATING MY SCIENCE PROJECT! LOL
The longer you leave them they become more volatile this is why some times you can run straight past some and other times get your face blown off from the other side of the map.
pwnedJET_G raidensen wrote:
LOL!!!!! No-one likes you!!!!!thtthht wrote:
Once upon a time, a boy named Jay a.k.a. thtthht set a claymore in her neighbor's trash can because THEIR DOG KEPT EATING MY SCIENCE PROJECT! LOL
A boy.thtthht wrote:
Once upon a time, a boy named Jay a.k.a. thtthht set a claymore in her neighbor's trash can because THEIR DOG KEPT EATING MY SCIENCE PROJECT! LOL
Named Jay.
Set a claymore.
In HER neighbour's trashcan.
So Jay is a boy...or...