This thread is for good hiding spots on any map (there, I changed it). Tell us what you found and what you think of our discoveries.
I found these along the way. Descriptions of theses pics are ABOVE each one.
This spot is that little ramp by the path from Market to Cement Factory. You can climb under the ramp and snipe people capturing Train Accident or you can throw C4 on the tracks and wait for tanks that drive by them from Cement Factory.
This one is for taking out people from Square/Market. There is a building much like the one next to the pool that is behind the Suburb's building. The hiding spot is on an overhang facing Train Accident. First climb up the stairs and walk to the ledge closest to Train Accident. Next, Turn to your Right and look for an overhang made out of tin. Now jump to it and be careful of not over-jumping it. Now you cannot see the flag but you can see people coming up the street from Square.
This one is one that I use all of the time when we have Suburbs and the enemy has Square/Market. First you climb up the ladder, then when you are up there, turn and face North. The building is shaped like an "H" where the top of the "H" is facing North. Now stand over the archway of the building (the top center of the "H") still facing North, look down and you should see a brown gutter (where the purple line is located on this picture). Fall down onto the gutter and kill people as they go through the archway. I recommend being a Support man.

Last edited by FragdaddyXL (2007-04-15 22:24:28)

+1,106|6603|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Only on Karfuck? *sigh*

I don't know why I call it Karfuck, considering it's my favorite map. That silly Brit from across the pond, Snake, has been rubbing off on me.

Alright, let's see.
Near the beginning of a round, hiding in the red boxcar is good. Ask your commander to spot people trying to sneak to Train or Cement. Hide in a back corner (crouch if anything, don't prone, your legs stick out) and wait. If they go to Train, use the barrels to your advantage. If they head to Cement, the ramp is a good place to get headshots. Also, place claymores underneath the boxcar, facing towards the ramp. Usually, someone'll get blown up, and not realize the sniper is there. Multi-kills FTW.

A spot more likely to garner you kills is in Suburb. You know those houses with the stairways to the east and west of the flag? Go up the stairs. Now jump onto the little balcony on the house, with the fences and such. It's a really good sniping spot where no one can really hit you, because of the metal fence. If you're using the balcony by the empty pool, it's useful to place a claymore by the edge of the stone fence where USMC players usually try to sneak through.

There is, of course, the classic commander hiding spot in Karkand. Once your team has capped Cement Factory, jump onto the roof. You are all but invincible (on IO at the least). Someone climbing up the ladder? Waster 'em with your guns (works particularly well as sniper, saving the pistol as the killing blow. Claymores work too). Believe me, at least 10 people will come trying to get up there. And the enemy commander will try supplying your head, so keep an eye out. But, at the least, it'll keep you full of ammo to kill nubs with.

And a simpler spot: Any of the burned out cars. The MEC's ghillie suit blends in really well with them, for some reason.

Last edited by cowami (2007-04-15 22:29:25)
Find your center.

WOW im so gonna spend 20 more hours on Clownland to get another 419 points i don't need!
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
a good hiding spot if you want a lazy round as a sniper is on sharqi, go to construction and climb into the trash things on the ground with the wooden planks sticking out of them. as long as no one sees you go in u should be pretty right for the round. to get in you need to climb up on the trailer next to them.
An Enlarged Liver
+35|7056|Backward Ass Kansas
I would tell you mine, but then you might look for me there.
I.M.I Militant
We Are Not Alone In Here
+297|7032|Melbourne, Australia

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

I know a good spot for defensive commanding in Sharqui, but I don't have any screens. I may put them up later. 
that says it all my friend
Steve Irwin Reincarnate

I.M.I Militant wrote:

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

I know a good spot for defensive commanding in Sharqui, but I don't have any screens. I may put them up later. 
that says it all my friend
Stealth posting ftw.

Anywho, there are heaps of great hiding spots, but not many want to share them.

Lolz i r l337 stealth posterz.  No....not really....
im sure everyone knows of, it shows every single hiding spot on every map, this thread was a waste of time.

twiistaaa wrote:

a good hiding spot... as long as no one sees you...
Isn't that the definition of nearly any hiding spot? It's great as long as nobody sees you? This spot you mention on Sharqi is fine... for anyone that's never seen someone there. After that it's one of the places you automatically look; well it is for me at least.

There's this great little spot just near Suburb on Karkand similar to this; you get to it by backing up the slope to the west of the flag building, until you're above the average eyeline. Only thing is you're toast as soon as anyone does spot you and some people's graphics settings make you stand out a lot better than others (how many players still don't know you're not hidden by bushes at range?)

The truly great spots though are where you're nearly impossible to see and you're very hard to shoot if you are, remembering that you can be lit up by the enemy commander or in a UAV scan so it's not just visual acquisition we have to worry about. There's one of these at least on Kubra and on Oman, two I know of on Sharqi and Wake (probably more) and a good few on most any SF map because of zipline and grapple access, although all are totally vulnerable to AFV fire so only against infantry are you safe or reasonably so.

wayne-o23 wrote:

im sure everyone knows of, it shows every single hiding spot on every map, this thread was a waste of time.
Not even close.
I made a vid of these spots and a couple others.

Last edited by FragdaddyXL (2007-04-18 06:10:31)

iz me!

wayne-o23 wrote:

im sure everyone knows of, it shows every single hiding spot on every map, this thread was a waste of time.
nOOb... you beat me to it

Why would anyone join a server to hide?

Just don't join the server... no one will ever find you.
The Anti-Sniper
+12|6850|Las Vegas
Who the hell wants to Hide???
stand behind a guy on the other team they will never see you
+3|7028|Evanston, WY

Todd_Angelo wrote:

wayne-o23 wrote:

im sure everyone knows of, it shows every single hiding spot on every map, this thread was a waste of time.
Not even close.
I'll Second that.
Pheasant Plucker
+440|6998|West Yorkshire, U.K
Lol not hiding spots anymore

I.M.I Militant wrote:

Fenris_GreyClaw wrote:

I know a good spot for defensive commanding in Sharqui, but I don't have any screens. I may put them up later. 
that says it all my friend
Yeah Highlight the spot where his text is and then you can read it. He actually did say something. infact this is what he wrote: I know a good spot for defensive commanding in Sharqui, but I don't have any screens. I may put them up later.

Dauntless wrote:

Why would anyone join a server to hide?

Just don't join the server... no one will ever find you.
For snipers to camp and for people who had all of their flags taken and are the last one to hide.
Canada's French Frog
+123|6939|Quebec city, Canada
Fragdaddy, you forgot a good hiding spot : in the palace on warlord, under the floors. Its weird that you didnt talk about it, because you used it in one of the games I was in, and it was a pretty good spot

Last edited by -=raska=- (2007-04-18 14:31:48)


-=raska=- wrote:

Fragdaddy, you forgot a good hiding spot : in the palace on warlord, under the floors. Its weird that you didnt talk about it, because you used it in one of the games I was in, and it was a pretty good spot
Lol U mean the glitch? Shhhhhhhh don't tell anyone WInk Wink.
Canada's French Frog
+123|6939|Quebec city, Canada
yep.. the glitch

just hope no one read my post

Last edited by -=raska=- (2007-04-18 14:35:00)

Personal philosophy: Clothing optional.
+1,022|6936|Camp XRay

this is a good hiding spot
Fantasma Parastasie
I know the best hiding spot, ever. Unfortunately, you need a jet, and everyone will know where you are.

Get in said jet, fly straight up, and reduce the throttle to 200-300 when you reach a height of around 5-600. (no joystick? tough), then when you reach a 1000 or so reduce the throttle again, to anywhere between 100 and 200. Then just keep pointing up. you'll never be flying up at a pure 90 degrees angle so eventually you will go out of the map, but that should only happen by the time you reach 40,000 feet, by which time three rounds have ended and the entire server is abusing you in the chat while you're getting some lunch.

Im_Dooomed wrote:

WOW im so gonna spend 20 more hours on Clownland to get another 419 points i don't need!
Strike at Karkand 200:02:25

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