This thread is for good hiding spots on any map (there, I changed it). Tell us what you found and what you think of our discoveries.
I found these along the way. Descriptions of theses pics are ABOVE each one.

This spot is that little ramp by the path from Market to Cement Factory. You can climb under the ramp and snipe people capturing Train Accident or you can throw C4 on the tracks and wait for tanks that drive by them from Cement Factory.

This one is for taking out people from Square/Market. There is a building much like the one next to the pool that is behind the Suburb's building. The hiding spot is on an overhang facing Train Accident. First climb up the stairs and walk to the ledge closest to Train Accident. Next, Turn to your Right and look for an overhang made out of tin. Now jump to it and be careful of not over-jumping it. Now you cannot see the flag but you can see people coming up the street from Square.

This one is one that I use all of the time when we have Suburbs and the enemy has Square/Market. First you climb up the ladder, then when you are up there, turn and face North. The building is shaped like an "H" where the top of the "H" is facing North. Now stand over the archway of the building (the top center of the "H") still facing North, look down and you should see a brown gutter (where the purple line is located on this picture). Fall down onto the gutter and kill people as they go through the archway. I recommend being a Support man.
I found these along the way. Descriptions of theses pics are ABOVE each one.

This spot is that little ramp by the path from Market to Cement Factory. You can climb under the ramp and snipe people capturing Train Accident or you can throw C4 on the tracks and wait for tanks that drive by them from Cement Factory.

This one is for taking out people from Square/Market. There is a building much like the one next to the pool that is behind the Suburb's building. The hiding spot is on an overhang facing Train Accident. First climb up the stairs and walk to the ledge closest to Train Accident. Next, Turn to your Right and look for an overhang made out of tin. Now jump to it and be careful of not over-jumping it. Now you cannot see the flag but you can see people coming up the street from Square.

This one is one that I use all of the time when we have Suburbs and the enemy has Square/Market. First you climb up the ladder, then when you are up there, turn and face North. The building is shaped like an "H" where the top of the "H" is facing North. Now stand over the archway of the building (the top center of the "H") still facing North, look down and you should see a brown gutter (where the purple line is located on this picture). Fall down onto the gutter and kill people as they go through the archway. I recommend being a Support man.

Last edited by FragdaddyXL (2007-04-15 22:24:28)