Wasn't plannin on talkin to him anyways, and yes ur right .Alpha.350 wrote:
Bombardier dont talk to this noob.. he sucks
L4wlz I G0tz Insult3d Ov3r T3h Int3rw3bz
OMMMGG YOU AREEE SOOOOO HOMOSEXUAL WITH YOUR COOOL TYPING STYLE fuking homo get a life my friend.. like right now ok ?
this will sound a bit cliche to some of the more senior bf2s'ers, but bombardier9999 :bombardier9999 wrote:
BIG NUB!!! SF is gay and only good to get 3rd tier unlucks, undetected killer is a big nub and Karkand makes all other maps shit, and minorities... and Undetected_Killer, if Karkand is so "n00b" then why do all the top players have the most hours on it???Undetected_Killer wrote:
Dear impressionable newbs:bombardier9999 wrote:
NEVER PLAY KARKAND, i beg ur parden. Karkand is the most popular and BEST map in the whole FKN game including all the expasions and booster packs... ALWAYS PLAY INFANTRY ONLY KARKAND IF U WANT POINTS. (this guy doesn't know shi-t) (and sorry, i get carried away when people say shit about Karkand...)
Do not listen to him. He is a n00b. You are newbs. You still have your innocence. Do not believe this man(?)!
If you play Karkand too much, you become a n00b.
I too used to be a n00b.... until I bought SF.
Have you ever seen the top players outside? Wonder why. Furthermore, countless people are flamed for making threads about them knifing, paddling, otherwise killing any of the leaderboard -- why is that? Becuase the top ten are worthless players whose sole goal in bf2 (aka their life) is to rack up as much meaningless pixel-points imaginable. Also, why did you quote "n00b" if earlier you called him a 'BIG NUB'??
PS Guess WHAT? i HAVE an caps LOCK key TOO!
/ontopic :
Dear Mr(/s) NewPlayer
1.) Use your head (IRL). There are sounds in this game for a reason
Damnizzle, where is Alpha when I need him?
And Flaming, and Chuy, and especially TMo.
And Flaming, and Chuy, and especially TMo.
Thank you God, some common sense!R0lyP0ly wrote:
this will sound a bit cliche to some of the more senior bf2s'ers, but bombardier9999 :bombardier9999 wrote:
BIG NUB!!! SF is gay and only good to get 3rd tier unlucks, undetected killer is a big nub and Karkand makes all other maps shit, and minorities... and Undetected_Killer, if Karkand is so "n00b" then why do all the top players have the most hours on it???Undetected_Killer wrote:
Dear impressionable newbs:
Do not listen to him. He is a n00b. You are newbs. You still have your innocence. Do not believe this man(?)!
If you play Karkand too much, you become a n00b.
I too used to be a n00b.... until I bought SF.
Have you ever seen the top players outside? Wonder why. Furthermore, countless people are flamed for making threads about them knifing, paddling, otherwise killing any of the leaderboard -- why is that? Becuase the top ten are worthless players whose sole goal in bf2 (aka their life) is to rack up as much meaningless pixel-points imaginable. Also, why did you quote "n00b" if earlier you called him a 'BIG NUB'??
PS Guess WHAT? i HAVE an caps LOCK key TOO!
/ontopic :
Dear Mr(/s) NewPlayer
1.) Use your head (IRL). There are sounds in this game for a reason
All maps are good, explore all of them. Have fun, its only a game.bombardier9999 wrote:
NEVER PLAY KARKAND, i beg ur parden. Karkand is the most popular and BEST map in the whole FKN game including all the expasions and booster packs... ALWAYS PLAY INFANTRY ONLY KARKAND IF U WANT POINTS. (this guy doesn't know shi-t) (and sorry, i get carried away when people say shit about Karkand...)Undetected_Killer wrote:
Don't worry, always keep moving, never knife a tank, nades are worthless on armor, and...
never play Karkand.
""damnizzle"".. hmmm. ive never seen an expression like that.. wow.. indeed very homo
Have a nice day
Have a nice day
Last edited by Alpha.350 (2007-04-19 18:14:31)
Actually i pressed the space bar because i know how to type two words while holding down one botton...
Well, Prodie's on. Maybe we can attract his attention somehow...Undetected_Killer wrote:
Damnizzle, where is Alpha when I need him?
And Flaming, and Chuy, and especially TMo.

hmm what about you mind your own business ?
W00t, n00bs vs. BF2s senior(ish).
Who will win?
And Alpha, you are not Alpha. Alpha is on my side.
Who will win?
And Alpha, you are not Alpha. Alpha is on my side.
the only thing you should do is......
smoke a J before you play and you want care how much you die
smoke a J before you play and you want care how much you die
That's the best advice I've heard so far.straz_mataz wrote:
the only thing you should do is......
smoke a J before you play and you want care how much you die
A good server is Christian Gamers Online. They rotate all the maps and keep a clean server.CouchPotato wrote:
Does anyone want to help a noob? I just got the game today, and would like someone to show me the ropes.
If so add me to xfire. My name is CouchPotato89.
check their website for server info.
www.bf2combat.net join any team but 3uk
Haha what a n00b. I'm going to college for computers, you think I don't know what Alt+ F4 does? Go spam somwhere else.BlackKoala wrote:
Keep this in mind....
Alt + F4 = Secret unlocks.
dont stop in front of a tank and start shooting him with your gun... YOU will die !!! (I've seen this 10000000009 times)
Claymores !!!! this is what sniper have... this game is fuck top okay... always look at claymores, if you see one be shure you avoid it, and when i say avoid = far , very far from the clay... because they will explose nway. Sometimes it explose when your at 100 miles away, sometimes you will pass on it and it will explose after and you die, sometimes you see one so you stop and you just go back and it will explose... so watch this
when you are 1v1 vs someone the best to do is to press Z and shoot... (if you have the RPK 1st gun on the MEC side for support, dont even try to shoot when your up you will aim shit, you rly need to press the Z button zoom and then shoot, also use it at burst its helfull and its a very good gun)
try not to act like a noob, follow your squad leader, if you are support give ammo bag, if you are medic throw health bag etc... revive ur mates..... i mean dont be there watching the sky or if you are medic and you see someone die, at least try to revive him .....
this is hard for a noob, but lets say you are taking a flag and you are assault and your mate is medic then someone kills your mate.... you can take his kit with the G button and then revive him... this is pretty rare tho !
If you see a friendly car coming straight at you hold the E button so you will just get in the car and the guy driving will not make a tk !
Atl+F4 will not give you points/make you promoted/give you unlock/give you ammo/give you health/give you kills and bla blab labl bal bla loool
its everything for now
Claymores !!!! this is what sniper have... this game is fuck top okay... always look at claymores, if you see one be shure you avoid it, and when i say avoid = far , very far from the clay... because they will explose nway. Sometimes it explose when your at 100 miles away, sometimes you will pass on it and it will explose after and you die, sometimes you see one so you stop and you just go back and it will explose... so watch this
when you are 1v1 vs someone the best to do is to press Z and shoot... (if you have the RPK 1st gun on the MEC side for support, dont even try to shoot when your up you will aim shit, you rly need to press the Z button zoom and then shoot, also use it at burst its helfull and its a very good gun)
try not to act like a noob, follow your squad leader, if you are support give ammo bag, if you are medic throw health bag etc... revive ur mates..... i mean dont be there watching the sky or if you are medic and you see someone die, at least try to revive him .....
this is hard for a noob, but lets say you are taking a flag and you are assault and your mate is medic then someone kills your mate.... you can take his kit with the G button and then revive him... this is pretty rare tho !
If you see a friendly car coming straight at you hold the E button so you will just get in the car and the guy driving will not make a tk !
Atl+F4 will not give you points/make you promoted/give you unlock/give you ammo/give you health/give you kills and bla blab labl bal bla loool
its everything for now
he FKN owned you haha !CouchPotato wrote:
Haha what a n00b. I'm going to college for computers, you think I don't know what Alt+ F4 does? Go spam somwhere else.BlackKoala wrote:
Keep this in mind....
Alt + F4 = Secret unlocks.
Okay.....CouchPotato wrote:
Haha what a n00b. I'm going to college for computers, you think I don't know what Alt+ F4 does? Go spam somwhere else.BlackKoala wrote:
Keep this in mind....
Alt + F4 = Secret unlocks.
Believe it or not, there's quite a few people that will actually do that, it's always worth a shot. Great way to get people to disconnect to make room for friends, keep that in mind.
try checking out wiki guides you will finds a lot of helpful stuff in here, too bad i already knew about most of this before i found out bf2s
o ya there might some guys from tops asking you for your account to help "rank you up", don't do it
o ya there might some guys from tops asking you for your account to help "rank you up", don't do it
Last edited by teamorange (2007-04-19 20:20:44)
Hai2uCouchPotato wrote:
Does anyone want to help a noob? I just got the game today, and would like someone to show me the ropes.
If so add me to xfire. My name is CouchPotato89.
Nah, we can get him the leet unlocks.teamorange wrote:
try checking out wiki guilds you will finds a lot of helpful stuff in here, too bad i already knew about most of this before i found out bf2s
o ya there might some guys from tops asking you for your account to help "rank you up", don't do it
shoot anything that moves. there's no Innocent people in this game or small animals.