We all know the stigma that is associated w/ excessive gaming. After all, you can PWN at games, but PHAIL at life. However, there HAS to be SOME good associated with gaming right?
So now I pose the question.....how does playing BF2 make you better in other aspects of real life? For instance, it relieves stress which makes you a better husband, father, friend, etc. Just as an example to get you thinking about how this game improves other aspects of your life.
Myself? The better I get at BF2, the better I am at my dentistry and vice versa. The more I hone my fine motor skills in game, the more I feel like my handpiece/drill is an extention of me. There are few professions that work with more minute detail than dentists (even brain surgeons). In dentistry, the difference between .25 mm and .5 mm can mean disaster (ie, OMG...I just drilled into the pulp chamber....now this $100 filling is a $3600 root canal and crown). How many people regularly live their lives in fractions of millimeters? That's why a lot of dentists and dental students use "dental loops"......basically, these are magnifying glasses attached to your face so that you can see everything bigger than it really is. I don't use them. I figure they will only make me dependent, so I do the most minute of dental work with unaided vision. I find that the fine motor skill that is required to overcome GOOD players in game requires attention to very minute details, much like dentistry. The better I get at this game, the easier I can do a good crown prep, anterior incisal fracture composite restoration, Class III amalgam, etc.
So, my little BattleFieldmice.......tell me how BF2 has made you better in your own lives.
So now I pose the question.....how does playing BF2 make you better in other aspects of real life? For instance, it relieves stress which makes you a better husband, father, friend, etc. Just as an example to get you thinking about how this game improves other aspects of your life.
Myself? The better I get at BF2, the better I am at my dentistry and vice versa. The more I hone my fine motor skills in game, the more I feel like my handpiece/drill is an extention of me. There are few professions that work with more minute detail than dentists (even brain surgeons). In dentistry, the difference between .25 mm and .5 mm can mean disaster (ie, OMG...I just drilled into the pulp chamber....now this $100 filling is a $3600 root canal and crown). How many people regularly live their lives in fractions of millimeters? That's why a lot of dentists and dental students use "dental loops"......basically, these are magnifying glasses attached to your face so that you can see everything bigger than it really is. I don't use them. I figure they will only make me dependent, so I do the most minute of dental work with unaided vision. I find that the fine motor skill that is required to overcome GOOD players in game requires attention to very minute details, much like dentistry. The better I get at this game, the easier I can do a good crown prep, anterior incisal fracture composite restoration, Class III amalgam, etc.
So, my little BattleFieldmice.......tell me how BF2 has made you better in your own lives.