+145|6621|Keller, Tx
Since coming into my own with the helo, I tend to watch more and more helo vids on youtube to see how everyone flies. From what I can tell, most people fly the same way as others. Obviously, most will fly the same as the helo can only be flown the way it was coded in the game.

I remember when I would get in a helo when I was a noob, a crash was more than inevitable. I soon stopped trying because I knew it was hurting the team and I wasn't having much fun. I tried my hand at only gunning. When it came to mini-gunning, I was spot on. But, the tv missile eluded me. Nobody taught me how to use it, so I was a noob who shot straight and never hit a target... until I mistakenly learned how to use it. From that point on, I made it my goal to be the best at only the helo. Of course, being the best is relative and not a single person can technically get to claim that they're the best.

For those who aren't the best, or learning, this thread will be for them to learn from the masters of flying/gunning in the helo. Soloing comments welcome!


  • Set your view distance to 100% and lower everything else to low or off (lighting).
  • Load up an empty server and practice, practice, practice. I would say it's better to practice on a server rather than SP, as SP and MP move differently. I can move from straight SP to MP and miss shots left and right due to no lag on SP. Put in 10 hours practicing barrel rolls, take offs and landings, evading (sweeping left to right), using your hellfires, and soloing (they will come once you master handling the helo).
  • Generally, unless I'm trying to get to a certain area on the map, like off the carrier on Dalian to the land, I tend not to go in a straight line. Don't become predictable in your movements so that the enemy can't gauge where you're going next.
  • Most say to keep your helo at 200-500 meters, or more, as to not get shot down by tanks, apc's and fav's. If you want to be careful, this is a good rule. I, on the other hand, tend to stick to 200-300 (max, unless I'm dogfighting another helo or jet). Staying low to the ground, but outside of the range of tank shells, will keep you in the action and will allow you to line up on infantry or cover a CP that's being captured.
  • Learn all the locations of AA stations. Again, another obvious. If you get locked on and don't see a jet, tv the closest station. They're most likely there. Don't forget about AA vehicles, of course. They'll be harder to pick out as they can hide under trees or beside buildings and such.
  • This goes under teamwork as well, but keep your eyes open. Constantly scan for targets and flags that turn over. Your job as a helo pilot/gunner is to back up the ground troops and prevent the enemies helo from getting in the air. If you're good enough, take the jets down too.
  • Never cap a flag unless you're 200% sure there's nothing in the area that can attack you. Have your gunner jump out and guard the flag. I'd say only go for a cap if there's 1-2 friendlies capping it already
  • As everyone knows, get on VIOP... teamspeak or ventrillo. Doesn't matter. If you want to be effective, get a mic and actually talk to your counterpart. Also, try your best to get in with someone that has a mic too. Mics are invaluable tools in detecting and lining up targets.
  • The pilots job is to get from point A to B alive. Also, scan the skies for possible threats.
  • The gunners job is to scan the ground and spot any movements that requires the pilots attention (tanks). If you can't tv a tank, your pilot might not know he's there.
SoloingA quick guide to soloing:
  • Set yourself to around 150-300 meters in the air.
  • Find your target and keep the helo level.
  • Center it in your view.
  • Spin your helo to the left to put negative momentum on it when you switch seats.
  • Hit F2 and then quickly right click to bring up your tv monitor.
  • Your target should be relatively centered in your tv missile view.
  • Left click to shoot (duh) and guide it for a kill.
  • Hit F1 to get back into the pilot's seat.Following those steps will start you on your way to soloing. As you get more comfortable soloing, you can perform complex maneuvers and make yourself look all flashy. Flashy is pointless. Get the kill and move on.
  • When soloing, switching to the gunner's seat will send the helo in a clockwise spin. It'll usually rotate 360 degrees 1.5 to 2 times before the power dies and you fall to the ground.
  • If I'm at my intended area, I sweep everything in a clockwise position. The helo spins clockwise whilst your in the gunners seat, so if you're already swinging from 9 to 12, you'll gain momentum to carry that over and give yourself a bit more time to perform your attack, be it tv or mini gunning.
  • If your objective is to solely mini gun for the round, make sure to center your gun after each sweep. Since you want to have your nose pointed as close to centered on your target as possible, it'll save you precious time in targeting after switching.
Good tips! Mine can be found here.
+215|6638's mine.....

-  Turn your Geometry and Effects to max.  They allow you to see targets and tracers from farther away.

-  I like to fly low.  Real low.  On Ghost Town, I have no choice, and I float around the city at like 10M.   On the other maps like Dragon, I tend to fly a bit higher if there's a pesky enemy chopper around, but after he's dead I drop my altitude again.

-  I am going to redline you if your microphone doesn't work.

-  Getting in a large circle strafe over the enemy main base seems to be my plan of attack lately. 
I am all that is MOD!

The altitude all depends on situation/map- Certain maps its better to fly low, certain maps its better to fly high

Never gun a chopper that hasn't spotted you (use TVs)

Whenever a jet is coming at you, spin towards it in a tight circle, allowing you or gunner a shot as he flys by

Always switch views.  When you get in, switch to the view of no cockpit.  As gunner, constantly cycle through to locate enemy threats (planes mostly, but other choppers too)

Communicate with your gunner/pilot to allocate multiple threats

To circle strafe using keyboard/mouse, hold 'W' and the opposite key of the direction you want to strafe and slide your mouse in the direction you want to strafe.  If you want to strafe to the right, hold 'W' and 'A', and slide the mouse to the right.  To strafe left, hold 'W' and 'D', and slide mouse to the left.
just 1 secret
practice makes perfect
This topic would be so sweet for the admins of Air map servers that have banned for me soloing saying that I hacked or I used a macro.
+131|6769|the guy in the hind on gator
tha art of solo ftw.... i love it
Jizz in my pants
+54|6792|Vancouver, USA
Thanks for the tips.  I am trying to get good at using the chopper and anything helps.  +1 to you
I wouldn't encourage soloing by any means. Tell the guy to get out if he doesn't know TV from a hole in the ground, but soloing is never a good idea. You might be the best soloer in the world, but you're still trying to do the job of two people, and you're never going to be able to spot all the dangers that air and ground forces present to you.

A better idea is to make a squad named CHOPPER, and use VOIP.  Once you find someone decent for a gunner, they can simply spawn on you if you get separated. You can also kick out clueless nubs and lock the squad if necessary.

I tend to fly a bit wild and unpredictable. I'll take a steep dive to get a chopper to follow me, only to fly backwards during the arc so I can get an altitude advantage over the other guy. I also tend to use more horizontal space instead of constantly barrel-rolling.

Of course, that kind of flying comes with its own set of dangers if you're not intimately familiar with the level and stuff you might crash into.

Last edited by Skexis (2007-04-20 21:42:01)

+8|6563|New Jersey
If this is a guide for new people, then please leave out the solo "tip", as that is the worst thing someone can do with a helo.  The only exception to this is the size of the server, small server/low population is ok to do it then.
Learn the Circle of Death. I attempted it in bf2, I'm not sure if you can do it...but in SF it's relatively easy (...except with the damn apahce..)

^ no. Soloing is fun. Soloing works. I know what to do after 85hrs. I can hit TV spot on. I can shoot hell fires decent. I can get a higher score soloing then with a mediocre gunner. Why? Because I don't feel pressure to do well for myself as I would with a gunner.
+8|6563|New Jersey
Sure you can get a higher score and blah blah blah, but your taking the teamwork out of the helicopter and it is a hell of alot more fun with 2 guys in there

Last edited by Stizz (2007-04-20 22:01:09)

In SF you don't have to solo though It's only in regular bf2 with all the noobs on wake who can't tv.
Since there is SOOO much more than the stupid helo's and jets here is my secret:  especially the hit point page!
Thats a good site, thank you. That little bit about tanks will help me in my last 10hrs till Vet Armor.

Skexis wrote:

I wouldn't encourage soloing by any means. Tell the guy to get out if he doesn't know TV from a hole in the ground, but soloing is never a good idea. You might be the best soloer in the world, but you're still trying to do the job of two people, and you're never going to be able to spot all the dangers that air and ground forces present to you.

A better idea is to make a squad named CHOPPER, and use VOIP.  Once you find someone decent for a gunner, they can simply spawn on you if you get separated. You can also kick out clueless nubs and lock the squad if necessary.

I tend to fly a bit wild and unpredictable. I'll take a steep dive to get a chopper to follow me, only to fly backwards during the arc so I can get an altitude advantage over the other guy. I also tend to use more horizontal space instead of constantly barrel-rolling.

Of course, that kind of flying comes with its own set of dangers if you're not intimately familiar with the level and stuff you might crash into.
lol... ill almost any 2man chopper on with me soloing.. they wont get more than a 7-3
+1,175|6876|British Columbia, Canada
Circle of death = The end of the other team.
Mod Incarnate
When I get in a helicopter people start dying. I can't help it. One minute I'm flying along, innocently, the next enemies are dying left and right. They should just stay out of my way, really.
Da Blooze
I typically aim on the trailing edge of things.  If the enemy is broadside, that means I aim towards the tail.  If they are facing and strafing, its a little to the side of the cockpit on the side away from where they are strafing.  If they are above, I once again aim towards the tail.  With the screwy hitboxes of this game, this seems to help some.

And solo'ing is lame.  It does take practice, and skill, but there are 2 seats for a reason.  I could have a higher number of kills and a better ratio if I didn't have those 21,000 driver assists, but the teamwork aspect is where all the fun is for me.

And if something is headed towards cover, try swinging your missle out wide of the target with your first adjustments, then come in towards the target at the better angle of attack with rapid readjustments.

Last edited by -CARNIFEX-[LOC] (2007-04-21 03:29:25)
teh m0nsta
One more tip, if you are the pilot and you can comunicate with your gunner try the following:

Don't dive in too early. Keep your Chopper hovering, that way your gunner can get shots easier with the TV.
If you dive in too early you will have to turn the chopper around, line him up again and got spotted probably already.
If you want to avoid AT-missiles starfe to left/right.
If you want to avoid AA take out the AA station/vehicle before you enter a battle scene.
Fly at 200-500m WTF are you kidding me, i skim along the ground pretty much, the highest i ever go is like 100m or ft.

Never stay still when lining your gunner a tv up, slide to the side or strafe w/e, just practice.
2142th Whore
For pilots:

Don't fucking scream in the mic when the gunner misses its target with the TV Missile
The ultimate tip for survival is to head for repairs as soon as you hit half health otherwise you will be going down!
Ice Lolly Maniac

keyoshi wrote:

Learn the Circle of Death. I attempted it in bf2, I'm not sure if you can do it...but in SF it's relatively easy (...except with the damn apahce..)

^ no. Soloing is fun. Soloing works. I know what to do after 85hrs. I can hit TV spot on. I can shoot hell fires decent. I can get a higher score soloing then with a mediocre gunner. Why? Because I don't feel pressure to do well for myself as I would with a gunner.
your so right about the pressure with 2 people, i fly like a chinese monkey when im by myself, but when someone jumps in, they usally missed the aa and we die or you make a mistake because of pressure +1 keyoshi
Fly as much as you can so you can learn the aa spots on each map you play, so when you get to gun you know where shit is.

Also when you get a bit better you should be using the different views so when you have an aa lock etc you can look back and see what it is.

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