+164|7078|Normal, IL
Marinejuana, did you even look at my stats? I think not, because you would realize to "stats" of mine you quoted to "prove" your point are completely wrong. Please, try to use real facts and evidence when making a point, otherwise you will just look like a dumbass making shit up.

First of all, as far as the impact a sniper has on kills vs other kits is generally greater as far as making the victim unrevivable. A shot from the sniper rifle (headshots most of the time) will actually kill someone, not just make them "wounded"... i.e.: a sniper negates the ability of the medic to revive that person because they done got shot in the head (the kit most likely to make that happen? : Sniper)

Secondly, you constantly ignore the fact that a sniper would destroy a medic most of the time at long range (exactly what the kit is designed for). The sniper can cover long ranges, use claymores as flag defenders/bottleneck blockers, outright kill people.... this all means the sniper is great at defending a flag. better than even a medic (gasp! blasphemy to you, right?)

You're such a hypocrite saying that we are ignoring certain factors that contribute to kills and deaths... BUT YOU ARE DOING EXACTLY WHAT YOU CLAIM WE ARE!!!! You are completely ignoring many circumstances in which the sniper would definately be the better kit than the medic. Nothing I can't stand more than a hypocrite.

You aren't listening that the sniper, as we are arguing, is an important element of the game and every team could use a couple on their side. Are we arguing that hands down the sniper is better? No. Are we saying that medics are useless? No. Are we saying the entire team needs to be completely medics or completely snipers? NO! What we are trying to say, and what you are completely ignoring, is that a GREAT team will have the proper balance of kits on their side. Snipers to cover long range and help defend flags/chokepoints, medics to revive fallen team members, spec ops to take out their assets, anti-tank to destroy their vehicles, support for ammo and covering fire.... You get the point we're trying to make? Have I gone too fast for you? Or should every other word of been "medic medic" in order to make sense in your one-dimensional world?

Please, turn your blinders back on and I enjoy reading your next post. I want to hear more about the glorious medic and how great it is and how it saved the day and how it cured cancer and fed the homeless.....
Wow this argument is going nowhere fast

comet241 wrote:

Marinejuana, did you even look at my stats? I think not, because you would realize to "stats" of mine you quoted to "prove" your point are completely wrong. Please, try to use real facts and evidence when making a point, otherwise you will just look like a dumbass making shit up.

First of all, as far as the impact a sniper has on kills vs other kits is generally greater as far as making the victim unrevivable. A shot from the sniper rifle (headshots most of the time) will actually kill someone, not just make them "wounded"... i.e.: a sniper negates the ability of the medic to revive that person because they done got shot in the head (the kit most likely to make that happen? : Sniper)

Secondly, you constantly ignore the fact that a sniper would destroy a medic most of the time at long range (exactly what the kit is designed for). The sniper can cover long ranges, use claymores as flag defenders/bottleneck blockers, outright kill people.... this all means the sniper is great at defending a flag. better than even a medic (gasp! blasphemy to you, right?)

You're such a hypocrite saying that we are ignoring certain factors that contribute to kills and deaths... BUT YOU ARE DOING EXACTLY WHAT YOU CLAIM WE ARE!!!! You are completely ignoring many circumstances in which the sniper would definately be the better kit than the medic. Nothing I can't stand more than a hypocrite.

You aren't listening that the sniper, as we are arguing, is an important element of the game and every team could use a couple on their side. Are we arguing that hands down the sniper is better? No. Are we saying that medics are useless? No. Are we saying the entire team needs to be completely medics or completely snipers? NO! What we are trying to say, and what you are completely ignoring, is that a GREAT team will have the proper balance of kits on their side. Snipers to cover long range and help defend flags/chokepoints, medics to revive fallen team members, spec ops to take out their assets, anti-tank to destroy their vehicles, support for ammo and covering fire.... You get the point we're trying to make? Have I gone too fast for you? Or should every other word of been "medic medic" in order to make sense in your one-dimensional world?

Please, turn your blinders back on and I enjoy reading your next post. I want to hear more about the glorious medic and how great it is and how it saved the day and how it cured cancer and fed the homeless.....
Your most played map is Karkand, nuff' said.
+405|6776|A W S M F O X
What kind of fucking type of tard are you?

Im not sure what magical, crack smoking elf world your living in but sniper headshots dont kill people outright you stupid little boy.
Flex Appeal

ssonrats wrote:

comet241 wrote:

Marinejuana, did you even look at my stats? I think not, because you would realize to "stats" of mine you quoted to "prove" your point are completely wrong. Please, try to use real facts and evidence when making a point, otherwise you will just look like a dumbass making shit up.

First of all, as far as the impact a sniper has on kills vs other kits is generally greater as far as making the victim unrevivable. A shot from the sniper rifle (headshots most of the time) will actually kill someone, not just make them "wounded"... i.e.: a sniper negates the ability of the medic to revive that person because they done got shot in the head (the kit most likely to make that happen? : Sniper)

Secondly, you constantly ignore the fact that a sniper would destroy a medic most of the time at long range (exactly what the kit is designed for). The sniper can cover long ranges, use claymores as flag defenders/bottleneck blockers, outright kill people.... this all means the sniper is great at defending a flag. better than even a medic (gasp! blasphemy to you, right?)

You're such a hypocrite saying that we are ignoring certain factors that contribute to kills and deaths... BUT YOU ARE DOING EXACTLY WHAT YOU CLAIM WE ARE!!!! You are completely ignoring many circumstances in which the sniper would definately be the better kit than the medic. Nothing I can't stand more than a hypocrite.

You aren't listening that the sniper, as we are arguing, is an important element of the game and every team could use a couple on their side. Are we arguing that hands down the sniper is better? No. Are we saying that medics are useless? No. Are we saying the entire team needs to be completely medics or completely snipers? NO! What we are trying to say, and what you are completely ignoring, is that a GREAT team will have the proper balance of kits on their side. Snipers to cover long range and help defend flags/chokepoints, medics to revive fallen team members, spec ops to take out their assets, anti-tank to destroy their vehicles, support for ammo and covering fire.... You get the point we're trying to make? Have I gone too fast for you? Or should every other word of been "medic medic" in order to make sense in your one-dimensional world?

Please, turn your blinders back on and I enjoy reading your next post. I want to hear more about the glorious medic and how great it is and how it saved the day and how it cured cancer and fed the homeless.....
Your most played map is Karkand, nuff' said.
For future reference, the apostrophe goes before the 'nuff... :p

Last edited by Flex (2007-04-20 07:49:54)

+164|7078|Normal, IL

ssonrats wrote:

Your most played map is Karkand, nuff' said.
thanks, i already knew that.... but what does that have to do with anything???
M24 Abuser
+99|6814|Valley of the Dragons

JET_G raidensen wrote:

What kind of fucking type of tard are you?

Im not sure what magical, crack smoking elf world your living in but sniper headshots dont kill people outright you stupid little boy.
Eh .... ?
+164|7078|Normal, IL

JET_G raidensen wrote:

What kind of fucking type of tard are you?

Im not sure what magical, crack smoking elf world your living in but sniper headshots dont kill people outright you stupid little boy.
wow, you must be 12 years old. Does your mommy let you talk like that or doesn't she know?

Either way, it's fun to get a rise out of kids like you, but the rise was intended for someone else. Making shit up to "prove" a point can go both ways, get it?

*sigh* maybe if you had just read the whole thread instead of jumping in like a, well, how did you put it again??

Fucking tard....? too much anger
+405|6776|A W S M F O X

comet241 wrote:

JET_G raidensen wrote:

What kind of fucking type of tard are you?

Im not sure what magical, crack smoking elf world your living in but sniper headshots dont kill people outright you stupid little boy.
wow, you must be 12 years old. Does your mommy let you talk like that or doesn't she know?

Either way, it's fun to get a rise out of kids like you, but the rise was intended for someone else. Making shit up to "prove" a point can go both ways, get it?

*sigh* maybe if you had just read the whole thread instead of jumping in like a, well, how did you put it again??

Fucking tard....? too much anger
So your saying your life revolves around making up shit on internet forums to try and get 12 year olds to get angry?

Wow, your sadder than i thought, i guess the real world must be all to much for you.
+164|7078|Normal, IL

JET_G raidensen wrote:

comet241 wrote:

JET_G raidensen wrote:

What kind of fucking type of tard are you?

Im not sure what magical, crack smoking elf world your living in but sniper headshots dont kill people outright you stupid little boy.
wow, you must be 12 years old. Does your mommy let you talk like that or doesn't she know?

Either way, it's fun to get a rise out of kids like you, but the rise was intended for someone else. Making shit up to "prove" a point can go both ways, get it?

*sigh* maybe if you had just read the whole thread instead of jumping in like a, well, how did you put it again??

Fucking tard....? too much anger
So your saying your life revolves around making up shit on internet forums to try and get 12 year olds to get angry?

Wow, your sadder than i thought, i guess the real world must be all to much for you.
well, since you didn't deny you are 12, i suppose i can take credit on that for guessing correctly there.

And no, sadly, your theory doesnt hold there either. Nobody was talking to you in this thread, you jumped in at the end without reading anything, and you are, frankly, detracting from the main argument. The main protagonist in this thread seems to be under the misunderstanding that there is only one kit worth playing in BF2. Now, throughout his arguments he seems to be completely ignoring what we are saying, or not reading it at all. My theory was to inject a subtle, yet flawed statement to see if he was even reading us, and hence, making future arguments pointless.

however, in steps dumbfuck you. Interjecting your mindless comments and detracting from the overall direction of the thread. I will kindly ask you to never post another thread again until either A) your balls drop and maybe you get some maturity and greater understanding or B) you actually read the entire fucking thread before making a comment.

Thanks for playing along. Im sure somehow your giant ego will continue to allow you to be magnaminous even in the face of looking like a complete and utter idiot. Keep posting, we're not listening.

Jameseyy wrote:

Wow this argument is going nowhere fast

That's why I stopped reading meself. Well, that's most of the reason; should be easy to guess the other. Anyway, anyone interested in a balanced view on kit use and utility will already have some idea that the right kit in the right situation is best... medic is the strongest overall yes, but not to be used to the exclusion of all others... and anyone that doesn't hold this view isn't going to be swayed by facts or logic. As we can see above.

I was hoping for a game where I could get the perfect shot of a situation in Warlord to illustrate and I had one this morning:

Q. What's the best kit to use if you're Insurgents?
A. There isn't one.

One thing's for sure you sure as hell don't want to all go medic. If you're in the palace you want most of your team to be medic (both sides actually) but Insurgents should have at least two key players using a kit with a grapple or a zipline, for reasons that should be obvious.

Anyone not see why?
+164|7078|Normal, IL

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Jameseyy wrote:

Wow this argument is going nowhere fast

That's why I stopped reading meself. Well, that's most of the reason; should be easy to guess the other. Anyway, anyone interested in a balanced view on kit use and utility will already have some idea that the right kit in the right situation is best... medic is the strongest overall yes, but not to be used to the exclusion of all others... and anyone that doesn't hold this view isn't going to be swayed by facts or logic. As we can see above.
sad, but true... derailed

at least we all know the truth, which makes us better players for it

comet241 wrote:

Todd_Angelo wrote:

Jameseyy wrote:

Wow this argument is going nowhere fast

That's why I stopped reading meself. Well, that's most of the reason; should be easy to guess the other. Anyway, anyone interested in a balanced view on kit use and utility will already have some idea that the right kit in the right situation is best... medic is the strongest overall yes, but not to be used to the exclusion of all others... and anyone that doesn't hold this view isn't going to be swayed by facts or logic. As we can see above.
sad, but true... derailed

at least we all know the truth, which makes us better players for it
lol at u two, u are both bad players and your contributions here demonstrate your lack of familiarity with BF2.

And comet, just fyi, sniper headshots are revivable, i cant believe u didnt know that until your last post.

ur both just loathe to admit that snipers are intrinsically and mathematically inferior to medics for the purposes of winning tickets and flags in bf2. u cant stand admitting that sniper is inherently disadvantaged because uve spent most of your time playing it and want to feel like u have been making intelligent decisions for your team all along. well you havent. and who cares? its a video game. u were having fun and nobody is here to take that away from you. but no need to distort facts about the game to save face for the sniper community here. they snipe. a role that is pretty peripheral, literally, to capturing and clearing flags in bf2. just step aside so the interested parties in the community can be educated.

and your screenshot of an SF map just demonstrates how its only in particular moments that it would be useful to have another kit (and u had to choose a point that only applies to an expansion pack, lol). so my statement remains. the team with 90%+ medics has the advantage. other kits, unless one is driving a vehicle or killing a vehicle, cannot do as much for the team. they dont have shockpaddles. end of debate.

Last edited by Marinejuana (2007-04-20 19:21:39)

+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.
Snipers are pointless unless you do it CQC. In which case the medic then owns it.

Only kit you need to have is medic and AT.

In a war/scrim, if you need a quick job done, like blowing the UAV up or something, medic can just kitbug someone into spec ops. But the truth is, medic own all infantry, AT own everything else and if you need a quick job done with a particular kit, medics can kit bug to whatever they want.

Fuck all your 1500 word assignments.
+164|7078|Normal, IL

Marinejuana wrote:

comet241 wrote:

Todd_Angelo wrote:


That's why I stopped reading meself. Well, that's most of the reason; should be easy to guess the other. Anyway, anyone interested in a balanced view on kit use and utility will already have some idea that the right kit in the right situation is best... medic is the strongest overall yes, but not to be used to the exclusion of all others... and anyone that doesn't hold this view isn't going to be swayed by facts or logic. As we can see above.
sad, but true... derailed

at least we all know the truth, which makes us better players for it
lol at u two, u are both bad players and your contributions here demonstrate your lack of familiarity with BF2.

And comet, just fyi, sniper headshots are revivable, i cant believe u didnt know that until your last post.

ur both just loathe to admit that snipers are intrinsically and mathematically inferior to medics for the purposes of winning tickets and flags in bf2. u cant stand admitting that sniper is inherently disadvantaged because uve spent most of your time playing it and want to feel like u have been making intelligent decisions for your team all along. well you havent. and who cares? its a video game. u were having fun and nobody is here to take that away from you. but no need to distort facts about the game to save face for the sniper community here. they snipe. a role that is pretty peripheral, literally, to capturing and clearing flags in bf2. just step aside so the interested parties in the community can be educated.

and your screenshot of an SF map just demonstrates how its only in particular moments that it would be useful to have another kit (and u had to choose a point that only applies to an expansion pack, lol). so my statement remains. the team with 90%+ medics has the advantage. other kits, unless one is driving a vehicle or killing a vehicle, cannot do as much for the team. they dont have shockpaddles. end of debate.
thanks for proving that you dont read what we type. Keep the blinders on. I dont care. If you want to play with a kit all the time, i dont care. Ill pick you off at 200 yards. see you on the battlefield.

and again, please read my posts before commenting, you try to make me look like an idiot, but you just come out in the end covered in shit.
+405|6776|A W S M F O X
..............Im just speechless at your frame of mind, firstly, when the fuck did i say i was 12? Secondly you must be pretty miserable in your life to have to give people misinformation so you can flame them, instead of attacking them on the truth.

Thats just really quite sad, i hope you commit suicide soon so your organs can go to someone with a life.
comet your fucking retarded and so are all the people defending the sniper kit... its not even up fpr debate since its FACT that medic is best infantry kit and will own all others. Why can't you just say it... medic kit will own all other kits in most situations.

Marinejuana wrote:

lol at u two, u are both bad players and your contributions here demonstrate your lack of familiarity with BF2.
I'm not a bad player; worse than you doesn't equal bad. I'm not unfamiliar with BF2. Oh and you're an ass.

"I'm better at a video game = I'm right and everyone worse is wrong" is one of the dumbest attitudes around, especially when it's used against someone clearly more intelligent than the poster.

Marinejuana wrote:

ur both just loathe to admit that snipers are intrinsically and mathematically inferior to medics for the purposes of winning tickets and flags in bf2.
Jesus Check what I've said, twice now I think, about the value of medics. If you're going to keep on missing stuff like this it takes all the fun out of trying to make you look like a dumbass since you're doing all the heavy lifting.

As far as flags go, my flag points = not bad. And since roughly 70% of them were scored as sniper it makes the case quite clearly that in normal play snipers can do just fine on that score. And in IO my natural WLR is, like yours, above 2 so....

Marinejuana wrote:

so my statement remains. the team with 90%+ medics has the advantage.
Over another team with 90% medics? I love how you keep on ignoring points you can't deal with LOL

And check back on what you actually said, not on what you think or wished you'd said. Here's one of the classics:

Marinejuana wrote:

BF2 IO is like rock paper scissors where medics win no matter what.
As I summarised: you think medics are always better. Which is your opinion, but the facts don't bear this out.

You might "win no matter what" (although I have to point out that for recent play you have lost 726 times for 1,503 wins... so as I said, there are other factors involved) but then you're not the typical player; not even remotely close in fact. Lots of medics suck, bigtime.

And other players doing well can do more for the team in a given game. FFS, just since this thread started I've taken screenshots of scoreboards every day that prove this... where medics have made less of a contribution to the outcome than one or more players using another kit. Sure, it's not generally as easy, nobody said it was, but it's still true that medics don't automatically do the most for a team (in theory, yes; in practice, no).

gene_pool wrote:

Snipers are pointless unless you do it CQC. In which case the medic then owns it.
I won't point out the logical fallacy here but no, the better medic owns it (in the right circumstances).

I regularly kill medics (and by kill I mean he has to respawn); I'm not boasting, it's just a fact. Lots of snipers do, and players who are better shots than I who can get headshots regularly do it a hell of a lot more often than I do. Gee, it's even possible to kill more than one working together, even a whole squad (I'm not talking about just snipers here, almost any class is potentially capable).

Forget all this theoretical nonsense, the facts of day-to-day play show that other kits can make a difference because not everyone playing medic is a major-league player and people don't sodding use teamwork 85% of the time.

gene_pool wrote:

Only kit you need to have is medic and AT.
The BF2 playing community disagrees with you.

gene_pool wrote:

In a war/scrim...
We're talking about pubs.

gene_pool wrote:

Fuck all your 1500 word assignments.
You know, if you were older you might realise how this attitude makes you sound.

DivineMomentofTruth wrote:

comet your fucking retarded...
I submit that the guy who doesn't know the difference between your and you're might be the one with the handicap.

Last edited by Todd_Angelo (2007-04-21 14:25:26)

Im not going to even dignify your choice of being a grammar cop in a forum debate with a response since the topic has little to do with it. Furthermore you've demonstrated your intent to argue with just about everyone in this thread, so continuing this with you would only bring an ever growing series of posts from you with an exponentially increasing amount of forum members quoted in them. But at least you made yourself look smart huh? Carry on.
todd_angelo's score in this thread is like 3 teampoints, 8 kills, and 19 deaths.
+3,936|6813|so randum

Marinejuana wrote:

todd_angelo's score in this thread is like 3 teampoints, 8 kills, and 19 deaths.
No, that would be yours mate. At least he takes the time to put together well presented and balanced arguments. You, on the other hand just spout the same stuff over and over again, about how much better medics are. Grow up
Small hourglass island
Always raining and foggy
Use an umbrella
+1,153|6944|Washington, DC

Here's the end-all for this argument: artillery, smart jet pilots, smart littlebird pilots, and server crashes > any infantry.

edit: DMOT, calm the fuck down dude. It's just a game!

Last edited by Hurricane (2007-04-21 09:51:41)

bit of a strawman, since snipers don't use AR. finding a sniper with high AR stats is a pointless endeavour. also people who've played as many hours as you in one class are rare even for where you are on the board the other medics up there generally have less hours played. of those hours you play karkand exclusively, an environment renown for being a medic friendly one. a quick ten minutes on the iron gator disproves your medic superiority theory. on that map at least, its a fact that medics are not the best class, they rack up points but they can't defend the ship.

i still haven't had an answer for what your crack medic class is meant to do when it comes up against a tank.

Last edited by Vernedead (2007-04-21 11:53:08)


Vernedead wrote:

i still haven't had an answer for what your crack medic class is meant to do when it comes up against a tank.
Not a lot less than a sniper would
not fussed, not a fan of sniping my self. but at least a sniper has some camo.

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