"BAJARA KINULTIMA ATTA!" = Enemy infantry spotted
"HONOR!" = Sniper
"ADHIR AL MOUSEF!" = Someone needs you to medic them.
"Shukiren (stuff stuff stuff)!" = Thanks
"Astej affectualaria una!" = Get Ammo, here!
Yeah, that's all I remember word for word (or at least sound for sound). I don't really need to memorize the PLA stuff, 'cause I'm asian. Guess that gives me a slight advantage, eh?
"HONOR!" = Sniper
"ADHIR AL MOUSEF!" = Someone needs you to medic them.
"Shukiren (stuff stuff stuff)!" = Thanks
"Astej affectualaria una!" = Get Ammo, here!
Yeah, that's all I remember word for word (or at least sound for sound). I don't really need to memorize the PLA stuff, 'cause I'm asian. Guess that gives me a slight advantage, eh?