dont_be_ss wrote:
Karkand infantry only 50-64 player you can get 50+ kills IAR.
You can get 50+ kills in the round
Jemme101 wrote:
dont_be_ss wrote:
I got mine on wake, i was US, spawned at the beach then went on top of the white bunker at the airfield. I got 39 kills 2 deaths.
Got mine on Sharqi , 64 map with 30-35 people on it. Changed positions only once, from the Crane to Alleyway on a respawn
both of mine on Sharqi
Didn't stay put, so lots of team points; both normal servers too. Warlord for both Expert Sniper Specialists, although I now could have gotten it on Ghost Town, finally, and Mass Destruction (IO though).
For anyone that doesn't like clays: got all four of these without earning Veteran Explosives Ordinance on either account