I like Chinese
+12|6696|Pittsburgh, PA
I was just on Wake, and I got killed by the Essex at North Village! I know it wasn't just dumb luck, because the same guy killed me and multiple people at the village. I also didn't see or hear any bullets or missiles at all, and I was killed about 3 times and saw some other guys get killed too. Has anyone ever heard of this glitch, or is it a hack?
+416|6808|United States
HAX! Sounds like aimbot with the essex?
scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6870|Brisbane, Aus

Some people know where to roughly aim to spay north village but it's sorta unlikely.
+1,106|6603|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Well, perhaps your helicopters were passing by and he just happened to miss them and hit you? Why don't we think of that?

Nah, j/k probably h4xx0rz.
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6804|Menlo Park, CA
there seems to be a glitch. . .

Like the other day I killed a guy with the AK101 but it said I killed him with an AT MINE. . . .When I was right up close and knew for a fact that an AT mine wasnt what killed him. . . .

It probably was a guy running around the uncap, who was in the Essex anti air gun before he went to your base. . .

Just me guessing
16 more years
+877|6839|South Florida

Tompie913 wrote:

I was just on Wake, and I got killed by the Essex at North Village! I know it wasn't just dumb luck, because the same guy killed me and multiple people at the village. I also didn't see or hear any bullets or missiles at all, and I was killed about 3 times and saw some other guys get killed too. Has anyone ever heard of this glitch, or is it a hack?
No fog + View distance.

and most likely some form of nametags/chamz
15 more years! 15 more years!
i hate you all
It`s theoretically possible to do that, but like Fenix14 said, very unlikely... Most likely he had some no-fog-hack and some tag/visual hack.

But hey, he could be just lucky, or he knew exactly where to aim. Was it like he followed you around with the bullets, or did he just shoot at one spawn point?
Da Blooze
I had the same thing happen, only I was in the J10 on the south side of the island...I broke the Essex' lock at around its normal maximum range, but then it relocked somehow and finally hit me when I was 2/3 of the way along the island towards the airfield...I was close enough to see the helipad and airstrip by the time I was hit.

I know AA can randomly track from time to time, but that was a little far for the Essex.

-CARNIFEX-[LOC] wrote:

I had the same thing happen, only I was in the J10 on the south side of the island...I broke the Essex' lock at around its normal maximum range, but then it relocked somehow and finally hit me when I was 2/3 of the way along the island towards the airfield...I was close enough to see the helipad and airstrip by the time I was hit.

I know AA can randomly track from time to time, but that was a little far for the Essex.
I know of a way that this might work, but I believe that there is a limit on the distance that all bullets travel, I just do not know what that distance is.  What you do is:
1. Be commander or squadleader.
2. Pull up the command screen and place an attack marker(or whatever marker you want because it really doesent matter) on the chopper pad.
3. Fire directly at the marker and Woo Hoo, you just killed everyone on the chopper pad!
+1,106|6603|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Deadmonkiefart wrote:

I know of a way that this might work, but I believe that there is a limit on the distance that all bullets travel, I just do not know what that distance is.  What you do is:
1. Be commander or squadleader.
2. Pull up the command screen and place an attack marker(or whatever marker you want because it really doesent matter) on the chopper pad.
3. Fire directly at the marker and Woo Hoo, you just killed everyone on the chopper pad!
Interesting...I may try that sometime.
+26|6675|England, UK
All of the bullets blow up level with Arty Island.

If you are just behind Arty Island, (towards the chinese side), then if someone has high graphics + 100% view distance they can see you from the Essex gun, and open fire, but the bullets explode just infront of Arty Island in a nice pretty firework like show, that don't damage you whatsoever.

Also with the Essex missiles I know on rare occasions I've had one track me back to 100m away from airfield, it was a little worrying but it then just blew up mid air.

Did the person not claymore at North Village? Then perhaps the claymore was detonated while they were in the Essex gun giving the kill as an Essex gun kill. That is a lot more likely.
+45|6802|Kamloops, BC Canada
On The iron gator I had someone lock on my transport heli with the essex. So he locked on me from the ship to the MECSF bases helipad.

Like wtf?
i hate you all

Inimicus_7 wrote:

All of the bullets blow up level with Arty Island.

If you are just behind Arty Island, (towards the chinese side), then if someone has high graphics + 100% view distance they can see you from the Essex gun, and open fire, but the bullets explode just infront of Arty Island in a nice pretty firework like show, that don't damage you whatsoever.

Also with the Essex missiles I know on rare occasions I've had one track me back to 100m away from airfield, it was a little worrying but it then just blew up mid air.

Did the person not claymore at North Village? Then perhaps the claymore was detonated while they were in the Essex gun giving the kill as an Essex gun kill. That is a lot more likely.
No they dont blow up near the arty island, they travel much longer. In theory you can do this without any hack, with a lot of practice of course. For example: I know exactly where to aim with a tank to hit one of the spawnpoints on the essex on wake, and on dalian i can easily blow up all the jets and choppers with a tank, from the island.
There's a guy...god I can't remember his name...

But he has like 200 hours in the Essix (he plays Wake FOR the Essix....) and all he does is shoot, and he made a video of him shooing at North Village, and actually getting kills.
+25|6707|Hong Kong @ the moment

Inimicus_7 wrote:

Did the person not claymore at North Village? Then perhaps the claymore was detonated while they were in the Essex gun giving the kill as an Essex gun kill. That is a lot more likely.
I dont think that would make a difference. If it was the claymore that killed the guy then claymore is what comes up as the weapon doing the killing, not the current vehicle/gun your in at the time.

Anyway sounds overall like it was either a hack or just just plain dumb luck.
R.I.P [EPIC]Pfcguinn
i have seen the bullets hit at north base and village. the missiles will stay locked on until you can get out of it. i was in the attack chopper on the transport heli pad at the air field getting repairs when i get a lock on all of a sudden an died from the ship. i think a jet drug it out to me but still thats far . i notice since 1.4 patch its alot stronger of a gun
+1,106|6603|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

ethrion wrote:

Inimicus_7 wrote:

Did the person not claymore at North Village? Then perhaps the claymore was detonated while they were in the Essex gun giving the kill as an Essex gun kill. That is a lot more likely.
I dont think that would make a difference. If it was the claymore that killed the guy then claymore is what comes up as the weapon doing the killing, not the current vehicle/gun your in at the time.

Anyway sounds overall like it was either a hack or just just plain dumb luck.
Not quite. People can get [LADDER] kills. I've done it, climbing a ladder while owning a guy with a hand grenade. And even if you weren't on a ladder or in a vehicle, it'd show up as [Killed], not necessarily [Claymore].

ethrion wrote:

Inimicus_7 wrote:

Did the person not claymore at North Village? Then perhaps the claymore was detonated while they were in the Essex gun giving the kill as an Essex gun kill. That is a lot more likely.
I dont think that would make a difference. If it was the claymore that killed the guy then claymore is what comes up as the weapon doing the killing, not the current vehicle/gun your in at the time.

Anyway sounds overall like it was either a hack or just just plain dumb luck.
The game has a bug with explosives kills.  If you are in a vehicle it will show the vehicle rather than claymore or at mine.  But if he got multiple kills over a short period of time that way, the more likely he got lucky with his aim.

I've gotten a grappling hook kill after throwing a grenade and then started climbing the grabbling hook I threw.

Last edited by DSRTurtle (2007-04-25 20:07:50)

bunny hopping nade spammer

BlackKoala wrote:

There's a guy...god I can't remember his name...

But he has like 200 hours in the Essix (he plays Wake FOR the Essix....) and all he does is shoot, and he made a video of him shooing at North Village, and actually getting kills.
there is one guy that can do it whos name is kawdor and another who is somthing like ronin+1, they look at the flag above north village to find the spot to aim and have memorized where in relation to the flag to aim in order to hit the AA site, north village flag spawn points, etc.  It is in no way hacking and i will try to find the link to his video for you.  It is actually quite a simple thing to do.

Last edited by rambo_killin_SOB (2007-04-25 20:17:42)

+26|6675|England, UK

DSRTurtle wrote:

ethrion wrote:

Inimicus_7 wrote:

Did the person not claymore at North Village? Then perhaps the claymore was detonated while they were in the Essex gun giving the kill as an Essex gun kill. That is a lot more likely.
I dont think that would make a difference. If it was the claymore that killed the guy then claymore is what comes up as the weapon doing the killing, not the current vehicle/gun your in at the time.

Anyway sounds overall like it was either a hack or just just plain dumb luck.
The game has a bug with explosives kills.  If you are in a vehicle it will show the vehicle rather than claymore or at mine.  But if he got multiple kills over a short period of time that way, the more likely he got lucky with his aim.

I've gotten a grappling hook kill after throwing a grenade and then started climbing the grabbling hook I threw.
Thank you.

It could, a lot of the time the claymore kill will display as the weapon in hand (especially if you have changed kits) or the plane/chopper/transport/tank you are in, you can even get things like HJ-8 (Ground defence) kills from it, so it wouldn't surprise me if you couldn't get an Essex gun kill off a claymore.

I think this calls for an empty Wake Server and a friend though to test out if you can accurately hit North Village.
+1,175|6876|British Columbia, Canada
It can be done...

I've seen people get kills by doing it..

Its also pretty funny seeing tanks take out the AA guns from the South and North Tip.
Internet Superhero

Canadian_Sniper_X wrote:

On The iron gator I had someone lock on my transport heli with the essex. So he locked on me from the ship to the MECSF bases helipad.

Like wtf?
That's perfectly possible. Because Iron Gator has a lot of fog ( makes it perfect for making nice TV shots ) it seems that the distance the Essex can lock on is shorter. But that's not the case it just stays the same and even though there is a lot of fog it is able to lock onto you.

I hopped in the Hind ( is it? ) with a clanmate and we just stayed at the base firing TV's towards the carrier
Beep bep.
+85|6684|Stealth on Grand Bazaar

Tompie913 wrote:

I was just on Wake, and I got killed by the Essex at North Village! I know it wasn't just dumb luck, because the same guy killed me and multiple people at the village. I also didn't see or hear any bullets or missiles at all, and I was killed about 3 times and saw some other guys get killed too. Has anyone ever heard of this glitch, or is it a hack?
Ive tested the firing distance of the Essex's main gun and it doesn't reach more than North Village so yes it could be a hack. It could be it's a glitch in game as often people kill me with a claymore when they shot me with an M16 or something. You should have SS it.
Fantasma Parastasie
the essex is some class bullshit. It killed me once on Oman when I was at the MEC airfield in a MiG. Took a look at the battlerecorder footage and it turned out that the essex had fired a missle at a jet, which missed and then tracked a chopper, missed again, and then went for me, going across the entire map in doing so

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