Thread on basically in general before someone starts their "thats racist" bullshit, but in all of BF2 in my time of playing. Germans have been the worst bf2 players I have come across, and I don't just mean on and off but pretty much all of the time, I avoid German servers like the plague, heres why:

1) Went in a German server Karkand inf a week ago and the admin german "StillerKiller" kicks anyone for made up rules on the spot, he banned 4 people before I got banned because they so called killed him unfairly, then I got banned because he ran into my claymore that was behind me while I was sniping.

2) Yesterday on a Gulf server these Germans kicked me for base rape, yet everytime I got in the chopper they blew us up, we were MEC and as soon as we got in they kept tv'ing it. So we finally got off and I took them out and basically stayed in the middle zone, killed them again when they missed us with the tv missile. They kicked me saying base rape.

3) Zatar Wetlands, a JTsnake$hit sucks in Jet as im waiting he tks me, then I spawn and he tks me again, came across him in another server which was Sharqi and he was kicked for - points from tking for chopper.

Thats three instances, but ontop of that its the whining, teamkilling, smacktarding you name it. I've came across enough smacktards and what not but the vast majority seem to be German. And the German pride thing, usually the [GER] in their name or whatever. Ontop of that the amount of Germans I see banned from servers such as TV2 is above your average, mainly for constant tking for Jets etc and smacktarding.

That wraps it up, but 90% of smacktards, teamkillers, pathetic players are German. No offence to all the good player Germans but its just from my BF2 experience .
+1,106|6603|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Dude on Zatar wrote:

JTsnake$hit sucks in Jet
Oooh, I wonder what Snake's gonna say about this?
+15|6547|Leeds, WestYorkshire
i hate bf2 server admins. there wankers

not all of them though

Last edited by -Leeds-Lad- (2007-04-25 15:43:16)


cowami wrote:

Dude on Zatar wrote:

JTsnake$hit sucks in Jet
Oooh, I wonder what Snake's gonna say about this?
Nothing, cuz he'll get a smack if he does.
+1,106|6603|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Wait, was this "JTSnake$hit sucks in Jet" guy the Snake from Here (i.e. BF2s, with the "sucks in Jet" part added) or some guy who just (clearly) dislikes Snake?
+8|6530|midlands britain
im not an ass on servers but my stats suck for the number of hours ive played lol

worst guys are admins that pause servers 3 or 4 times a round. it just spoils it
No not that snake. This snake:
+1,106|6603|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Ah, that clarifies things.

He's German. Most of them are douches (no offense to the Germans here...most of you, anyway) who will whore things. Just look at the top 10.
+1,230|7156|Alberta, Canada

-Leeds-Lad- wrote:

i hate bf2 server admins. there wankers

not all of them though
Me? *gasp*
Well out of the top 10 most aren't anything special. But blueassault imo is the best on in the top 10, hes legit, not a nade whore or w.e and doesn't play karkand 24/7. 1 man army I've played with a few times at least a team player. Phantom I've played with and I have knifed him more times than I can count, why? because hes so easy to knife, he stands behind the fence on the US and throws nades all round, doesn't move.
Roflcopter Pilot
I find french people are nice to play with, they usually know what they're doing.

And whats up with German people? They don't speak english FTW!

Last edited by .robzored. (2007-04-25 16:36:50)


sgtdude1987 wrote:

worst guys are admins that pause servers 3 or 4 times a round. it just spoils it
Especially german admins that only do it when they're losing.
I like big butts, and I cannot lie.

DooM wrote:

Well out of the top 10 most aren't anything special. But blueassault imo is the best on in the top 10, hes legit, not a nade whore or w.e and doesn't play karkand 24/7. 1 man army I've played with a few times at least a team player. Phantom I've played with and I have knifed him more times than I can count, why? because hes so easy to knife, he stands behind the fence on the US and throws nades all round, doesn't move.

I would say 1 Man Army is good too he is nice person and he is not nade spammer.

I hate that fucker phantom.
+54|6912|Newfoundland, Canada
Germans do tend to become a little bit angry, or frustrated, very easily at times.. An angry German with Administrator privileges is a dangerous thing indeed. Prepare to be banned if you are ever to come across one of them in one of their many furious moments.

EDIT: Not saying I dislike Germans though, just saying they do tend to become angry at regular intervals.

Last edited by -=]V[-i-n-i-o-n=- (2007-04-25 17:28:59)
+1,106|6603|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

-=]V[-i-n-i-o-n=- wrote:

Germans do tend to become a little bit angry, or frustrated, very easily at times.. An angry German with Administrator privileges is a dangerous thing indeed. Prepare to be banned if you are ever to come across one of them in one of their many furious moments.
Luckily for me, my pings for European servers are generally too high, so I can't experience their angriness.

Thank you, deficiencies in technology.
sophisticated slacker
+334|6637|Graz, Austria
Yes, Germans suck. Ask any Austrian.
+12|6955|NH, USA
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

My old clan used to have the same problem. Every time someone was being an idiot, they'd be German. I never understood it and I still don't.

Plus, when someone is screaming "HAXOER" in the chat, then they speak German, I almost expect it.
Aspiring Objectivist
I like them they are easy kills & have never kicked me
Man...I'm freezing!
+65|6938|Ghost Town
As a German (without that "GER" in my name) i must say that you are right in most cases. I avoid playing on German servers too. But there are other whiners that kick/ban you if you're killing the admins too much...only one word: Losers (Server) They whine about EVERYTHING and kick for no reasons.
Hey Trollmeat...not all of us are easy kills!
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7143|Denver colorado
I like it when I hop over a wall and an admin bans me for bunny hopping. Whats funny is that they are just watching over their server like gods. Not even fighting sometimes.
The only german is have ever really had a problem with was that MotherFucker Ltg.McKenzy. I guess that explains why he kicked me for such a small reason.

But in General they are ok some admins have pissed me off in the past though but i got them back.(No really i literally got them back, Some of them had their E-penis's broken)

lavadisk wrote:

I like it when I hop over a wall and an admin bans me for bunny hopping. Whats funny is that they are just watching over their server like gods. Not even fighting sometimes.
Wer iz ze Furor? Wen yu need him ze most? Hail Ze Furor and Ze Glorious Fatherland!

Last edited by David.Podedworny (2007-04-25 18:59:48)

+12|6955|NH, USA

David.Podedworny wrote:

Wer iz ze Furor? Wen yu need him ze most? Hail Ze Furor and Ze Glorious Fatherland!
I think that is a bit uncalled for.

Crash727 wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

Wer iz ze Furor? Wen yu need him ze most? Hail Ze Furor and Ze Glorious Fatherland!
I think that is a bit uncalled for.
Geez i was just joking.

Last edited by David.Podedworny (2007-04-25 19:15:43)

+12|6955|NH, USA

David.Podedworny wrote:

Crash727 wrote:

David.Podedworny wrote:

Wer iz ze Furor? Wen yu need him ze most? Hail Ze Furor and Ze Glorious Fatherland!
I think that is a bit uncalled for.
Geez i was just joking.
Ok Imus. 

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