This is just a general discussion thread for RTS games of all shapes and sizes... Chat away guys and gals about whatever you want. Share stories, hints, tips and opinions...
I'm playing Dawn of War's first campaign at the moment. It's awesome... I have Winter Assault so I'll play through the campaigns on that eventually as well. It's a great blast and I reccomend the game to any fan of strategy games...
Oh yeah, and any hints and tips for RTS games would be appreciated as they are much harder than FPS games in my opinion. For me anyway... I'm not that great at them... Haha. I have a tendancy to turtle... Which works well in DoW with the Space Marines but not so well in most other RTS games.
Last edited by Flecco (2007-04-25 07:36:01)
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Dawn of war is really good, particularly if you like the Warhammer 40.000 universe.
It's only drawback is that the AI tends to rush you even in standard mode.
I'm playing Dark Crusade and I have to do it on easy mode because in normal the comp rushes you and you are forced to rush him before he does, not the kind of gameplay that I like, I prefer building my base and my forces slowly and then attack him.
Remember that strategy shifts from 'Dawn of War' to 'Winter Assault' to 'Dark Crusade'.
Best strategy hint I can give is to learn the best way possible for you to maintain a strong economy while keeping constant pressure on the enemy (hold off if enemy units just gain experience for killing yours). Monopolize every significant resource spot on the map and harass their intake.
Last edited by unnamednewbie13 (2007-04-25 16:00:50)
Dawn of war is really good, particularly if you like the Warhammer 40.000 universe.
It's only drawback is that the AI tends to rush you even in standard mode.
I'm playing Dark Crusade and I have to do it on easy mode because in normal the comp rushes you and you are forced to rush him before he does, not the kind of gameplay that I like, I prefer building my base and my forces slowly and then attack him.
Any DoW players think the AI upgrade they did with Dark Crusade sucks? I played Skirmish mode a lot for DoW and Winter Assault, and by the time I considered myself ready for online play, I was pretty good...I went like 23/2 in online matches before BF2 came out and sucked my life away...
But after I got DC it seems like the only strategy the computer AI uses is something along the lines of every single AI opponent ganging up on one specific AI ally of mine (or me) until they are beaten, then simply all gang up on the next one, and repeat, until they win...although I'm not arguing effectiveness of the strategy, and this DOES happen against human opponents, when you are facing 3 COMPUTER AIs they can multitask in ways no humans ever could, so they can defend their base against my attacks while simultaneously wiping out my allies' bases.
Not trying to sound like a whiny RTS noob...I usually have to play CoH against Expert AI to get beaten, so I do enjoy a's just that when playing DC skirmish it's painfully obvious I'm playing an AI that is simply better at multitasking than me.
Oh, is anyone else upset that the CoH expansion/ follow-up is NOT Russia vs Germany?
Last edited by -CARNIFEX-[LOC] (2007-04-25 16:11:24)
Remember that strategy shifts from 'Dawn of War' to 'Winter Assault' to 'Dark Crusade'.
Best strategy hint I can give is to learn the best way possible for you to maintain a strong economy while keeping constant pressure on the enemy (hold off if enemy units just gain experience for killing yours). Monopolize every significant resource spot on the map and harass their intake.
This is possibly the funnest thing to do in a C&C game (besides Generals).... Harrassing harvesters...
Oh and yeah, learning the "mirco" thing fast... Helps alot actually.
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
I need some tips with CoH. I play Allies Tank with my buddy who plays Airborne. My problem is, I want to get engineers capturing points, and I want my inf to get firepower, but all this sucks up fuel, and I don't have enough to build a couple of frickin things: 1) The damned depot 2) The damned tank
And its pissing me off, I need a new strat. I'm thinking of screwing the barracks, building a support center, and then getting a machine gun team at a strat point.
I need some tips with CoH. I play Allies Tank with my buddy who plays Airborne. My problem is, I want to get engineers capturing points, and I want my inf to get firepower, but all this sucks up fuel, and I don't have enough to build a couple of frickin things: 1) The damned depot 2) The damned tank
And its pissing me off, I need a new strat. I'm thinking of screwing the barracks, building a support center, and then getting a machine gun team at a strat point.
Any advice/ideas?
All of this depends on the situation. CoH is all about adapting and deciding on particular situations. I don't go into battle with a complete mindset of what I'm going to do throughout the whole game. I change my style of play depending on the course of actions the enemy decides to undertake.
Some things to consider:
Know that as an Allied player, you should be pretty aggressive. You should harrass your enemy and take advantage of the larger squad sizes to force your opponent into defensive mode (as Axis usually tend to be in). This is how you'll be able to secure your much-needed fuel.
Allied teching-up and abilities are very dependant on fuel. I'm sure you know this by now, I'm simply reinforcing this fact.
Allies are overall stronger early-mid game. Take advantage of this and attain map control during this time. Axis tend to come back strong late-game and you should do all in your power to prevent them from doing so!
That being said, here's some pointers that'll hopefully clear up a few things:
Going Weapons' Support Center right off the bat is tricky. This is because you have very limited capping power with WSC units, and you are often left dependant solely on engineers as your main capping force. Whatever you do, make sure at LEAST one of you go barracks, since you need to seize and control the fuel points early on if you want to get your tanks into the field! Needless to say, there definitely are advantages to WSC units, as they're a great counter to Tier1 & Tier2 Axis units though suffer gratly versus Tier3/Tier4 units.
Now, you mention how you suck up the fuel by upgrading your infantry for more firepower. Before doing this next game, decide your course of action upon the following:
1) Is your opponent(s) relying heavily on infantry? If you answer yes to this, you have three main (recommended) options you can choose from.
a) Upgrade infantry to BARs. Costs somewhere around 200MP and 60Fuel. The main advantage to this is that you will be able to suppress enemy infantry and win most infantry vs. infantry battles. This is an especially effective counter to the Axis Blitzkrieg doctrine. You can upgrade to sticky bombs to slow down enemy armor, though sticky bombs will at best, merely slow them down.
b) go MOTOR POOL. Getting an early Halftrack w/ Quads or an M8 is PRICELESS. This can win you the game right there and then, IF you get them out quick enough. You need about 120 fuel to get a quad out (including supply yard (50F), mopool (45F)). You can often catch your enemy off-guard, as he will have no anti-tank weapons at the ready. However, if your opponent already has tanks or panzerschrekked infantry on the field, you're best off going option C (look below)
c) TANK DEPOT. This is very fuel-dependant, as you mentioned. Therefore, you'll need to lock down key fuel points and (depending on the situation) build and Observation Post on those points. Alternatively, if you or your teammate go Airborne, either one of you can drop some supplies and greatly replenish your fuel count. As you might have already heard, the M4 "Crocolide" (110F) is a GREAT (if not TOO great) of a counter to Axis infantry. This thing can utterly burn down the entire infantry force of your opponent, PROVIDED that you have units supporting it and have the common sense to turn it around once it's low on health.
d) (OPTIONAL) You said: "I play Allies Tank with my buddy who plays Airborne." Considering I understood you correctly (that you pick the Tank Doctrine), you can pick the RIGHT side of the Command Tree and go for a CALLIOPE. This beast is great against clumped infantry units. In addition to all the options above, you may want to consider this a very valuable option!
2) Is your opponent(s) dependant heavily, if not solely, on armor?
If so, consider these options:
a) Tanks. Axis armor is naturally superior to Allied armor in firepower. However, do not let this discourage you! Allied tanks have their own advantages, the main one being - SPEED. Use this to your advantage. Speed means faster retreats, flanking opportunities, and surprise attacks. Allied tanks should be heavily micromanaged, since they stand a greater chance of survivability if they are carefully monitored! The classic example: A sherman/M10 vs a Stug or StuH. Remember that the Stug/h has a FIXED turret, meaning it has to rotate it's whole body to rotate the turret. USE THIS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE!!! CIRCLE your tank around the enemy's tank. This way, the stug/h will keep rotating itself and will never even have a chance at a shot!
This can also be done vs a Tiger as well, as it has a very slow rotating turret. Also, if you have multiple tanks on the field, don't miss the opportunity to FLANK enemy armor! This is done by placing one of your tanks as the primary target, and rolling 'round the back of the enemy tank with another (preferrably an M10 Tank Destroyer) and shooting it's ass to score some Rear Armor hits, which do considerably more damage than hits anywhere else.
a1) Armor Company Since you like going with the Armor Company, I'd also reccomend deploying some Pershings on the field (7CP, 900MP). These tanks can, to say the least, hold their own against most German tanks, and they attain veterancy quite fast (mainly because they kick ass..!). "Field Repairs" is a useful ability, which repairs all your armor on the go, without the need of engineers. This costs 150(?) munitions to activate. Perhaps the most useful ability in the whole Allied War Machine is ..... The Allied War Machine .....! For 250 Munitions you can activate this ability, and while active (about 30 secs?), any of your tanks that are destroyed in combat are replaced INSTANTLY without any deductions. Think of it as free tanks! This is especially useful if you feel like your tanks are on the verge of elimination. Simply activate this ability and "sacrifice" your old, battle-worn tanks for new ones, WITH new paintjobs!
b) Anti Tank guns If you do not have the resources and/or are defending a specific point, you can counter enemy armor without the use of your own tanks (a bit riskier). This is with the use of Anti Tank guns. The allied AT guns have an extremely long firing range, and can use Armor Piercing rounds for 50-some Munitions for increased penetration/damage. AT guns can be produced from the Motor Pool and can be paradropped by using the Airborne Tree, the latter being the better option since it is instantly available. Keep in mind, though, support your AT guns whenever possible, since they are extremely vulnerable to small-arms fire.
c) Sticky bombs Even though sticky bombs are effective at damaging tank engines, you should not rely purely on them. Sticky bombs should mainly be used to slow down enemy armor and let the AT guns/tanks take care of the rest.
d) Bazookas/Recoilless Rifles This is a very "meh" approach to destroying enemy armor. 'Zookas and RR's are effective against light armor, but fail considerably to heavy tanks.
I could ramble on into the night about this very interesting subject, however, time is of utmost importance, and I simply do not have enough of it... sorry! Reply with more questions if you wish and I'll be happy to answer them at a later time!
Remember: keep practicing. You don't become pro straight off the bat. Hell, I'm mediocre at best myself... Watching replays and shoutcasts has helped me a lot in further developing and shaping my game, too. Check out Game Replays for all your Company of Heroes needs.
Hope this semi-guide helps you in your future CoH endeavors.
Oh, is anyone else upset that the CoH expansion/ follow-up is NOT Russia vs Germany?
Shit... No Russia?
Not getting it then. I'll get CoH when there are Soviet maniacs in it.
Upon consideration... Is CoH really as good as everybody says... I love the idea behind the game... Hmm... Can anybody give me a linky to a demo dl? Pref torrent...
Oh and I swear the most hilarious army to ever be put in a game is the DoW Orks...
Space Marines stomp all into the dust on that game though.
Last edited by Flecco (2007-04-25 22:26:15)
Whoa... Can't believe these forums are still kicking.
Oh, is anyone else upset that the CoH expansion/ follow-up is NOT Russia vs Germany?
Shit... No Russia?
Not getting it then. I'll get CoH when there are Soviet maniacs in it.
Upon consideration... Is CoH really as good as everybody says... I love the idea behind the game... Hmm... Can anybody give me a linky to a demo dl? Pref torrent...
Oh and I swear the most hilarious army to ever be put in a game is the DoW Orks...
Space Marines stomp all into the dust on that game though.
Excellent campaign, somewhat boring skirmish. The game is amazing but it just doesn't have enough depth or variety to keep me going.
CNC on that front is similar but at least it has a ton more missions - and I get to build my own maps (quite easy once you know how. I'm perfecting my second map now)
The paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling what reality ought to be. ~ Richard Feynman
Any DoW players think the AI upgrade they did with Dark Crusade sucks? I played Skirmish mode a lot for DoW and Winter Assault, and by the time I considered myself ready for online play, I was pretty good...I went like 23/2 in online matches before BF2 came out and sucked my life away...
But after I got DC it seems like the only strategy the computer AI uses is something along the lines of every single AI opponent ganging up on one specific AI ally of mine (or me) until they are beaten, then simply all gang up on the next one, and repeat, until they win...although I'm not arguing effectiveness of the strategy, and this DOES happen against human opponents, when you are facing 3 COMPUTER AIs they can multitask in ways no humans ever could, so they can defend their base against my attacks while simultaneously wiping out my allies' bases.
Not trying to sound like a whiny RTS noob...I usually have to play CoH against Expert AI to get beaten, so I do enjoy a's just that when playing DC skirmish it's painfully obvious I'm playing an AI that is simply better at multitasking than me.
Oh, is anyone else upset that the CoH expansion/ follow-up is NOT Russia vs Germany?
It's not only the AI, some races can get rolled over pretty fast. Like the IG, you need a lot of squads to be really effective but by the time you get them, you're already dead. Not to mention that their tanks have been lowered to ridiculous numbers. I don't really know about other races, only the SM seem to get ahead of the others.
Well tactics-wise DoW and CoH are very similar, i.e you CANNOT turtle...ever...or you will lose. You must gain map control as that = resource control, as well as opening up tactical options in terms of maneovering etc.
Both games are micro intensive, in DoW learn to 'dance' melee units around ranged enemies so that your ranged units can kill them while their fire is diverted . In CoH learn to 'kite' infantry with fast vehicles, i.e move vehicle into enemy bazooka range, then while they set up to fire said bazooka, move away, all the time shooting them
In supreme commander turtling is viable, as you can make infinite resources right there in your base, and cover them with silly amounts of shielding and defensive structures. In 1v1 on small maps however, most good players will use a land rush early on with an 'offensive commander' to pin your enemy in their starting base. Remember to mix scouts into your forces, they provide mobile radar. Then spam interceptors to protect from an air counter.
Another rush tactic is a bomber rush, but they are mass intensive so you better make good use of them or the defecit will lose you the game. :S
In C&C...well in the latest one all you need to do is spam...endless spam of one unit such as the predator tank for GDI. Whoever has more spam wins. -_-
C&C3 as Scrin.. Imediatly build a barracks (portal, whatever lol) and spam Buzzers, bout 5 for each enemy you're facing, send them in their general direction and forget about them while you build your base.
They'll probably last a while, it's the easiest way to tie up players as you prepare the other 100 buzzers to attack lol
Wormhole + Buzzers = Giant unstoppable cloud of razor death anywhere on the map
Supreme commander really has every single strategic option to you, thats why it is so good for fans of the RTS genre. It is about the only rts i've played where i can actually put all my strats into practise. My preferred method is scout, find the enemy base, and tech hard to T2, then set up 2-3 artillery positions around there base. As Aeon, this strat is very good if your like me and build 8 artillery cannons in each battery, covered by shields with power gens giving adjacency, plus ground and air defences.
Forcing the enemy to concentrate on their own base defences while you can focus on building a massive force to crush them while they cant move out of there base, without being shot to pieces by amazingy accurate Aeon artillery. God i love Aeon, GALACTIC COLLOSUS FTW!
Another game of note is Medieval 2 TW. I feel I have the best two RTS i've ever played with M2TW and CoH. M2TW is like Risk on crack, and CoH just amazes me every time i play it. Wish I had a more capable computer to play SupCom though, it looks pretty damn cool.
Air power as nod or gdi in C&C3 really isn't all that decent. Or to be more precise, its too easy to kill them off by hammering the airfield / tower. However if your opponent is scrin and starts spam building PAC's, well to be honest you've really screwed up and are most likely gonna get hammered. Bastard units with the ability to take on anti air units and ground units whilst self healing and damaging buildings (blastard ion storms).
If your gdi, sat scan and shockwave arty = at least one dead tower and what ever units are landed there. If that is more than 1 vertigo bomber then the arty has already paid for itself, at least from a economic stand point.
As for an effective gdi rush, 2 - 3 apc's with rocket men inside and 2 pred tanks. A nasty combo, good against pretty much anything although not cut out for decimating an entire base. At least it forces your opponent to spam build turrets, units or watch part of the base die. All options are good for you for it allows you to tech up in peace!