VF-74-L33T- (7)

-=RD=-Volx (9)
+1,230|7156|Alberta, Canada

=[FNK]=korps (5)
Billaban (5)
+48|6729|new york
got 90+
+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.
warhead0 is my favourite. Because he is always on my teamspeak and everyone takes the piss out of him. To this day we haven't let him live it down
Eh, mine is some random guy who doesn't play anymore
+1,106|6603|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Reginald_Phalange (7)

But I must admit, he was idling while we were raiding the uncap, so it doesn't really count.

I think with the amount of times we killed him, we forced him to abandon the account.
To be honest I don't care anyway..
+57|7051|Great Wall

Jameseyy wrote:

Eh, mine is some random guy who doesn't play anymore
Kidnap someone.. I suggest .:ronin:.|Patton
I am a cat ¦ 3
+369|7143|Denver colorado
Unknown_R@nger (24)
blackIce547 (18) From when I was Zulu =P
Favorite Victim
(Kills to, via EA)  137thGebirg (9)

More Victims
(Top 10) BSRack (9), SteelSloth (9), Maemme (8), blackkiller233 (8), fredo93fr (7), raychao (7), w1ck3dc (5), xgarvox (5), thepope12 (3)

Remember BSRack kept trying to get APC on Warlord.  I would not let em.
Don't remember others.

Hate the glitchy Victim / worst Enemy stats.  Wish accurate.   

Worst Enemy
(Deaths by, via EA) meee_again (17)

Was long round 2 players a side.
Know I killed him + other guy same or more times but yet only his kills reported / registered to EA ?
Ah well.

TehMyke wrote:

Des.Kmal wrote:

fmc-tl (13), and genes alt account(5).

bf2s victims at least.
Des.Kmal (5)

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

(Top 10)     slude1 (18), Calvin_Coolidge (18), soulrebel91 (13), Springfield1992 (12), Scorpion9875 (12), Uber-War-Ninja (12), jhrobinson (11), DURKEE33 (11), wallygater (11), show all... {VSSq}Zzzen (11), Cereth (11), juandediosz (10), Lord_of_War1010 (10), ~*308*~Tyrant (10), HTSFU-FOXHOUND (10), Charlie01England (10), MontiMord (10), psychokiller94 (9), AirborneMod (9), xceed911 (9), OnlyMyGunUndrstndsMe (8), samothellis (8), pt775 (8), cobra26 (8), Gamma_Seven (8), MOJO|Pops (8), Killerdude1234 (8), .mr.putty.satoriz. (8), soldierJC (8), Holop (8), [WPC]Woody (8), Wigali (8), Badstue (7), Sockmanbfg (7), rbp111 (7), kara199 (7), Turkish1717 (7), bartman5752 (7), nickju-nl (7), Danhodl (7), jk646 (7), Darkager (7), ShewMoo (7), SirDirk (7), gitsum-1 (7), [ROX]BloodBeard (7), mario0014 (7), SGT::LEFTY (7), LasBiachas (6), CarlJohnson(GSFL) (6), ThuneralDestruction (6), teh_anialator (6), RedLumos (6), Nuerotic (6), wackyworm235 (6), banaandigitaal (6), ghaze (6), etolmachev (6), Dzank (6), heater054 (6), [AGB]BadReligionPR (6), BlindFate (6), janiboy007 (6), Cpt.Cringerpants (6), Ace37 (6), Flip_DT (6), [NASF]_Mr.MagQQ (6), Sanderso (6), [USMC]LCpl_Gino (6), orange_chicken (5), DesertDog22 (5), xTschalpix (5), spart_117 (5), .B:.Juiceman (5), [NBS]Tag (5), Newbie_attack (5), WarMoe (5), khgdmk (5), stever3012 (5), nimsie (5), blackthunder400 (4), 13*l)arkness*13 (4), KaCensus (4), S.FINCH (4), revernwerewolf (4), FrossByte (4), Kerethos (4), L0S_Cochino (4), [uGc]NiNjA1 (4), littleJimmy124 (4), localboy808 (3), Small_Children (3), ragedmatt (3), fmprivat (3), [OgV]-Bypass (3), Kial (2
[MX]-MONKY (21), meathead1019 (21), Jaggard (19), runningstupid (16), krypted (15), coldshado (15), DubbleStufTheory (15), BobbyMageesVillage (15), freaf775 (14), show all...  {RSE}Falcone (14), TheBentMage (14), PhooKaboom (14), ThndrJ (14), -KebeK-Mart008 (13), UrzaEvilBastage (13), $ylvanis (13), Amarutuf (13), LatrineWR (13), ihQjope (13), -=|CT|=-Royal (12), beanman102 (12), clastpure (12), [FGM]YOURMAMA (12), Bo2kill (12), anvos_rus (12), harleydsfl (11), 1Hopuncher (11), thrashedtoaster (11), UUICEO (11), killerWarbird1000 (11), Crodaddy (11), UnforseenHunter (11), jomommaslover (10), HeadSlaughter (10), KillaSpree (10), Lillepyroman (10), Hakkapeliitta[FIN] (10), Taz.222 (10), Sod-off-Baldrick (10), killerkidi (9), 4CaMeRoN4 (9), =BoB-J=TomPouce.eu (9), Jones[31stMEU] (9), NortherNSmoke (9), omil55555 (9), JOHNSON27BFG (9), HEAD_-_HUNTER94 (9), DieselSweden (9), brinkofdoom (8), BajTen (8), HPNOTIQA (8), MooTheGuvnor (8), RipuliHeikki (8), BlackGhost[MilOps] (8), Burkichboy (8), weasel7830 (8), Action_Mason1 (8), Lundin (8), cris516 (8), xshadowsfallx (8), XxLittle.boixX (8), [SaDUK]Sanders (8), )Ri-420(Support-Ajax (8), Meta-Karnax (8), 009856494 (8), SwanyD (8), 87.Delta-ranger- (7), PAYUIU (7), Gnometosser (7), Dark_Klone (7), gazzuer (7), Svetliymag (7), Ratkiller2007 (7), Mkgame81 (7), PraphecY (7), Spyder757 (7), CWEB13 (7), Uzimouse (7), Sandowski (7), thomaz002 (7), MikeMuad.dib (7), Nullchecker (7), NoNeck19 (7), gtg861r (7), jahcity (7), friedboon (6), viper_40000 (6), 1SGT_MONTGOMERY (6), -|FG|-Ma$ter (6), blockerbee (6), Jundt_H (6), Online_Freeze (6), QuizzNL (6), xLastxSupermanx (6), Nix99 (6), yumiyoroi (5), blkhwk527 (5), popeyebbl (5), Arrseniconii (5), Des.Kmal (5), mbozeman (5), Flux35 (5), Senshu007 (5), Trigrhapee_Dave (5), S.W.A.T(G) (5), RASA208luna (5), RENE3779 (4), edogfu (4), Liddell7 (4), PlatinuMen (3), I_am_root (3), dark-man007e (2), |pW-TReeZERo| (2), TehRay (1)

I believe I win.

That DON'T suprise me.

I see you are from Rochester.

Rochestarians get a lot of "shooting time" whether they are playing BF2 or NOT.

Victim - wb_bb_617 (18) - Mouthy punk who just kept coming after me.  Spent more time typing shit than figuring out a tactic to surpess me.

Enemy - LeadSled (19) - He helped me to understand what a plane whore was in my earlydays of play
Mad Ad
+178|6824|England, UK
I want a refund - mine stopped updating about a year ago and I KNOW theres people that should be up there
Real Хорошо
+826|6833|Adelaide, South Australia

Ssandstorm (10) <- He plays on the AU server now. Man, am I going to rub it in next time he plays

BigKanga (10) <- AU Server Saturday Night Frags victim.

The rest of these guys, I don't even remember.
tempest99 (8), DirtyJones (7), ducati161 (6), jasonboydcrf (6), purple_hilux (5)

TehMyke wrote:

[MX]-MONKY (21), meathead1019 (21), Jaggard (19), runningstupid (16), krypted (15), coldshado (15), DubbleStufTheory (15), BobbyMageesVillage (15), freaf775 (14), show all...  {RSE}Falcone (14), TheBentMage (14), PhooKaboom (14), ThndrJ (14), -KebeK-Mart008 (13), UrzaEvilBastage (13), $ylvanis (13), Amarutuf (13), LatrineWR (13), ihQjope (13), -=|CT|=-Royal (12), beanman102 (12), clastpure (12), [FGM]YOURMAMA (12), Bo2kill (12), anvos_rus (12), harleydsfl (11), 1Hopuncher (11), thrashedtoaster (11), UUICEO (11), killerWarbird1000 (11), Crodaddy (11), UnforseenHunter (11), jomommaslover (10), HeadSlaughter (10), KillaSpree (10), Lillepyroman (10), Hakkapeliitta[FIN] (10), Taz.222 (10), Sod-off-Baldrick (10), killerkidi (9), 4CaMeRoN4 (9), =BoB-J=TomPouce.eu (9), Jones[31stMEU] (9), NortherNSmoke (9), omil55555 (9), JOHNSON27BFG (9), HEAD_-_HUNTER94 (9), DieselSweden (9), brinkofdoom (8), BajTen (8), HPNOTIQA (8), MooTheGuvnor (8), RipuliHeikki (8), BlackGhost[MilOps] (8), Burkichboy (8), weasel7830 (8), Action_Mason1 (8), Lundin (8), cris516 (8), xshadowsfallx (8), XxLittle.boixX (8), [SaDUK]Sanders (8), )Ri-420(Support-Ajax (8), Meta-Karnax (8), 009856494 (8), SwanyD (8), 87.Delta-ranger- (7), PAYUIU (7), Gnometosser (7), Dark_Klone (7), gazzuer (7), Svetliymag (7), Ratkiller2007 (7), Mkgame81 (7), PraphecY (7), Spyder757 (7), CWEB13 (7), Uzimouse (7), Sandowski (7), thomaz002 (7), MikeMuad.dib (7), Nullchecker (7), NoNeck19 (7), gtg861r (7), jahcity (7), friedboon (6), viper_40000 (6), 1SGT_MONTGOMERY (6), -|FG|-Ma$ter (6), blockerbee (6), Jundt_H (6), Online_Freeze (6), QuizzNL (6), xLastxSupermanx (6), Nix99 (6), yumiyoroi (5), blkhwk527 (5), popeyebbl (5), Arrseniconii (5), Des.Kmal (5), mbozeman (5), Flux35 (5), Senshu007 (5), Trigrhapee_Dave (5), S.W.A.T(G) (5), RASA208luna (5), RENE3779 (4), edogfu (4), Liddell7 (4), PlatinuMen (3), I_am_root (3), dark-man007e (2), |pW-TReeZERo| (2), TehRay (1)

I believe I win.
Toilet Sex
one love, one pig

The only victim (that I'm aware of) who is on this forum is Evil-Beh.

Choekenduke (14) MutoSan (13), Lightning=Cleaner= (13), schoschoni (12), fracky (11), {ckz}Conny-swe (11), TonyPinder (11), Evil-Beh (9), Zruna (9), a-girl#1 (9), jamesremybond (9), h3lld4wg1942 (9), Bolibompa (9), magnus/finder (8), rellawneb (8), team-cG|Bend0r (8), ANsaniDY (8), ftn|Mr.Beagle (8), SuicidalLover (8), Shooter87 (8), dustoff22 (7), WinniePuhh (7), Leon3666 (7), e20.pDx (7), Bandit666 (7), amo-p (7), TheDeadlyAvenger (7), BloodKnight1 (7), Ariyer (6), Sub28 (6), agrohamburger (6), H3L51NG (6), pcutul (6), Bandit_ANZAC (6), Fleischmarschierer (5), bueg75 (5), $ilverH4wk (5), turbs605 (5), shewom (4), |DL|DemiUrg (4), Xero9999 (4), Soundmafia (3)

Last edited by Toilet Sex (2007-04-27 08:25:17)

+70|6628|Newcastle UK
i win this one easy.

.|DBD|.DiviousOne (12)

(Top 10)     GameWizard (18), KurbyWildCard (13), -]NFL[-Saint (12), bf2wzl (11), DarkLord_Taurine (11), [3rdAD]GEN.LocknessR (11), SandwichWarrior (11), TCNet (10), Corrupted-Mind (10), show all... OCDT_Jolly (10), _-Evolv3d-_ (10), C4$h (10), Boztech (10), AlcoHog (10), blazeburner04 (10), fuzznuts42 (10), =HoW=georges (10), RAD_BattleHawk (10), sonny505 (9), ~NATS~*JonnyB* (9), ny.poker (9), Paintballislife (9), CWswitch (9), Sorrenart (9), Shogun07 (9), (RUS)Hunter (9), FlightSergeantRose (8), clemente.j (8), Bul33t (8), Kobra060Player (8), MoocherChiken (8), ifwui45 (8), wowDarklord (8), xehon_joh (8), HappyMan2626 (8), MadnessX (8), Shtirlitz (8), (MA)[Kryptonite]55 (8), rustyshell (8), Squat_AIM (7), Barnie_Fife (7), ODS_HIRO (7), bts.nevrotik (7), JackLaw (7), szmf7v (7), Emperor=UDS=Hound (7), SautedScallop (7), uatilted (7), murphy22 (7), AureliousX (7), TheDawkinz (6), [q3w]The_Soup_Nazi (6), OptimizingShaderz (6), BoondockSaint_J (6), {Dwi}Ogre (6), 2ndSgt.Ryan (6), Wizdum (6), SnipingManiac (6), Ross11988 (6), Bleeder-II (6), tiny68(DFA) (6), [DAWGS]Xsrender (6), Voor (6), Rubber_ducky01 (6), imasoldat (6), ruffneckc (6), Syppion (6), SSG_Buzz_Killjoy (6), cypherbogie (5), xmongoloidx (5), Bravo-Six (5), aluncle (5), Spamtheman (5), EZ5.Severed (5), opz.zenn (5), spydergirl72 (5), jceasar (5), bluenerv (5), PVT-OneEye (5), 0verdose-cal.i (5), noyhacker (5), Flacky (5), elBumpkin (5), RiderSI (5), el_kaput (5), blood-g|Immortal (5), Sanfu (5), MDGladiator (4), LimeySpice (4), Stormshadow14 (4), Liazon (3), butchertm101 (3), elite_soldier101 (3), Frowningdeity (2
On which account^
+133|6609|Bloomington Indiana
ruv_86 (12)
NeonSailor (9), Cold1990 (9), Resqswimr2000 (8), Brightonsan (8), Suppo_KpaL (4), Whipper1 (3)

eh, nothing special
is back
Smasher816 (15), UptonBentdork (11), woozie70 (11),  =[W.4.R.]=bL4cK-iC3 (11), GBJ (11), TTurbo2740 (10).

i remember it.... SF PKM
+48|6729|new york
Favorite Victim
(Kills to, via EA)  SgtKilz (26)
More Victims
(Top 10) metalman2006 (21), ratbstrd (18), Pdoke (16), spdrbobby (15), untaken_name (15), killer9113 (14), deivid.lv (14), qetwry (14), Lou_Duva (13), show all... Mr.War69 (13), Sgt._Sn0wbaII (13), h46killer (13), redsitck70817 (13), Awaks747 (12), jajwjahblack2 (12), 3racer (12), -|DKS|-C0XX (12), Yea-its-a-Hemi (12), Zaring2010 (11), joecamel1 (11), SixGun.DR (11), Heku1 (11), mrspicolli (11), ZachAttack677 (11), gumby1344 (11), Mexi-Menace (11), -MK-EdDieWoLf (10), T-WAR (10), JediMindTrik (10), behorne (10), holdm (10), Linkan121 (10), Sgt.Frags (10), shootermcgavin222 (10), Fiverx2 (10), LightningSldr (10), williamsn6212 (9), OctoberRain (9), ArmyMPinROK (9), MICROSOFT_OFFICE2007 (9), .:asd:.nemenvagyok^^ (9), Joosey (9), hasipupsi1986 (9), hempinator (9), [KSF]UnseenGhost (9), mjacinto (9), [KSF]RaVeNJunior (9), OIIVO (8), alex_habets (8), musa9801 (8), Nanofiend (8), krawc21 (8), gello406 (8), Big_Killa (8), -=XMafiaX=-Beast (8), Dookie-the-Terrible (8), andy141 (8), CFH:Lothar (7), Jumperman18 (7), devils_rival (7), Baeltedyr (7), xab99uss@mail.ru (7), AckermaNCSU (7), Dahl1(Swe) (7), =WFL=DasBoot (7), ECO_Vip3r (7), daniel_mob (7), adrian21 (7), samouraidusoleil (7), Brian_Cornel (7), X-BladeQc (7), Telacleez (7), MyGodIsLOVE (7), tq87 (6), slapyslash (6), Schanzen-General (6), Brazuko (6), =NHB=StuN (6), TheXKiller (6), AntiokX (6), gonez6 (6), Bizkits (6), valzareh (6), Fester53D&E (6), 1subzero1 (6), Wavefunction (6), chr0me.ls (5), Von_Etrigan (5), bakedjake (4), [PR]EJOD|OAKside (3), DevilsCrusader (2) 
I beleive that is pretty good.
+617|6719|NSW, Australia

mine is our very own ~Smokey~
+19|7076|Florida - America's Wang!
SBennetIII (10)
TerroR878 and ATSwain  (both 5 times)
supporter of mindless violence
Streicher83 (16)

More Victims
(Top 10)     [CYNIC]Mietz (19), Sve061 (14), DER_HELT06 (13), Bunker_Opa (13), Poyetjk (13), Bloody-Baron.one (12), tommygrande69 (10), CCORPS-Chris- (10), IEasyBOTI (9), show all... sounar (9), snikart(Nor) (9), [rXz]BudFox (9), MOY_THE_GREAT (8), Dreads.R (7), kasade (7), LordSepulture (7), RDD-Patxuko34 (7), kevinktm (7), NinjaPirate (6), borca08player (6), marshall100 (4), Christmas_Jew666 (4), oxtrot43 (4), Deathbytulwar (4)

dont remeber most of them, and i only have 2 enemies

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