Hi there. I have created this topic to find what you sodiers out there think about those stupid, noobish haxors.
I think they are the noobest persons on the planet, cos they use hacks, aimbots, and stats padding as an advantage to get a lot of points, which is not fair to us who play fair.
Any of u ppl got any ideas of how to make their life as hackers terrible, maybe someday they quite their nonsense?
Thx, and hope that ea finds a solution for these hacks, maybe improving monitors on servers, which will be able to detect these hacks better.
I think they are the noobest persons on the planet, cos they use hacks, aimbots, and stats padding as an advantage to get a lot of points, which is not fair to us who play fair.
Any of u ppl got any ideas of how to make their life as hackers terrible, maybe someday they quite their nonsense?
Thx, and hope that ea finds a solution for these hacks, maybe improving monitors on servers, which will be able to detect these hacks better.