You know you wan't it...
I don't care if you are noob or pro. If you have any degree of adeptness in a helicopter, a mate in the cockpit/the skillz to solo dogfight look no further.
Short story long, I am going to pursuade the CAL admins to create/revive the Chopper league or die trying.
I have formulated a rule set as seen in the petition/post but that is all up for debate. If anyone wants to see a 2v2 league in CAL sign my petition at the very least. Better, if you would email the CAL admins to get their support as I have done, pledging a team to play throughout the duration of the season.
If this league takes off admins will be needed, those of you who respect and pursue authority will have the chance to grasp it and rule over your fellow league members.
Shoutcasts will undoubtebly be take place over upper echelon matches via EGLN, TSN ect. This would be your chance to stand out amongst the gaming world showing off your skill to the world. Preferebly big name companies who have a few extra servers lieing around
The problem is, unlike most things , this can not happen by my will alone. It will take the support and pledges of many teams ranging from the new comers to the best among us to get the attention of CAL administrators and the support of dedicated gamers (over 18) to administrate the league ensuring fair play.
Please pledge your teams support here and get all your friends to sign it. You don't need to give your real name in this, actually it's better just to go by what the community knows you as, makes it easier to know who supports the potential league and who does not.
Here is a post reguarding my request that the league be created. Notice there are many supporters, a few who do not but pay no attention to them for Ice Max is the only one that isn't a ground pounder in CAL and after flashing a few screen shots of myself destroying CAL 8v8's prized teams he pledged his support
Here is the post reguarding this issue in the CAL forums.
Before you post again please sign the petition. Simply replying with a note telling everyone how good you are in a pub or how awesome those top teams are to watch on EGLN is take 20 seconds out of your life to add your signature to my petition with a short note at most on how kick *** this will be. Don't be discouraged if you don't think you are as good as some of the top teams, trust me you don't get any better teamkilling and raping in pub servers alone, training is where it's at. Play in this league when created then watch your KDR in the heli shoot through the roof next time you pub. Then post a reply here and tell me if I am wrong
The best part about this league is the small number of people required for the team, 1-2. Most clans have atleast two helicopter adepts but usually more, and the more the merrier I always say.
If you have any questions reguarding the above, or are curious as to how you can help please do not hesitate to contact me.
Xfire: saggins
Email: [email][/email]
Your concern and willingness to participate in/support this league reguardless of skill level is welcomed and appreciated.
Thank you,
According to CAL all they need is your supportCAL|JoshL wrote:
But, if there is enough interest, perhaps we could look into starting a league.
I don't care if you are noob or pro. If you have any degree of adeptness in a helicopter, a mate in the cockpit/the skillz to solo dogfight look no further.
Short story long, I am going to pursuade the CAL admins to create/revive the Chopper league or die trying.
I have formulated a rule set as seen in the petition/post but that is all up for debate. If anyone wants to see a 2v2 league in CAL sign my petition at the very least. Better, if you would email the CAL admins to get their support as I have done, pledging a team to play throughout the duration of the season.
If this league takes off admins will be needed, those of you who respect and pursue authority will have the chance to grasp it and rule over your fellow league members.
Shoutcasts will undoubtebly be take place over upper echelon matches via EGLN, TSN ect. This would be your chance to stand out amongst the gaming world showing off your skill to the world. Preferebly big name companies who have a few extra servers lieing around
The problem is, unlike most things , this can not happen by my will alone. It will take the support and pledges of many teams ranging from the new comers to the best among us to get the attention of CAL administrators and the support of dedicated gamers (over 18) to administrate the league ensuring fair play.
Please pledge your teams support here and get all your friends to sign it. You don't need to give your real name in this, actually it's better just to go by what the community knows you as, makes it easier to know who supports the potential league and who does not.
Here is a post reguarding my request that the league be created. Notice there are many supporters, a few who do not but pay no attention to them for Ice Max is the only one that isn't a ground pounder in CAL and after flashing a few screen shots of myself destroying CAL 8v8's prized teams he pledged his support
Here is the post reguarding this issue in the CAL forums.
Before you post again please sign the petition. Simply replying with a note telling everyone how good you are in a pub or how awesome those top teams are to watch on EGLN is take 20 seconds out of your life to add your signature to my petition with a short note at most on how kick *** this will be. Don't be discouraged if you don't think you are as good as some of the top teams, trust me you don't get any better teamkilling and raping in pub servers alone, training is where it's at. Play in this league when created then watch your KDR in the heli shoot through the roof next time you pub. Then post a reply here and tell me if I am wrong
The best part about this league is the small number of people required for the team, 1-2. Most clans have atleast two helicopter adepts but usually more, and the more the merrier I always say.
If you have any questions reguarding the above, or are curious as to how you can help please do not hesitate to contact me.
Xfire: saggins
Email: [email][/email]
Your concern and willingness to participate in/support this league reguardless of skill level is welcomed and appreciated.
Thank you,