Can't really remember, but the first dude I remember budge01, that was on Warlord in the palace, just joined and it was our last flag and as usual SAS all over the place, I spawned and boom, kept spawning on this dickheads claymores, weird thing was he had them exactly on the spawn point. Alough that shit always happens to me on Karkand they fuckin lie waiting for you to spawn in the alley lol, idc though, nubz.
This next one is fuckin awful though, its only on this stat site it shows him as another enemy, but I didn't think he'd get that. Basically I was commander and whilst in the command screen he killed me, then I spawned and he killed me as I respawned, hes a nub yeah but funny thing was he sat at the spawn point in the alley shooting everyone that spawned, I died like 3 times from that, then I just resigned from commander and hunted him down. I can honestly say that a large majority of my deaths are from being spawn killed, teamkilled, base raped, claymores on spawns etc or from being in command screen.