Snake wrote:
You know at first, I thought "I might actually do this". I read the first lot of paragraphs. Very professional. Well done.
Then I got to the list of "bug fixes". Some of it I agree with (medpack sounds, hitboxes) however, a lot of that is just pure whining from an inexperienced players perspective. Seeing as all your references are to karkand, that proves my point: and points below.
- Favourite list is divided up into "favourite servers" and servers you have visited, i.e. "history". Thats useful actually. The button is to change it from a "one time visited server" to a favourite. This gives you control over what should and shouldnt be a favourite.
- Servers plagued by baseraping? Oh, ok. We will sit back in the nearest flag and wait for you to come out of your "untouchable uncap base". Seriously, there is nothing wrong with it. Implying people should take damage for shooting at people in uncaps? Oh ok. Take these examples:
--- A spec ops goes in to destroy some assets. He comes under fire. He shoots back and takes damage.
--- An AA site in an uncap engages a jet/heli outside of the uncap. The heli/jet cannot return fire for they will take damage otherwise.
---Operation Harvest features a USMC uncap base whilst the MEC dont have one. So the above two situation will occur for the US uncap, but for the MEC main - go right ahead, no worries.
Is that really fair???
Think that one through again please.
- If you cannot work out the next map by its picture, then you really havent spent much time in this game - or outside of karkand. Although having a [nextmap] would be useful for a "friendly environment" I have to admit.
- There is nothing wrong with attacking uncaps. Why the hell do you think they are loaded with defense and vehicles?
- No planting C4 and claymores in CP areas? Are you mad? They are (primarily) a defensive weapon and now you want them to be restricted in their defensive ability?
- Bunny hoppers/dolphin divers are a part of every game ever made. I dont do it a lot, however I do on occasions. And look at the "fix" they put in place for all of you whiners in BF2. Delayed shooting. Even when falling off a small height to the ground. Thanks a bunch.
- Vehicle drops are useless? Have you ever played outside of karkfuck? Requesting vehicle drops on certain maps is a strategy in itself. If I had to play Great Wall without them Id give up this game in an instant.
Being shot down in a jet (although bailing out) in the remotest part of Daqing and having to walk back is not fun. Call in a vehicle. Thanks. Move on.
- Preventing artillery repair/slowing it down from supply crates. Why?? And losing less health just because you are prone is not right. If that were the case, if an arty strike came in - every medic would instantly go prone and spam medpacks beneath them. Nobody would ever get killed. If you are in the proximity of a shell, you should be killed outright or take severe damage - which should not be dependant upon your posture.
- Jets are too fast eh? Seen the result of that in Armoured Fury? AA is absolutly dominant against all but the very best pilots. And even then they get shot down a good few times. That is imbalance.
- The bit about AA sites being blocked by trees - that makes them tactical. If they were completely open, where would a chopper hide to avoid AA lock? Do you really expect a chopper to attack an AA site on its "open side to give the AA user a chance"???
- For all the bug fixes I cant believe you havent even mentioned the consistent LGM glitches. That shows your experience in the game.
- Not even a mention of the J10 overpower / F35 imbalance or the completely retarded situation on Wake where 32players spawn on a carrier and there is only enough transport capacity for 10 players.
Look at this topic for better, more complete, practical and WANTED changes to the game from experienced perspective, taken from the members of this forum: