Hi there I'm from the clan Texas Gaming =TG=. I would like to invite people into our servers to see what you guys think of them and if you had any suggestions of maps that people really like or any other popular form that people are playing BF2 these days.
We have an Infantry Only;
On map rotation
We have a 24/7 Wake Island;
We are also in TWL so if you wanna challenge us we are in:
2v2 Armor
2v2 Chopper
5v5 Infantry
8v8 All out war
But seriously we have a great community of people that love to play and have a lot of fun. So if any of you guys wanna come check us out you are very welcome to and we would appreciate your attendance in any of our servers.
We are also always recruiting for the clan and it costs nothing to be a member. So please please please, come check us out at www.TexasGaming.org, or search Texas Gaming in your BF2 search bar we are here and we would love the chance to tea bag new people anytime.
=TG= Scardaddy
Edit all our servers are ranked and dedicated, and they are located in Houston, Texas.
We have an Infantry Only;
On map rotation
We have a 24/7 Wake Island;
We are also in TWL so if you wanna challenge us we are in:
2v2 Armor
2v2 Chopper
5v5 Infantry
8v8 All out war
But seriously we have a great community of people that love to play and have a lot of fun. So if any of you guys wanna come check us out you are very welcome to and we would appreciate your attendance in any of our servers.
We are also always recruiting for the clan and it costs nothing to be a member. So please please please, come check us out at www.TexasGaming.org, or search Texas Gaming in your BF2 search bar we are here and we would love the chance to tea bag new people anytime.
=TG= Scardaddy
Edit all our servers are ranked and dedicated, and they are located in Houston, Texas.
Last edited by Scardaddy (2007-05-08 12:59:10)