Sorry mate, I like it and unlike other forms of addiction - coke, gambling, exercise, chocolate - it's not something that's going to kill you unless you're a sad Korean gold farmer. Or was he Chinese? Anyway. And the people that complain that it costs a monthly fee, it's $15 or £7.50. Who notices that kind of money? Shit, going to the cinema costs more than that. For that money you've got dedicated support, new content coming, servers you don't have to buy yourself that can handle thousands of people at any time with no lag and programmers that write patches that don't immediately create new bugs or hang servers. You've got huge worlds to explore, pvp or pve servers - you can opt out of pvp if you don't getting ganked, crafting and gathering skills, melee and ranged weapons, even grenades and aerial bombardment available.
What's the alternative, shooting people and rezzing 30 seconds after getting shot? Same map, same weapons day in, day out? No progression, nothing new to find, no different styles of gameplay, just point, click and shoot.
Give me WoW over Battlefield any day.