… ltiplayer/
Enjoy nerds, sorry if this is a repost didn't find anything when i searched for it.
Enjoy nerds, sorry if this is a repost didn't find anything when i searched for it.
Last edited by Entertayner (2007-05-11 14:24:39)
I know what the fuck... this is guna be retarded if I have to shoot people moving at the speed of my bullets...Mekstizzle wrote:
Oh my god. It looks worse than CSS in terms of pure arcadness. Why the hell are they ruining this by giving it such noob multiplayer. What the hell was the point of doing all the graphics/physics if they're gonna throw in a multiplayer like this. Cmon, i seriously think CSS was even less arcadey than this.
EA is publishing this game. Crytek is just creating it.CosmoKramer wrote:
did anyone notice the EA on the inside of the radar?
I've come to notice that that sound is synonymous with EA's slogan... you can hear it every time the whole "challenge everything" comes onkrazed wrote:
hey whats that sucking sound? oh its just my hopes and expectations going down the fucking drain, nvm.
Last edited by Big McLargehuge (2007-05-27 22:25:52)
You're just seeing a 1v1, in Power Struggle, people are thinking it'll be a Bf killer, with tons of vehicles, destructible environments, etc. with 32 players, it'll be more tactical I imagine. Or not, I don't know.Mekstizzle wrote:
Oh my god. It looks worse than CSS in terms of pure arcadness. Why the hell are they ruining this by giving it such noob multiplayer. What the hell was the point of doing all the graphics/physics if they're gonna throw in a multiplayer like this. Cmon, i seriously think CSS was even less arcadey than this.
Agreed. But I don't care. I'm still gonna play it.Bernadictus wrote:
That first logo in that movie, tells me this game will have a zillion patches, not to mention a nerfed gameplay.
Last edited by teek22 (2007-05-28 08:19:50)
In a new video on Crysis Online, they show the player wielding two pistols.Commie Killer wrote:
Anyone know how many weapons you will be able to hold at once? Like am I gonna be stuck with a pistol, rifle/smg/shotgun/etc and a few grenades/rockets or can I run around with maybe 2 or 3 main weapons?
Because they can't see it in that video though! Also, we gotta wait and see, I need to play the game before I decide really...It's really a new battlefield with better graphics!jord wrote:
The graphics are pretty good, but i still can't see why everyone says they're amazing and revolutionary.