Crazy Plum
+7|6710|The Ameri Suite: Lake Forest
Vehicle Etiquette

Face it - vehicles, epically helicopters are always in demand and there are only a few number on the screen at once.

If you notice someone waiting for a particular vehicle to spawn, it's probably because he just got poned in that vehicle and is ready to fuck up yet again.

Be courteous, try to discreetly nudge your way into the vehicle first. Remember, you are all on the same team and trying to win, help out your fellow players by just taking that damn tank away from the newb!

This is doubly true with helicopters, since it truly takes 2 people to run one, and the team is much more effective if the pilot and gunner can communicate, in other words call your sniper friend over, hop in the pilot seat and if some other fool gets in the gunner seat have your friend blow the fuck out of him with a Barret.

Since the only way this will happen is if the guy you just killed probably will talk to the admin, make for damn sure the admin is your other friend! And you all are in the same squad!

Also, keep in mind that if you see a stationary vehicle with someone manning the gun, he is probably there for a reason (like defending a flag), and doesn't want you to hop in and drive it off. In this scenario either drive
the car off a cliff and bail out or, C4 the sit out of it and wave to Neil Armstrong as he launches to the moon!

Chat with the gunner before driving off with his vehicle, taunt him a little, call him a pussy. It just make an even funnier experience as he thinks your walking away and you pull out the detonator.

Well folks that's all, have a fun time playing!
i was gonna call you an asshole but i realized i do all of this myself.
Crazy Plum
+7|6710|The Ameri Suite: Lake Forest
I know.....Its what makes battlefield

so damn fun!
GOP Sympathizer
+266|6804|Menlo Park, CA
Then you both deserve a punch in the mouth!

Last edited by fadedsteve (2007-05-12 12:40:11)

U shud proabbly f off u fat prik
+3,097|6803|Gogledd Cymru

yet in your sig it says "If you are one of the 1% who don't punish for teamkills copy and paste this into your signature."

hypocricy to the max
Crazy Plum
+7|6710|The Ameri Suite: Lake Forest
yea....I best be taking that out

but i don't punish for teamkills......I just create them

surgeon_bond wrote:

yet in your sig it says "If you are one of the 1% who don't punish for teamkills copy and paste this into your signature."

hypocricy to the max
Sarcasm detection... to the max.
Good to be back.
Jerk, oh wait!
Doctor Strangelove
Real Battlefield Veterinarian.
I just hold E better
Crazy Plum
+7|6710|The Ameri Suite: Lake Forest
There..... the signature is finally complete.

Fuck Shoes
+18|6784|North of Dallas
Sorry but all I can say is I can't stand people that tk for any reason other than to prevent some suicidal bloke from tk'ing you first.  But for a vehicle?  Grow up, squad up with the other guy and get on your mic and tell him not to take the damn vehicle because he sucks and needs to learn in his own free time.
no to the lot and especially to

Plum_11 wrote:

Also, keep in mind that if you see a stationary vehicle with someone manning the gun, he is probably there for a reason (like defending a flag), and doesn't want you to hop in and drive it off. In this scenario either drive
the car off a cliff and bail out or, C4 the sit out of it and wave to Neil Armstrong as he launches to the moon!
how does blowing people up who are defending flags help your team in any way?
Find your center.

Honestly I have to say this is how I feel when some idiot is in our Tank and i just HAVE to watch him F'up EVERY time he gets it. On Ghost Town I usually go 40-10 or somethin like that in the Tank, so it erks me to see some poor guy not getting 1 or 2 kills before a Heli comes to kill him or the Spec-ops guy just standin and waitin for my teammate to sit still and shoot at stuff.

I constantly stay on the move in a tank. C4 can't touch me (exept for the few times I try and cap a flag in my tank) I've honestly though never teamkilled much for any vehicle, I've NEVER for a heli (I suck anyway) but I have 2-3 times for a tank, but this was only when our team was losing tickets fast and were not getting anywhere (Flags wise) 

I'm such a good team player
Nature is a powerful force. Those who seek to subdue nature, never do so permanently.
Crazy Plum
+7|6710|The Ameri Suite: Lake Forest
Lol...only a good player with out the problematic bug....
I'll "ASK" a noob gunner to jump out if we are LOSING badly. But that's about it, I'll take him for a ride if we are winning or if losing let him stay and just keep myself alive. If he starts shooting at other vehicles without using my TV freindly nose up I'll just jump out and ground pound.

TK'ing for vehicles is retarded, asking friends to do it is more lameness IN MY OPINION! However if I get TK'ed for a vehicle I'll always get revenge at least twice for every one time. I'll usually get kicked out when that happends LOL, but I'll take it and move on.

Bringing down choppers or (more often) making them retreat with a buggy is easy enough. Belive me as a chopper driver it's annoying always going back for repairs so I know how they feel. Just don't shoot at them from a spawn point or someone WILL drive away with it. I actualy rock in a buggy, that's where I spend my time.

Last edited by JaggedPanther (2007-05-12 15:20:34)


sfarrar33 wrote:

no to the lot and especially to

Plum_11 wrote:

Also, keep in mind that if you see a stationary vehicle with someone manning the gun, he is probably there for a reason (like defending a flag), and doesn't want you to hop in and drive it off. In this scenario either drive
the car off a cliff and bail out or, C4 the sit out of it and wave to Neil Armstrong as he launches to the moon!
how does blowing people up who are defending flags help your team in any way?
You have it the other way around, he's defending the flag with the stationary buggy, but it's best to do away from spawn points so someone doesn't drive away with it. All that extra pressure on enemy choppers help.

Last edited by JaggedPanther (2007-05-12 15:23:24)

Hey you stole my sig! Where the RIAA when you need them?

Last edited by David.Podedworny (2007-05-12 15:27:32)

I don't mind people tking a noob who fuckin sucks in the chopper or Jet or whatever as its only going to benefit the team in the long run. But players teamkilling ACTUAL good players for the JET is lame, point being say someone last round cleared up with 60-0 or something and they are a good pilot then they hop in the Jet again and some random tks him I don't like that shit. For heli its different as a lot of the time its a clan or friends trying to get the heli together.
TKing for vehicles is basically lame sorry. Go ground pound, or drive over ppl.
+1,106|6603|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

I TK for vehicles...

Assuming a game hasn't started yet.
99 Problems . . .

Ironsteed wrote:

Sorry but all I can say is I can't stand people that tk for any reason other than to prevent some suicidal bloke from tk'ing you first.  But for a vehicle?
I TK'd two players at once a couple weeks back.  There were TONS of tickets left and they were trying to cap the opposition's LAST flag.

Everyone else on our team was typing in chat not to take it but they tried.  One well placed grenade and BOOM -8 team points for me.  I quickly made it back in kills though.

Last week had a French guy I know who thought it was funny to keep flashing me on Leviathan.  I told him 2-3 times to knock it off because with using nightvision flashes are a real pain.  Anyway after the third one & him laughing on TS I TK'd him.  Of course this just led to retaliation until we both got kicked for minus scores

For the record I did apologize to my teammates for getting caught up in the immature BS and me & Frenchy get along and haven't repeated our foolishness.

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