Congratulations.-=]NS[=-Eagle wrote:
It has been over a year since I got my last promotion and alot of stuff has changed since then. But finally, after playing forever, i'm 102 points away from getting sergeant major. Yes, i am well aware that most of you dont give a flying fuck, and for you guys, please, feel free to flame. I may join you. Others may yell at me because everyone posts this. Please, see notice above. Some of you may say "102 points!?!?!?! GET ON THE GAME AND GET IT!!!!!" To you I say: I have school in the morning, and it is 11:45 PM. Uh uh, aint happening... So for the 3 other guys out there that weren't outlined in the groups above, thank you for reading. I'm gonna be a sergeant major tomorrow, huzzah!
Have fun while doing it.
11:45PM is nothing though, I sometimes play till 3-4am and go to work at 7am. It's where I get my extra hours in the day to play, it's not for everyone though!!