+39|7077|B O S T ON area
die all the fucking time
the "Commander"
+102|6841|the Netherlands
all of the above
+7|6630|Behind you with a large rifle
1.  Sit in the gunner seat of the chopper wondering when the pilot would pull out of the dive he was in(because he had bailed or been shot out of the chopper)
2.  Run into the middle of a 10 man firefight with my paddles trying to revive.
3.  Revive someone and forget to put the paddles away when I saw an enemy close by... zzzztttttt... clear... dead.
4.  bomb the deck of the carrier trying to sink it.
5.  Spend 10 minutes arguing with someone about why they punished for a teamkill.
6.  Be proud that I had "won" the commander's slot.
7.  Be watching all the cool graphics as I bailed out high up and then scramble to find the parachute key.

I was to occupied with the beautiful Kubra Dam scenery to notice the damn getting awfully close to the jet.
Enemy Wheelbarrow Spotted..!!
+736|6882|Area 51
Lonewolfing all the time.
Forgetting on which team I was and running into a group of soldiers only to get blasted to shreds and find out that I wasn't on their team.
Crash Choppers all day and wait for it again.
Shoot at everything that moved, including innocent bushes or non suspecting teammates..
* Being "spec ops" and planting c4 around the flag...hide and wait for the enemy.  When the enemy tries to take the flag I try to switch to c4 - but I press 4 instead of 5...right click and drop a grenade within inches of my face.  HEADACHE!!!!!
J-10 whore
Plant C4 on blackhawks and blow my m8's up.

Vernedead wrote:

try and use the saw standing up.
For some reason that always works against me and not for me!
I also looked foreword to getting unlocks, I was happy when I got my PH, I thought you had to be AMAZING at bf2 to fly anything, and that commanders were supposed to be highly respected in BF2 xD.
Got Lamb?
+56|6591|Outside your Back window
Take off in helis then immediatly crash when trying to move forwards, die alot, kill no one, drive jeeps too much, fly planes around and not use weapons because i did not know how.

Play every single map as opposed to just a few
Big Mouth Prick
+219|6848|Golf 1.8 GTI Wolfsburg Edition
Trying to fly the helicopter on Sharqi for the first time.
stared in amazement of how a jet (f35) could hover like that and thinking that must be THE best jet in bf2. lol
Wiki Contributor

I pretended I was James bond... And I crouched everywhere and sang the 007 Theme song to myself
have sex with tacos
Also this one time I threw a grenade so hard!!

It wound end up killing someone in Half-Life 3
Canada's French Frog
+123|6943|Quebec city, Canada
I used to take a plane, drop the bombs then bail out because I didnt know how to rearm.
+6|6679|northern cali

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

i never was a noob
with a additude and stats like that your a sucka.
+36|6728|Eugene, Oregon U.S.A.
I ran around on 64 man infantry only servers reviving and throwing med packs, thinking I was the greatest medic in the world. It was also the only way I could earn points. I was sure actually shooting someone was almost impossible.

Spending I don't know how much time sneaking to the USMC uncap on karkand to blow the assets. Only to get owned by a shotgun wielding commander.

EDIT: My kill/death still sucks as a result!

Last edited by bonedoc69 (2007-05-14 22:30:17)

The Year of the Cow!
Jumping out of the way of a vehicle trying to run me over...almost made it that time I will make it for sure.  Still haven't made it after hundreds of tries, but someday...
"The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation" - Barack Obama (a freshman senator from Illinios)
+1,010|6603|Denmark aka Automotive Hell
... forgive other noobs for TK'ing me by means of stupidity....

(i don't do that anymore, they get punished and TK'ed back)
­ Your thoughts, insights, and musings on this matter intrigue me

docnutz wrote:

die all the fucking time
I still do.
+ spawn into artillary.

Moarphine wrote:

think i was invincible towards friendly claymores, still do, lol
lol, oh man, I remember when Great Wall map was so popular in Euroforce.  Nothing but snipers and claymores everywhere.  This was back when FF on claymores weren't optional on servers. 

holy crap, I had never gotten so much negative points.  Because of that I stopped using claymores.

Last edited by link52787 (2007-05-16 01:25:39)

You should get a big red warning sign across your screen when you place claymores on a FF server
Enemy Sniper..." *BOOM* "Nevermind... got him...
+61|6912|Las Vegas, NV USA
Hmm...  One thing I remember was my unlocks.

I played a lot of sniper, and I automatically went for the M95 without batting an eye.  Then I picked the G3 for my second unlock, when all I was looking at were the stats of High damage, High accuracy without even knowing that it was a part of the assault kit.  Which, by the way, was the one kit I avoided like the plague... until I started actually using the G3!

The other thing I remember was not taking a commander position, unless it was vacant at the end of a winning round, and wanting to get double points.  I just always remembered all the arty teamkills a commander would get, and then subsequently get kicked from the server.  Also avoided that position like the plague up until about First Sergeant (which was about the time they fixed the arty-teamkill-kicks).
killed my first enemy after 3 hours off playing the game.

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