Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd
+169|7059|Mexico City

west-phoenix-az wrote:

I own a few firearms the less educated would think are assault rifles.
What do I do with them? I shoot them of course.
Why because it's very fun, shooting targets can also be challenging and competitive.
Have you ever tried it?
It's a fun hobby. I wish I had more time and money for it.
I am not into hunting because I do not like to clean the meat or eat it.
The reason my area is not like the Middle East is because we have firearms. I know things are not going as well as they could for our military over there, but could you imagine what it would be like for the country that tries to invade the USA?

Just because one owns firearms does not make them a coward.
Do I carry a firearm? Yes
Why? Because it is the best tool available to me to defend myself in a life threatening attack.
You don't bring a fist to a gunfight.
I am also the type of person to have fire extinguishers around my house and in my truck.
I do these things because I am prepared and responsible for myself.
I do not depend, nor should, on the police to protect me.
They are crime scene historians. They do not prevent or stop crimes they document them.

Some buy sports cars because they enjoy them, not to get p*ssy. There are many who buy them as a status symbol, but not all. I can't afford one or I would have one too. I already have a woman; I don't need another. It would be for fun, I would take it to the drag strip from time to time. If you ever raced a car you would understand this too.

If you want to get rid of something that is deadly, lets ban swimming pools.
They kill more than guns and yet they serve no "justified" purpose.

You are clearly scared of something you do not understand. Try to educate yourself and get involved and see if you still feel the same way.
so i think i get it now.

you're area is not like the middle east cause you have guns?, i´ve have seen sometimes your 6 0'clock news and you are not very far. You are having a school massacre every week, blame it to the media, the social disolution, or the very easy way you have to get guns.

why do you think a country would like to invade yours?, your own people is doing the job of sending it to hell and the rest of the world is following.

you carry a gun to defend yourself in a life threatening attack... im sorry you have to live with that stress.

I don´t carry a gun, but i know self defense tactics, twice they have tried to mug me, first time i disarmed the guy and broke his face, second time one fought back and i had to break his arm and leg.

I have done some sport shooting, and i like it, but that will not make me go gun shopping.

For me, someguy that has to carry a gun to feel himself safe, is a coward.
+224|6998|Some where huntin in Wisconsin
i shot a 50 cal berret rifle at the gun range it was a blast i shot 5 shots and i was pretty much hard buti didnt get a chance to shoot the m4a1 i wish i coulda

i got a 12 gauge pump and semi auto with a 270 winchester, 22 pistol, oh and i shot a glock fun
Guns don't kill people. . . joe bidens advice does

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

you're area is not like the middle east cause you have guns?
Our country is not like the Middle East because the people are armed.

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

You are having a school massacre every week, blame it to the media, the social disolution, or the very easy way you have to get guns.
Every week?
Like I said before, the reason schools are targets is because the victims cannot legally defend themselves against these attackers. There will always be someone who wants to hurt someone else. Countries were guns are illegal or hard to posses still have attacks, they just use, gases, bombs, knives or blunt objects. It is in some people's nature to be violent against others.
If you believe everything the media tells you then you are to blame for your own ignorance. The US media (and probably most world wide) are biased against firearms and many other things and people. If it weren't guns it would be something else.
I have seen your country too, how great it is. Everything and everyone is safe and secure. Plus the government and police are not corrupt at all so everyone has it easy there. I wonder what your country would be like if we were not your neighbor.
It's very easy for a government to control its people when the people are not armed. That is one reason we have our Second Amendment.

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

you carry a gun to defend yourself in a life threatening attack... im sorry you have to live with that stress.
What stress? You are the one who has been mugged twice. I have never been mugged. If I do get mugged I am not going to try and get myself closer to them. If they have a weapon, like a knife, it becomes a very deadly situation. I am going to try and put as much distance between the attacker and myself as quickly as possible and use whatever force is necessary to do so.

By the way, I get more stress from illegal immigrants in my country driving without car insurance and milking my taxes left and right.

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

I don´t carry a gun, but i know self defense tactics, twice they have tried to mug me, first time i disarmed the guy and broke his face, second time one fought back and i had to break his arm and leg.
Impressive, how does your mother, sister or wife defend themselves against someone twice their size when they are unarmed?
A firearm is an equalizer it gives everyone the power to inflict instant deadly force. Many cannot defend themselves against attackers and will lose (possibly their life). Everyone should have the right to defend themselves, not just the healthy and fit. You never know what is going to happen, and hand-to-hand combat will not always win. Either will a gun, but I have both and then some.

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

I have done some sport shooting, and i like it, but that will not make me go gun shopping.
What are you allowed to own in your country and what is the process to obtain a legal firearm?

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

For me, someguy that has to carry a gun to feel himself safe, is a coward.
I do not carry a gun because I am worried about an internet Chuck Norris physically attacking me. I carry a gun to meet force with force. You can tell us about your super ninja like reflexes all day long, but the fact is you cannot always defend yourself, or somebody else, against an attacker with your bare hands. I refuse to let someone else dominate a situation because they are armed. I used a firearm of mine once during a dog attack. The outcome could have been much different if I did not have the firearm accessible. I for one am grateful I have the right and ability to carry a firearm for whatever reason I want to.

Do you feel the same way about people who carry edged weapons or non-lethal devices?

Last edited by west-phoenix-az (2007-05-17 22:24:52)

west-phoenix-az wrote:

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

having an assault gun at home is for crazy people.
An assault rifle is capable of select fire (semi-auto and full auto).
Many people think "evil black rifles" (AR's) and AK's are assault rifles, most in the US are not.
The media has brainwashed people into thinking anything that looks like an AK or AR is fully-auto.
Fully-autos require registration, tax and the very high cost of the firearm itself.
When you look at the estimates of firearms in the US, the percentage of fully-autos is extremely low.
Hopefully the ban will be reversed some day and more of us could afford and enjoy them.

Why do you think an "assault gun" is for crazy people?
Do you think sports cars are for crazy people too?
I mean, who needs a car capable of going over 40 mphs?
Or radios so loud they bother our neighbors and damage our hearing?
It is a right, which many enjoy and do NOT abuse, so why shouldn't we be able to own them?

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

a pistol is ok, if you have it only for defense.
Why can't we enjoy collecting, target shooting and hunting with it also?

Most anti-gun people I have met have never held a firearm let alone fired one.
That reminds me, check out this video:
She introduces a bill to ban a firearm accessory and she doesn't even know what it is.... I mean seriously WTF
Fof all of you who can't tell the difference between an assault rifle and you rear end:

Last edited by Deadmonkiefart (2007-05-17 22:26:41)

.yag era uoy fi siht deaR

ShattuckES wrote:

Only problem being that the M-16 is illegal for a civilian to own. You can however purchase an AR-15, which has almost exactly the same look, with the only differences being that it can't go into fully auto and it has no bayonet lug.
Im an aussie, so after the port auther masacre all asult rifles have been banned, Im only saying this because the AR-15 that you mentioned was the murderers weapon of choice, also a slower but more powerful AR-10.
So the only firearms we can own and operate are rifles for hunting
+127|6700|Jesus Land aka Canada
hmm it seems a quite...and it is quite nice to see a handful of people are into airsofting YARR! but this thread needs more pics! here is a pic  of me with my ICS mp5 with railing
note: it had been a while for me to get back talking, showing, asking, discussing about guns/rifles in general ...mainly i feel a bit queezy  because of the VTech shooting; i am afraid people might thinking i am would be the next shooter. being asian really did not help.  but then again airsoft is different but you still treat it as a real gun; rememeber the basic rules of handling a rifle: finger off the trigger when your not shooting, safety always on, and only aim at something that you are willing to destroy
now i all i need is a red dot for a weaver type rail...

Last edited by agent146 (2007-05-17 22:53:56)

+1,452|6707|The Gem Saloon

Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

having an assault gun at home is for crazy people.
a pistol is ok, if you have it only for defense.
so an assualt rifle in a house is crazy, but a handgun is acceptable?
i fail to see your way of thinking on that one.
if either of those are used for home defense, that owner has a serious lack of knowledge, and is really disregarding other peoples safety. anyone that knows their shit will tell you that a shotgun is the only way to go for home defense.

@ the guy that was saying its illegal for an M16 to be owned by a civilian-BULLSHIT!

on topic, not mine but heres some pics and video of me with a scoped G3. … era066.flv

i have some others, but no more of the BF2 guns.
from the game i have fired
M9 (boo)

probably some more i cant think of right now.
Guns don't kill people. . . joe bidens advice does

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

So the only firearms we can own and operate are rifles for hunting
How do they define "hunting rifle". Any rifle can be for hunting. Many here in the US use ARs for hunting. They use them for a number of reasons; a few are:
Variety and availability of parts
Quick and easy modifications, including converting to different calibers for different game
Easy or operation and maintenance
The AR style rifle is probably the most customized/customizable firearm on the planet.

Appearance really plays a big role on what people think is dangerous.
Education of firearms really changes a lot of people's opinions of them, too bad your people will probably never get these wonderful firearms back.

Here are a few of mine, I really need some new pictures:

Last edited by west-phoenix-az (2007-05-17 22:49:57)
fine. I'll admit it. I own one of those fruity ass velcro bags with a cross on it.

Last edited by DivineMomentofTruth (2007-05-17 23:13:03)


Sgt. Sergio Bennet 3rd wrote:

you just almost proved my point, comparing a gun vs a sports car and a radio.

why do you need an assault gun at home?, if you tell me you live at the middle east i will understand it...

if you are in the olimpics shooting team, i understand.

if you are a policeman, a soldier, or a gangster, well, it comes with the job.

how do you enjoy an assault gun?, you sit on it?, you masturbate just by looking at it?, or, you use it to KILL an innocent animal?, a hunter, blah,  if you are so tough why dont you try to kill the animal with your bare hands?, how about a tiger, a bear?, of course not, you are hiding your weakness and cowardice behind a gun thinking it will make your penis grow bigger. Play gotcha better.

one buys a sports car not for racing, to get babes, of course. Some figure it will extend their penis too.

playing radio loud, well is your ears !!!, and also, the neighbor can call the police to shut you up.

I live in Mexico City, yes, you can buy guns, but only in the black market, and are lousy pistols, assault weapons only the Military, and of course, the drug dealers, and the drug dealers gets them from the US.

Does anyone else find this ironic?
Since day One.
I only own this two little thingys:

T-72 Armor

Mil-24 HIND Helicopter

Nah it was only at some
+1,352|6806|N. Ireland
I don't own anything, although I do want to. Closest I've been to a gun would be me beside my dad firing a shotgun (I don't know which.. it was a 2-barrelled, brown buttplate one though ;P) - gotta love the sound of that.
#1 Commander
i have a blackhawk in the trouser pistol holdster if anyone wants to buy it ?
+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.
Guns are hard to get in Australia. I have fired one gun, but it isn't in BF2. Although, the guy next to me was shooting something that looked strikingly similar to the Scout in CSS
Flamesuit essential

gene_pool wrote:

Guns are hard to get in Australia. I have fired one gun, but it isn't in BF2. Although, the guy next to me was shooting something that looked strikingly similar to the Scout in CSS
I was handling some deactivated rifles of some random sort (they looked semi-auto only), and some people came and showed us army-issue Steyr AUGs, but I don't own one.

You say guns are hard to get?  There's a shop about 15 min from my place, though I don't know about licenses.
+405|6776|A W S M F O X
Licences are way too easy, all you have to do is join a gun club, fire and participate with them for certain amount of time and then you should be eligible for a licence. Or if your on a farm its twice as easy, just say you need it for shooting cattle, pigs, rats etc etc etc
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR

some_random_panda wrote:

gene_pool wrote:

Guns are hard to get in Australia. I have fired one gun, but it isn't in BF2. Although, the guy next to me was shooting something that looked strikingly similar to the Scout in CSS
I was handling some deactivated rifles of some random sort (they looked semi-auto only), and some people came and showed us army-issue Steyr AUGs, but I don't own one.

You say guns are hard to get?  There's a shop about 15 min from my place, though I don't know about licenses.
You serious? 15 minutes from your place is like 1 and a half hours from my place, what city/town/suburb is this gun shop in?
Don't own any firearms of my own, they're highly illegal here in ye olde England. But I have fired a version of the L85 called the L98, it's a cadet version, it requires you to cock it after every shot. But it's still pretty powerful. Fires the same 5.56 rounds as the standard L85.
I didn't like the post!!!

Remember Gun Control is Hitting Your Target

benelli pump action always in arms reach.

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