
Which medal do you think is most pain in the ass to get???

Medal of Valor47%47% - 88
Combat Action Medal1%1% - 3
Meritorious Service Medal50%50% - 93
Total: 184
Babb Master Flash
Justice for the 96!
+540|6695|Oslo, Norway

Now somebody's gonna say there are tougher medals to achieve, but I consentrated on the ones with 250 hours + other requirements. I didn't put in "Good Conduct Medal" 'cause everyone is capable of getting it. Play for a long time and wack 27 people.

So what do you think???
+1,106|6603|Noo Yawk, Noo Yawk

Meritious Service.

Fook me if I'll ever get 1000 friggin repair points.
What kinda guy are you are?
I said Medal of Valor.  The "250 hours played" is by far the easiest requirement for that one.  30,000 team points?  That should be tough, even for the die-hard medic whores out there (including me).  Then theres the 5,000 driver special ability points.  I know that I have less that 100 in over 100 hours played, so I can't imagine how long that would take.  The flag defense sucks too, seeing as you can't force those and you have to wait for someone to cap flags.  I think the requirements for this one are far beyond any of the others.
.yag era uoy fi siht deaR
I voted for medal of valor, because it requires 100h of commander time and i hate commanding
Babb Master Flash
Justice for the 96!
+540|6695|Oslo, Norway

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

I voted for medal of valor, because it requires 100h of commander time and i hate commanding
I think you mix some medals... 100 hours of commanding is the "Distinguished Service Medal", + 100 hours as Squad leader and 100 hours of Squad member...
scout rush kekeke ^___^
+116|6870|Brisbane, Aus

Null vote, I think sharpshooter infantry medal is the hardest cause of all those hours on all kits you need for the expert badges. (might not be for some people but I don't play more than 3 hour sesions of bf2 a day so it'll be a long time comming for me).

And since I'm 3 days away from the combat action medal lol
it would be the meritorious service medal....especially the 1000 repair points.....
Babb Master Flash
Justice for the 96!
+540|6695|Oslo, Norway

Fenix14 wrote:

Null vote, I think sharpshooter infantry medal is the hardest cause of all those hours on all kits you need for the expert badges. (might not be for some people but I don't play more than 3 hour sesions of bf2 a day so it'll be a long time comming for me).

And since I'm 3 days away from the combat action medal lol
I know that's the toughest one, but this was vote only for the 250h medals.

A quick calculation says that "Sharpshooters Infantery Medal" requires 700h playing + the time you need to get 40 kills in a round. Of course that's the hardest.

Last edited by Babb Master Flash (2007-05-20 22:17:23)

.yag era uoy fi siht deaR

Babb Master Flash wrote:

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

I voted for medal of valor, because it requires 100h of commander time and i hate commanding
I think you mix some medals... 100 hours of commanding is the "Distinguished Service Medal", + 100 hours as Squad leader and 100 hours of Squad member...
Oh.......Yeh, well now that im looking at wiki i still say valor, 30000 team points is alot
Babb Master Flash
Justice for the 96!
+540|6695|Oslo, Norway

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

Babb Master Flash wrote:

Pea....Tear.....Griffen wrote:

I voted for medal of valor, because it requires 100h of commander time and i hate commanding
I think you mix some medals... 100 hours of commanding is the "Distinguished Service Medal", + 100 hours as Squad leader and 100 hours of Squad member...
Oh.......Yeh, well now that im looking at wiki i still say valor, 30000 team points is alot
True... True...  But so is 1000 repair points!
R.I.P. Neda
+456|7142|Grapevine, TX
Got em all, but I did it backwards. I had over 1000 repair points before I had 250 heal or resupply points. Meritorious Service Medal was the last one I received, with the 1000th heal.

Last edited by (T)eflon(S)hadow (2007-05-20 22:35:36)

Meritorious Definatly. Especially when your like me and rarley ever play karkand / armor anymore. In 3 months I've gotten ~200...and I need 178 more till 1,000. (BTW, I only know that cause I started playin with some TA guys @ 380 and they showed me how to stat pad on carrier maps)

Sharpshooter infantry imo was easiest. I am a pretty good commander, pilot, etc, so therefore I would play anti tank or spec ops while I was commanding / flying and I got those 100hrs easy. Now I laugh at all the guys who laughed at me cause I didn't have a single expert badge till about captain. But I got them all within 10 hrs, so boo ya.
Germans did 911
+427|6994|Disaster Free Zone
I have all of them, I'm close to the requirements for a second Medal of Valor and Meritorious Service Medal and a third Combat Action Medal.

Combat Action Medal:
  • Kills: They're not hard to get. You just need a lot of them.
  • The 25 kill streak is also not so hard if you can use any kind of vehicle on the right maps, or just go commander and use arty.
  • This would have to be the easiest of the 3.
Meritorious Service Medal:
  • Resupply is by far the easiest to get. I could get the 1000 resupplies in about 40 Karkand rounds if I wonted to.
  • Heals are a little harder, as many people die before getting healed and it takes longer but still not too hard to achieve especially if you play city maps, or IO.
  • The repairs is by far the hardest. The situations where you can get repairs are rarer and they take longer to get a require more then just trowing a bag around.
  • Again this medal just requires time and dedication, nothing really seems to difficult to get.
Medal of Valor:
  • 5000 Driver Special Abilities: To get this quickly you need to be a good pilot, probably of a chopper. But in a bomber works too. Down side is you could be the best pilot in the world and if you have a gunner that can't shoot it wont help much. There are other ways of getting this, like sitting in tanks, APC or in choppers, planes and letting the pilot get the kills. These methods however will take you much longer to get and are kind of boring.
  • 1000 defend flags: Not to hard. Watch the UAVs and listen to the commander. When your dead check, check the 'squad' tab and you can see what the UAV/spotting is showing. If there's an obvious move by the enemy to a flag, spawn there and defend it. When ever near a flag, look over to see if it is going down, if it is. Go kill the offender and you'll get the defend flags in no time.
  • 30000 team points: take into consideration you already have 5000 from the Driver special abilities and 1000 from the defend flags. That just leaves 24000 you must find other places. If you go medic/support resupplies and/or revive/heals will get you this in no time. Add in some flag caps and kill assists, and don't get TKs and it wont seem so hard. If you are a good pilot, just keep flying with good gunners and you'll get plenty of DSA points.
  • This is by far the hardest of the 3, but again, with dedication and learning different aspects of the game it will only be time which holds you back.

Note: Take in mind these medals are really not for your once weekly casual player as they all require a little more dedication, skill and time to get.
i hate you all

(T)eflon(S)hadow wrote:

Got em all, but I did it backwards. I had over 1000 repair points before I had 250 heal or resupply points. Meritorious Service Medal was the last one I received, with the 1000th heal.
http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:YAp … 191319.png
Wtf do you run around with the wrench all the time?

Why is everybody saying Meritorious Service? If you're going for expert engy combat, you'll wind up getting 1000 repairs easily. Same for Support. Same for Medic. I've already got my 1000 repairs and 1000 resupply's.

I voted for the Medal of Valor. 30,000 team points is gonna take a while, I'm not even halfway there and I've got nearly 400h played. But I guess once I start playing medic I'll be racking in the team points. 5,000 Driver Abilities?? I'm just nearing 1000, and that's after playing engineer and support a whole lot. Guess when I play medic I'll need to drive around a lot. Which is a whole 'nother issue with all the IO servers out there. Flag Defense points are easy, though. They'll come in due time, and I'm already almost there anyway. I figure I'll finish those before any of the other reqs (well except the 250h play time).

Combat Action Medal is not hard at all. It'll come in due time, just like a lot of the medals. So I'm not worried about that one at all.
The one with 100 hours as commander

Last edited by JaggedPanther (2007-05-20 23:10:48)

Babb Master Flash
Justice for the 96!
+540|6695|Oslo, Norway

JaggedPanther wrote:

The one with 100 hours as commander
That's not on the list!!!!
Boat sig is not there anymore
I put in medal of valor, because of the 5000 driver points. Someone mentioned above that you get them if someone in your vehical gets a kill - but are there any other ways of getting them?
Since day One.
I still need like 290 repair points for my medal.
I still need like 1647 kills to get my medal.
I still need like 2756 driver ability points and 914 teamwork points to get my medal.
+1,352|6806|N. Ireland
Sharpshooter, even though it isn't on the list.
I hand out purple hearts like candy
+72|6716|Alberta, Canada
I almost have valor... 90 freaking more drivers to go!!!

But I also say Sharpshooter. I mean, at LEAST 700 hours played. AT LEAST 100 per each kit... That's a while.
i would have had the valor medal hundreds of hours ago if i thought commanding was fun. and everybody gets the combat action medal eventually. the meritorious service medal requires a lot of the most obscure tasks so its def more of a pain in my opinion. but then all of the awards are a pain, im glad i stopped going after them. some of them help u hone different skills, but a lot of them make u just waste time doing easy things that are boring.

cowami wrote:

Fook me if I'll ever get 1000 friggin repair points.
medal of valour

i'v allready got the others

i just cant seem to get driver special ability points

how do i go about getting these?
BF2s' little helper
null'ed.. it totally depends on your personal style!

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