+3|7047|Nambe, New Mexico

Some of you guys take this game waaaaay to seriously, and/or play it too much.

Last edited by Nate_32 (2007-05-21 18:24:15)


10,000 lol i thought my 3700 was getting bad
BF2s Nublet
+71|6752|somewhere other then here
congrats want a user bar sig


Togs8896 is my evil alter ego
+567|6944|New Hampshire, USA

Ssandstorm wrote:

This year has been so great to me. On February 18 I married Kerryn, just recently I was offered my dream job at RSM Bird Cameron (one of the worlds top accounting firms) and just as I thought things couldn't get any better I've gone and topped it all off by reaching my ultimate life goal- 10000 claymore kills in Bf2. I have finally mastered the finest skill in the game and I couldn't be happier.

There are so many people I'd like to thank. My wife and family for being so supportive. All the medic whores and noobs who keep walking into my claymores (gene_pool especially).

Anyone who says claymore users are noobs etc is just jealous of my wonderful achievement. But don't fret. You to can be like Ssandstorm. I'll be posting my guide to claymore pwnage later this year. There is hope for you yet.
I can already hear the distant rumble of flamers on their way...

May god have mercy on your soul
a gaurdian of life
+112|6772|behind my rifle
you ever notice how anything with the sniper kit, turns into a flame war against claymores or just the kit itself?
O' HAL naw!
+470|6891|Columbus, OH

.:ronin:.|Patton wrote:

loubot wrote:

I'd like to say congrats man on the job, beautiful wife, and your aspiring feat in BF2....may another 10,000 infidels perish with your claymore might

Though I played on a Infantry Only server with no claymore was refreshing to turn the corner and not worry if there is a claymore on the other side.
please tell me the server name? i will live on it.
If you are serious

Xtreme Pwnage....should have a broad flicking you off in the banner
Germans did 911
+427|6994|Disaster Free Zone
LOL I'm impressed. 10000 clay kills and only 3500 TKs. When ever I use the fucking thing friendlies are drawn to their charge up super powers. Even when I place them in the most obscure areas where I know an enemy will be coming in the very near future a friendly has to come and set it off first.

To all those haters, its not as bad as you may think.
  • FF (friendly fire) is on.
  • IFF (Identify friendly or foe) is off, so Team mates set them off too.
  • It on maps with vehicles (not IO) (assuming it is on GameArena #12 and #18 as he said).
  • I've tried the whole spam Karkand with clays, it doesn't seem to work (I get fuck all kills and lots of TKs), so he must be doing something right.

I still don't like him

Last edited by DrunkFace (2007-05-21 21:28:16)

+73|7048|Perth, Western Australia

DrunkFace wrote:

LOL I'm impressed. 10000 clay kills and only 3500 TKs. When ever I use the fucking thing friendlies are drawn to their charge up super powers. Even when I place them in the most obscure areas where I know an enemy will be coming in the very near future a friendly has to come and set it off first.

To all those haters, its not as bad as you may think.
  • FF (friendly fire) is on.
  • IFF (Identify friendly or foe) is off, so Team mates set them off too.
  • It on maps with vehicles (not IO) (assuming it is on GameArena #12 and #18 as he said).
  • I've tried the whole spam Karkand with clays, it doesn't seem to work (I get fuck all kills and lots of TKs), so he must be doing something right.

I still don't like him
Yep, 3500 TK's and most of them are purposely killing medics who revive me into more shit so not many are from clays. I'll be posting my guide to claymore whoring at some stage so you and others can get it to work.

Last edited by Ssandstorm (2007-05-22 02:59:28)

+519|6935|Gold coast, Aus.

Ssandstorm wrote:

DrunkFace wrote:

LOL I'm impressed. 10000 clay kills and only 3500 TKs. When ever I use the fucking thing friendlies are drawn to their charge up super powers. Even when I place them in the most obscure areas where I know an enemy will be coming in the very near future a friendly has to come and set it off first.

To all those haters, its not as bad as you may think.
  • FF (friendly fire) is on.
  • IFF (Identify friendly or foe) is off, so Team mates set them off too.
  • It on maps with vehicles (not IO) (assuming it is on GameArena #12 and #18 as he said).
  • I've tried the whole spam Karkand with clays, it doesn't seem to work (I get fuck all kills and lots of TKs), so he must be doing something right.

I still don't like him
Yep, 3500 TK's and most of them are purposely killing medics who revive me into more shit so not many are from clays. I'll be posting my guide to claymore whoring at some stage so you and others can get it to work.
Kewl thanks.
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|7042|Honolulu, HI
What can I say?  These days a Support guy in an IO server can make his way to the top of the list without firing a single shot, what with all the nade spammers and claymore whores needing resupplies.  Take 5 steps into an enemy control point and pray to god (USMC)/Allah (MEC)/Buddha (PLA) that you don't trip over a random claymore...or three.  What sniper needs to pull out his pistol or knife when he can bunnyhop his way around several corners and leave an incendiary surprise behind for anybody stupid enough to try to kill him?  Why would a Medic ever bother reviving a dead teammate 5 meters away when it's so much more "fun" to jump and spam nades over a fence into an enemy spawn?  Hell, why not nerf the guns so that they fire little pink fuzzy balls of lint, and just give every class 50 nades and 10 claymores instead?  That's what BF2 feels like these days.

I guess what I'm trying to say is...congratulations!
+138|6820|New Zealand
You have more nade and clay kills then all weapons put together.  Learn to use a gun or FOAD.

Last edited by aLi3nZ (2007-05-22 03:56:00)

Battlefield 2 killa'
+128|6641|SHAPE, Belgium

Capt.Irviding wrote:

Merlin will PWNZOR you with a claymore.

EDIT: well anyway 10000 is a lot. congrats

Last edited by KrisPOLANDnorwida (2007-05-22 03:59:21)

+73|7048|Perth, Western Australia

aLi3nZ wrote:

You have more nade and clay kills then all weapons put together.  Learn to use a gun or FOAD.
You only play as medic. Learn to use other kits or FOAD.
Beep bep.
+85|6684|Stealth on Grand Bazaar

Jameseyy wrote:

You're a karkand player with 800 hours and 4k claymore kills, but only 373 deaths.

I'm guessing you claymore the shit out of flags and the alleyways around hotel. Making you just as much of a claymore whore, and you're the exact reason snipers on city maps are noobs.
Karkand sucks tbh but I dont have much choice as thats the map most of my clan enjoy. I don't clay the shit outta flags, I put them to cover myself whilst capping or defending and if we are gonna bring in all this shit about snipers and noobs; your a Karkand medic noob so why dont you keep your mouth shut when you obviously cant snipe or learn to not get owned my clays.

Its idiots like you who when it comes to playing whine about snipers cos you get headshotted. Sniping is far more skillful than throwing out clays wherever you go. Funny thing is your a med and yet dont cap flags and have got fuck all teamwork. Your the noob here.

Last edited by nighthawk843 (2007-05-22 04:12:00)


nighthawk843 wrote:

Its idiots like you who when it comes to playing whine about snipers cos you get headshotted. Sniping is far more skillful than throwing out clays wherever you go.
Can you read? am I whining about snipers shooting me in the head? no? And if sniping is far more skillful than throwing out clays, then why are 90% of snipers on city maps throwing out clays and then bunnyhopping around trying to knife people so they'll die and get 2 more clays?
+73|7048|Perth, Western Australia

Jameseyy wrote:

nighthawk843 wrote:

Its idiots like you who when it comes to playing whine about snipers cos you get headshotted. Sniping is far more skillful than throwing out clays wherever you go.
Can you read? am I whining about snipers shooting me in the head? no? And if sniping is far more skillful than throwing out clays, then why are 90% of snipers on city maps throwing out clays and then bunnyhopping around trying to knife people so they'll die and get 2 more clays?
Try to knife people so they'll die? I usually try to knife people so I live and they die.

Last edited by Ssandstorm (2007-05-22 04:15:43)

+138|6820|New Zealand

Ssandstorm wrote:

aLi3nZ wrote:

You have more nade and clay kills then all weapons put together.  Learn to use a gun or FOAD.
You only play as medic. Learn to use other kits or FOAD.
LOL. I guess you havent seen any of my vids, Anti-Tank - PP-19, MP5, DAO, SRAW, ERYX no Scope, Egineer - M11-87, Medic -AK-101, L85A1, Sniper - SVD + L96.

Medic is often the most helpfull kit for the team. I don't see why you  or anyone would have a problem with someone that only plays medic.

Furthermore that isn't even the case with me, you just havent seen my many other accounts such as [M.o.D]aLi3nZ

I just don't understand how dropping clays or spamming nades is fun. They are probably the worst aspects of this game and exploting them the way you do can make for bad game play for others - both team mates and enemy.

Why the **** would you choose this play style unless you can't use a gun? I have done it a bit when I can't be bothered playing properly but So boring imo and you don't even get good kdr and spm doing that.


Last edited by aLi3nZ (2007-05-22 04:32:11)

+73|7048|Perth, Western Australia
The only people who really complain about claymores are those who get owned by them over and over again. If you don't like it be smarter about how you go about playing. Don't rush up the middle all day. Don't revive teammates into more claymores and nades. Nade spamming isn't fun at all but if I've got 4 why shouldn't I throw them. But claymore whoring is incredibly fun. Kill someone with an SVD or nade and then put a claymore on their dead body and take out the person you just killed and 3 noob medics. Repeat for 3 more kills on the noob medics who rush in to revive the other noob medics. Seeing there bodies flying everywhere, the mayhem and the endless kills you get makes it fun.

Also, saying something like "Fuck you fag claymore spammer I'm going to kill you in RL" or " Ssandstorm is such a loser, fucking claymores" etc etc only validates my tactic as it is not only killing you but also angering you enough to type smack instead of killing me and my teammates. Some people should think about that.

Last edited by Ssandstorm (2007-05-22 04:32:10)

the "Commander"
+102|6836|the Netherlands
congrats sniper...

Oh Lord make me the instrument of Peace ....
In the end, you're taking the most overpowered, one-sided tactic that takes the least skill, and exploiting the shit out of it, and boasting. gg, you're the type of person in this world that sucker punches people mid-sentence. Hope you're proud of how you turned out.
+138|6820|New Zealand

Ssandstorm wrote:

The only people who really complain about claymores are those who get owned by them over and over again. If you don't like it be smarter about how you go about playing. Don't rush up the middle all day. Don't revive teammates into more claymores and nades. Nade spamming isn't fun at all but if I've got 4 why shouldn't I throw them. But claymore whoring is incredibly fun. Kill someone with an SVD or nade and then put a claymore on their dead body and take out the person you just killed and 3 noob medics. Repeat for 3 more kills on the noob medics who rush in to revive the other noob medics. Seeing there bodies flying everywhere, the mayhem and the endless kills you get makes it fun.

Also, saying something like "Fuck you fag claymore spammer I'm going to kill you in RL" or " Ssandstorm is such a loser, fucking claymores" etc etc only validates my tactic as it is not only killing you but also angering you enough to type smack instead of killing me and my teammates. Some people should think about that.
Invincible Gaymores would be fine if they could be destroyed by nades, n00b tube, c4 or artillery. But the fact they were made invincible and are so bs sensitive it just pisses me off.  I don't get killed by them often at all, but even 1 death by claymore in a round with out a revive  is enough to rage me sometimes. Too much of a perfectionist.

If you see a agressivly placed claymore from a teammate and there is a medic around. Pls jump on them and punish. Clay spammers don't deserve to be on the server.

You do reliase that blocking entrances and forcing teammates to go another way can sometimes get us killed?

Last edited by aLi3nZ (2007-05-22 04:47:44)

Alright, you're good to go!
+124|7042|Honolulu, HI
It's "angering" not because of the reasons you cite, but rather because it's ridiculously fucking cheap.  I don't get pissed off when I lose a gunfight.  I don't even get upset when arty lands on my head, or a T-90 finds me and shells me to oblivion.  I got caught with my pants down, by an enemy soldier, the commander's arty, the tank driver.  But when I trip over a goddamn claymore I didn't get a chance to defend myself at all.  And that goes double for cheap tactics like laying a claymore on a dead enemy's body to nail the medic who'll come to revive him.  It's already bad enough dying in a sea of Medics only to have none of them revive you.  Why discourage them further?  Why punish him for doing, essentially, what his kit was MADE for?

As for the other argument about the allegedly stupid people who get upset over finding the claymores over and over again, well, can you blame them?  You can't take out enemy clays with grenades anymore.  FF is off in 90% of the IO servers I've seen, which means the goddamn things are everywhere.  They seem to always be placed near the flag, and this might amaze you, but you need to cap the flags to win!  The only defense against the claymore is spotting it, figuring out which side is the deadly side, finding an Engineer and telling him to go around to the non-deadly side and disarm it.  How many Engineers do you see playing on the IO servers?

So grats on 10k claymore kills.  Most of us would have resorted to retarded things like actually using the guns or something long before then.
+73|7048|Perth, Western Australia

[QXJZ]Capt_Kefra wrote:

And that goes double for cheap tactics like laying a claymore on a dead enemy's body to nail the medic who'll come to revive him.  It's already bad enough dying in a sea of Medics only to have none of them revive you.  Why discourage them further?  Why punish him for doing, essentially, what his kit was MADE for?
Because he's the enemy and it's my job to kill him. Thats a very strange question you asked there.
+73|7048|Perth, Western Australia

Jameseyy wrote:

In the end, you're taking the most overpowered, one-sided tactic that takes the least skill, and exploiting the shit out of it, and boasting. gg, you're the type of person in this world that sucker punches people mid-sentence. Hope you're proud of how you turned out.
Are you kidding? The tactic that takes the least skill is medic whoring, which you confess to be one. And how someone plays a computer game is no reflection on what kind of life they live or how they treat others. Final note to Jameseyy, just a game. Don't have a coronary.
Alright, you're good to go!
+124|7042|Honolulu, HI
Fine, then whip out the knife or the pistol, or god forbid, the sniper rifle, and do it.  Use the claymore how it was intended and protect your rear with it.  You know, the ladder of the building, or the sandbags of the back spawns, where you're supposed to be sniping from?

Oh right, I forgot.  You're useless in actual gunfights so why not spam claymores, die and respawn with two more instead?

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